Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

PERSONA - solusi pengelolaan identitas berbasis blockchain yang aman dan lengkap


Artikel ini menjelaskan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh berbagai organisasi sehubungan dengan proses dan solusi KYC yang diajukan oleh Persona. Persona adalah solusi pengelolaan identitas berbasis blockchain yang memungkinkan individu untuk dengan mudah memperbarui data bersama mereka dengan berbagai pihak ketiga serta mengurangi upaya klien perusahaan agar data mereka tetap up-to-date.

Persona menggunakan teknologi ARCH blockchain dan teknologi state-of-the-art lainnya untuk menawarkan solusi identitas yang aman dan lengkap. Produk ini sesuai dengan persyaratan GDPR dan menyediakan sarana penyimpanan, berbagi, dan pengolah data yang aman.

Persona dirancang sebagai aplikasi terdesentralisasi tanpa satu titik kegagalan, menyimpan semua catatan terenkripsi Individu memiliki kendali atas rincian rincian yang ingin mereka bagikan, dengan siapa mereka membaginya dan untuk berapa lama. Dengan diluncurkannya Bitcoin pada akhir tahun 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto menawarkan sekilas teknologi yang mendasari desentralisasi jaringannya, blockchain.

Tujuan utama Persona adalah:

  • Untuk memanfaatkan identitas layanan manajemen bagi individu berdasarkan teknologi blockchain yang dapat ditawarkan.
  • Untuk melindungi detail pribadi individu. Meskipun jelas bahwa individu perlu memberikan rincian ke berbagai entitas mereka.
  • tidak memiliki kontrol atas hal itu setelah itu berbagi. Persona menempatkan orang kembali ke kursi pengemudi.
  • Memberdayakan setiap orang dan memberi mereka kekuatan atas apa yang dibaginya dan dengan siapa ketika menyangkut identitas dan detail pribadi mereka.
  • Mengizinkan pihak ketiga yang dipercayakan dengan detail pribadi memperkaya layanan mereka dengan menawarkan kepercayaan sebagai layanan.
  • Untuk mencegah berita palsu, dengan menyediakan sistem manajemen identitas yang terdesentralisasi, Persona akan memberikan tingkat kepercayaan yang kita semua butuhkan saat mengandalkan berita Berdasarkan profil Persona publik dari setiap pencipta, kita bisa melacak berita tersebut ke sumbernya.
  • Untuk merampingkan proses onboarding karena seseorang mungkin telah diperiksa oleh beberapa entitas yang terdaftar dalam sistem.

Poin utama yang ditawarkan oleh teknologi blockchain:

1. Ganti si perantara: Tidak perlu sisi terpercaya, yang bisa dan bisa dipercaya oleh kedua pihak yang terlibat dalam transaksi.

2. Desentralisasi: tidak ada satu titik kegagalan, saat menyerang
jaringan hampir tidak mungkin

3. Kekekalan: catatan yang ditulis dalam blockchain ada selamanya,
tidak bisa diubah

Persona menggunakan fitur blockchain, memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menawarkan layanan KYC kepada pihak ketiga dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari layanan masing-masing. Verifikasi Prosesnya memiliki dua tingkat: Community and Professional KYC.

Jenis Persona KYC
Tingkat pertama diwakili oleh masyarakat dimana identitasnya diperiksa oleh
teman sebaya. Ini adalah usaha bersama, di mana orang didorong untuk memvalidasi identitas masing-masing. Mereka harus memastikan keaslian dokumen dan identitas orang yang mengajukan permohonan peninjauan. Orang yang menawarkan layanan verifikasi akan ditampilkan di situs web Persona. Mereka akan diberi imbalan untuk layanan verifikasi dengan menerima PRS. Ambang untuk verifikasi diilustrasikan di bawah ini

Instruksi dibagi menjadi beberapa tingkatan, berdasarkan jumlah verifikasi yang mereka berikan. Persentase maksimum yang dapat seseorang dapatkan dengan verifikasi oleh masyarakat adalah 90%. Sisanya 10% hanya bisa dicapai begitu mitra swasta (institusi, penyedia utilitas atau perusahaan) mengakui validitas data.

Berdasarkan aktivitas dan saham Persona mereka, individu yang memverifikasi layanan tersebut kepada orang lain, bisa naik hingga 30%. Ini berarti seseorang hanya dapat melihat 3 orang yang dapat menawarkan tingkat persetujuan 30% untuk mencapai tingkat verifikasi 90%.

Daftar dokumen yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan KYC adalah:
  • ID atau paspor atau dokumen yang dikeluarkan pemerintah (dokumen asli)
  • Salin atau gambar ID anda
  • Pernyataan bank atau faktur yang membuktikan di mana Anda tinggal
Dokumen-dokumen tersebut kemudian akan disimpan di IPFS dan ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak checker dan cek, setiap kali orang tersebut diperiksa. Profesional KYC mewakili proses yang dialami individu saat melibatkan entitas yang memerlukan proses verifikasi identitas. Entitas ini, sekali.

Teknologi Arsitektur (desain blockchain)
Persona akan menggunakan teknologi Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) untuk mengelola izin pengguna, transaksi persetujuan dan bukti identitas. Kami akan menyebarkan blockchain kami sendiri, yang disebut "The Persona Blockchain" yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut:

  • DPOS blockchain dengan 51 delegasi cabang dari capchain ark (ark.io)
  • Blockchain akan bersifat publik dan akan menampilkan interoperabilitas dengan blokade lainnya melalui Smart Bridges. Smart Bridge memungkinkan blockchains untuk berkomunikasi antara informasi yang saling berhubungan dan sebaliknya didistribusikan.
  • Persona akan mengintegrasikan secara native, pada tingkat blockchain, sebuah solusi seperti dokumen berbagi IPFS dan file antar pengguna.
Kasus penggunaan GDPC Persona

GDPR mewakili Regulasi Eropa, yang maksudnya adalah untuk memperkuat, menyatukan dan bertindak sebagai penyeimbang pada perlindungan data untuk semua individu di tingkat Eropa. Ini dipilih dan diadopsi pada bulan April 2016 dengan masa transisi 2 tahun, efektif mulai 25 Mei 2018.

Kemungkinan konsekuensi ketidakpatuhan terhadap GDPR bagi perusahaan adalah:

1. Posisi dan Ketrampilan Risiko - Penerapan peraturan GDPR dengan kewajiban yang ditetapkan untuk menginformasikan pihak berwenang saat ada data Pelanggaran terjadi, akan menghasilkan peningkatan aktivitas penegakan hukum. Yang pertama terkena adalah posisi pasar dan reputasi perusahaan, yang akan dikompromikan.

2. Risiko Geografis - Peraturan baru mencakup semua perusahaan dan
organisasi yang menawarkan barang dan / atau jasa ke pasar UE atau itu
pantau perilaku warga UE untuk menawarkan barang dan / atau jasa. Disini juga disertakan semua perusahaan analisis data

3. Sanksi - Sanksi yang signifikan sampai dengan 4% dari omset global tahunan atau € 20 Juta, mana yang lebih besar akan berlaku untuk perusahaan yang gagal mematuhi peraturan baru GDPR.

Jadwal penjualan Kalender / Token
  • Penjualan Pribadi: 15.12.2017-15.01.2018
  • Penjualan Umum I: 23.01.2018-30.01.2018
  • Penjualan Umum II: 01.02.2018-08.02.2017
  • Penjualan Umum III: 09.02.2017-16.02.2018
  • Distribusi Token: 30.03.2018
Persona Token (PRS)
Jumlah token unggulan akan 100,000,000 PRS. Harga untuk satu PRS token adalah $ 0,2 Total alokasi untuk 100.000.000 PRS adalah:

70.000.000 PRS dialokasikan untuk TGE. 15.000.000 PRS dialokasikan ke tim yang terdiri dari para pendiri. token yang dialokasikan ke tim akan diadakan untuk jangka waktu tiga tahun, dipecah menjadi pembayaran tahunan sebagai berikut:
  • 10% dalam genesis;
  • 30% setelah 12 bulan
  • 30% setelah 24 bulan
  • 30% setelah 36 bulan
  • 12.000.000 PRS dialokasikan untuk Dana Startup Persona
  • 1.000.000 PRS dialokasikan untuk penasihat. Token yang dialokasikan ke penasehat harus dipekerjakan dalam jangka waktu 6 bulan
  • 2.000.000 PRS dialokasikan untuk hadiah tersebut
Ada 70.000.000 PRS yang dialokasikan ke TGE, dibagi menjadi satu General Sales and General Sales tiga tahap, seperti yang digambarkan di bawah ini.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi link di bawah ini:

Oleh RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

ArcBlock || The world's first blockchain ecosystem to build and implement decentralized applications


The purpose of this document is to provide a high level technical description of the ArcBlock platform. This assumes that readers have a basic understanding of cloud computing, decentralized applications, and blockchain technology. A list of sources is provided for those who wish to develop a basic understanding of blockchain technology.

The information in this document is intended for informational purposes only. ArcBlock may make improvements or changes to the product, architectural design, or program described in this document at any time without notice.

What is ArcBlock?

ArcBlock is a platform and ecosystem for building and implementing decentralized blockchain applications. The platform goes beyond providing the basic components needed to use blockchain to strengthen complex business rules.

ArcBlock's main goal is to remove a barrier that has slowed the adoption of blockchain among the general public. We are also excited to develop a unique approach that will significantly drive the development of blockchain.

Performance is one of the major challenges facing blockchain technology today. The blockchain that Bitcoin uses is designed to handle seven transactions per second, and Ethereal can handle only a few more things.

Blockchain applications are currently built for some technology users who know how to use them, not mainstream consumers.


The very high cost of using blockchain technology is a major obstacle to mainstream adoption.


Like the early days of any computing technology, blockchains have important "platform lock-in" issues.


People have high hopes for blockchain-news media, evangelists, and journalists paint a bright future for decentralized apps for the public, especially with the increasingly high crypto prices in crucial.


ArcBlock solves this problem through its revolutionary new design. Unlike its predecessor, ArcBlock is a platform service, not a standalone software package or a set of APIs.

Introduction of ArcBlock to Open Chain Access Protocol allows open connectivity through several blockchain protocols. Developers now have the freedom to evaluate blockchain protocols, and even.

ArcBlock platform service is not our own creation. It's developed by the ArcBlock community-we've just started a new blockchain revolution. Introduction to ArcBlock on Open.

In addition to solving the general problems described above, building and implementing decentralized blockchain applications with ArcBlock has significant advantages over the vendor specific frameworks available on the market today.


The ArcBlock design is based on the following core principles:

  • The user experience comes first.
  • Performance is important.
  • The system will be built with open standards.
  • This system will build an Incentive-based economy.


The ArcBlock Platform introduces a series of revolutionary technologies designed to mainstream blockchain applications by making them easy to use by the average consumer.


Our open source protocol provides an abstract layer to access the underlying blockchains.


Blocklet is a computational architecture component without a server to run different types of applications.


Blocklet Components are pre-built blocks that form the foundation of the ArcBlock platform.


The distributed messaging system supports pub / sub and acts as an API gateway for Blocklet.


ArcBlock comes with a token economic manager that can be customized for applications built on platforms.


The Open Chain Access Layer defines a high-level generic API that enables open connectivity and access to various blockchain protocols. This layer is supported by a Chain Adapter below the layer. Each Chain Adapter is implemented for certain blocking protocols.


The distributed messaging system supports pub / sub and acts as an API gateway for Blocklet. The ArcBlock Gateway uses a decentralized design and secure communication channel. Your app will run in web browsers and mobile apps, giving users active and real-time experience.


Gateway API is very important in microservice architecture. Gateway API is a façade that provides a simple API interface to complex subsystems. This basically separates the interface that clients see (in our case consumer APIs, which can be mobile apps, web clients, or thin clients) of the underlying implementation.

Gateway supports various network protocols by default, including WebSocket, DDP, HTTPS, and MQTT. Advanced developers can extend gateways with new network protocols to fit their needs.


Publish-subscribe is a message pattern where the message sender (publisher) categorizes messages published to the class without knowing which customers will receive it, if any.

The publish-subscribe pattern is the brother of the message queuing paradigm. This is usually one part in a larger messaging middleware system. Most messaging systems support pub / sub queue models and message queues in their APIs.


We use a completely decentralized design to implement and simplify cloud services. ArcBlock's API Gateway can be used out-of-the-box with zero-run configuration only and will do its magic. It also comes with name-based addressing, groups (ie automatic load balancing), and perfect confidentiality (all network traffic is encrypted).


While the ArcBlock core component is not designed to handle media and assets, Blocklets can be used to handle them with support from other systems. Blocklets can also help you create off-chain data, or verify off-chain data with on-chain data.


ArcBlock provides libraries and frameworks for client application development. This library supports web, iOS, and Android platforms. With Electron Framework11, web versions can be easily encapsulated and packaged as desktop applications for Windows and Mac OS.

Our design allows developers to work with their favorite frameworks and tools so they can take advantage of community resources and support:


Algorand was founded by Silvio Micali, the winner of the ACM Turing Award 2012. Micali is a pioneer in cryptococcal and blockchain technology. He was instrumental in the development of many cryptographic building blocks, published works on game theory and the Byzantine Agreement, and even launched startup micropayments. When Micali saw Bitcoin, he thought it could be fixed:

The algorithm is the result of the search.



Official website:

Website: https://www.arcblock.io/
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2704656.0
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18355951
Telegram: https://t.me/ArcBlock
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/arcblock.io/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArcBlock_io
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/arcblock
Github: https://github.com/arcblock
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arcblock/

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51


Apa artinya itu sebenarnya?

Pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto menerbitkan kertas putih Bitcoin asli, yang menyatakan sebagian:

Yang dibutuhkan adalah sistem pembayaran elektronik berdasarkan bukti kriptografi dan bukan kepercayaan, memungkinkan dua pihak yang saling terkait untuk bertransaksi secara langsung satu sama lain tanpa memerlukan pihak ketiga yang terpercaya."

Pada bulan Januari 2018, apakah yang biasanya kita temukan? Kita tidak. Sebagian besar transaksi Bitcoin berlangsung melalui sentralisasi terpusat atau terpusat atau jenis "pihak ketiga yang terpercaya".

Menurut pendapat tim Bitcoin Atom, ini secara langsung meniadakan tidak hanya visi asli Satoshi Nakamoto, namun yang lebih penting lagi, ini secara langsung mengurangi kekuatan dan potensi Bitcoin untuk menjadi perubahan revolusioner yang benar-benar berdampak positif, secara harfiah, bermiliar-miliaran orang, dari waktu ke waktu

Tentang Bitcoin Atom

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) adalah Segwit yang mengaktifkan garpu Bitcoin dengan swap atom on-chain di papan dan konsensus hibrida. Atomic Bitcoin memungkinkan pertukaran aset digital terdesentralisasi dengan memanfaatkan kontrak hash-time hash (HTLC) dan API HTLC-nya sendiri, yang memberikan kebebasan dari perantara dan entitas terpusat.

Tim pengembangan Bitcoin Atom bekerja pada toolkit khusus untuk pertukaran jaringan on-chain dan off-chain, yang memungkinkan pertukaran semua kripto di jalur yang tidak nyaman di berbagai blok. Jaringan petir berjejer off-chain dijadwalkan diluncurkan pada 2018.

Bagaimana Kita Mengembalikan Aspek Peer-to-Peer (P2P) dari Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) mengembalikan aspek peer-to-peer (P2P) dari bitcoin dengan kemampuan Atomic Swaps and Lightning Network yang tertanam langsung ke dalam koin. Per peta jalan kami, tersedia di https://bitcoinatom.io/ beberapa dari kemampuan ini ada di kapal sekarang, dan beberapa akan segera hadir.

Bagaimana Anda Bisa Mendapatkan Atom Bitcoin?

Jika Anda memegang Bitcoin (BTC), Anda bisa mendapatkan jumlah yang setara dengan Bitcoin Atom (BCA) dari salah satu mitra pertukaran atau dompet kami. Dan apakah Anda memegang Bitcoin (BTC) atau tidak, Anda dapat membeli Bitcoin Atom (BCA) dari mitra pertukaran kami. Silakan lihat daftar lengkap mitra pertukaran dan poster Wallet Bitcoin saat ini di https://bitcoinatom.io/

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) adalah salah satu garpu Bitooin yang paling menarik, dan garpu akan segera terbit, di blok Bitcoin # 505888, diperkirakan terjadi pada tanggal 25-26 Januari 2018.

Jika Anda Memegang Bitcoin (BTC), Anda Memenuhi Syarat Untuk 1: 1 Equivalent Bitcoin Atom (BCA)

Jika Anda memegang BTC (Bitcoin), Anda berhak memenuhi syarat untuk jumlah pencocokan 1: 1 dari Bitcoin Atom (BCA).

Bagaimana Anda bisa mengklaim Bitcoin Atom Anda?

Di Bursa

Anda hanya perlu memindahkan BTC ke pertukaran mitra Bitcoin Atom sebelum tanggal fork (25-26 Januari), blok nomor 505888, untuk mengklaim BCA Anda.

Anda Bisa Beli Futures Bitcoin Atom (BCA)

Mitra pertukaran Bitcoin Atom YoBit menawarkan Bitcoin Atom futures. Untuk melihat harga dan grafik, lihat halaman pasar Bitcoin Atom di CoinMarketCap.

Anda Bisa Saya Bitcoin Atom (BCA)

Bitcoin Atom menggunakan algoritma hashing yang sama dengan Bitcoin (BTC), dan dengan demikian, setiap operasi penambangan yang disiapkan untuk menambang BTC disiapkan untuk menambang Bitcoin Atom (BCA). Dan jika layanan penambang awan favorit Anda belum disiapkan untuk BCA, silakan mendorong mereka untuk melakukannya. Beri tahu mereka untuk mengirim email kepada hello@bitcoinatom.io untuk semua detail yang diperlukan.

Anda Bisa Beli Atom Bitcoin di Bursa, seperti Fork (blok Bitcoin # 505888)

Mitra pertukaran Bitcoin Atom akan menawarkan Bitcoin Atom untuk pembelian pada saat garpu. Dan jika pertukaran kriptocurrency favorit Anda belum disiapkan untuk BCA, silakan mendorong mereka untuk melakukannya. Beri tahu mereka untuk mengirim email kepada hello@bitcoinatom.io untuk semua detail yang diperlukan. Daftar mitra pertukaran Bitcoin Atom saat ini terdaftar dan terhubung di atas, dan Anda selalu dapat memeriksa https://bitcoinatom.io/ untuk melihat kapan lebih banyak yang telah ditambahkan.

Jika Anda tertarik dengan datangnya proyek besar ini, saya yakin hidup Anda akan jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Info lebih lanjut:

Website: https://bitcoinatom.io/
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2515675.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atombitcoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/atombitcoin
Telegram: http://t.me/bitcoinatom

Oleh RyanEncek

BTC Alamat: 1BiTuo4kF2tEzqYKUFaLDQzAPKUNbnozsR

Jumat, 26 Januari 2018

BITCOIN ATOM - A Really Decentralized Way To Exchange Digital Assets - With Atom Chain Exchange On Ships

Greetings of the community, hopefully on this blog your search for the Atomic Atomic Bitcoin Atomic Swap project is powerful, Atomic community based can be fulfilled everything, following discussion:

Bitcoin Atom discusses the issues that are currently gripped by the world's most famous Blockchain. Of course it is Bitcoin. Bitcoin has since emerged from the scene, revolutionized, for having removed the mediators from the whole story, the fact that instant and inexpensive transactions have taken place, and the inability to fight the currency. All of this inspires the expansion we see today.

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) presents a completely decentralized way to exchange digital assets - with the exchange of chain atoms on board. Using its built-in hash time-locked (HTLC) contract and its own HTLC API, Bitcoin Atom is trying to interfere with the way we exchange current emergency crypts, which provides the freedom of intermediaries and centralized entities.

We believe that most cryptocurrency trades should be carried out on the chain in a decentralized way, in accordance with the original Bitcoin approach to transact in a totally unbelieving environment.

Atomic Swaps (AS), which is currently implemented through an on-chain HTLC network and potentially via an off-chain Lightning (LN) network, brings the ability to exchange assets directly between blockbars without the intermediaries involved. This capability is called cross-linking atoms, and we propose Bitcoin Atom support for it in essence, by bringing the US API and a set of cross-trading utilities to the original Bitcoin core software and sending them to BCA.

Trading on centralized exchanges is a popular topic among members of the crypto-kurra community, especially with the increasing volume of trading and crypto prices led by Bitcoin. However, discussions can often revolve around the issues facing bourse users, due to the number and complexity of the steps involved, and the issues that can arise.

Typical trading processes on third-party exchanges include the following steps:

  • Registration
  • Verification
  • Verification process
  • Deposit your exchange account
  • Make a reservation
  • Make a withdrawal
  • Withdrawal process
  • Accept coins

All of these Steps can take a lot of time, usually from 3 to 5 business days, depending on the provider of the exchange.

Now let's take a closer look at the process of crypto exchange that is being done through Atomic Swaps:
  • Place your order inside your knot
  • Request Crypto Disorder
You You can easily open your ATOM BITCOIN node and immediately place a sell / buy order without any hassles or intermediaries.

Key Benefits of Atom Swap Above Better Trading Centralized Stock Removes delays (caused by missing deposit / withdrawals, server downtime, etc.):
  • RETENTION your private key, preventing the possibility of losing your coins (ie Mount Gox).
  • MINIMIZE potential security breach.
  • Keep your personal identity (without any verification process).
  • DECENTRALIZE entire trading process so it is very peer-to-peer.
  • REDUCE trading costs to a minimum.
Bonus for Bitcoin Holders

All Bitcoin holders who have their private key at the time of fork (block TBA number) will receive Bitcoin Atom for 1 BTC = 1 BCA. You need to control your Bitcoin private key to claim and transact Bitcoin Atom.

Bitcoin Atom is a Bitcoin blockchain fork with a major protocol upgrade that will occur in mid-December (block number TBA). On a number of predefined blocks, the original BTC block will be attached to BCA, and any transactions since it will be completely separated on the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Atom networks. At that time, Bitcoin Atom will live on the mainnet and become a fully functional crypto.

  • Ticker Symbol:
  • Maximum BCA: 21 Million
  • Distribution: Mining, Minting, Claiming
  • PoW Algorithm: SHA256
  • PoW Block Interval: 10 Minutes
  • PoS Block Interval: 10 Minutes
  • Block size (actual): 1M (2-4M)
  • Adjustment difficulty: 2 weeks
  • Average Tx confirmation time: 5 Minutes
  • Swap atoms: Yes
  • Segwit: Yes
  • Re-protection: Yes
  • Unique address format: Yes

more info:

Website: https://bitcoinatom.io/
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2515675.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atombitcoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/atombitcoin
Telegram: http://t.me/bitcoinatom

By RyanEncek

BTC Address: 1BiTuo4kF2tEzqYKUFaLDQzAPKUNbnozsR

Selasa, 23 Januari 2018


Sa ogromnom fluktuacijom vrednosti uspostavljenih kriptokutencija u poslednjih nekoliko nedelja 2017. godine, jedno se čudi zašto bi željeli uložiti u takav rizični poduhvat koji bi mogao biti sličan kockanju na stolu sa velikim ulogom. Čak i ako bi vodeće kriptokvučnosti kao što su Bitcoin ili Ethereum trebalo da dostignu USD 30,000 i USD $ 1,500 respektivno, dobitak je 100%. Nije to što je loša investicija, već veoma rizična. Investicija koju bi, ako bi neko trebao da uzme, možda želi da mu se pruže druge opcije. Sa zemljama koje žure da regulišu trgovinu nekim od vodećih kriptokutencija, sigurno bi došlo vreme kada će svi navedeni listovi videti malo širiti u kretanju svojih vrednosti. Zaista, kao što su Bitcoin, Litecoin i Ethereum svi su imali dobar trčanje 2017. godine, oni su bili vodeći pioniri, ali su tako ... 2017. Dođite 2018. vreme je da potražite drugu kriptocutnu investiciju koja će dati ista vrsta povratka kao i ove druge kriptokvučnosti u 2017. godini.

Upisati DRG ili Dragon Coin, Bitcoin iz 2018. godine, ima za cilj smanjenje provizije od 5%, u milijardi dolara visoke industrijske industrije kazina, ova kriptocurrency je uzbudljiva i stvarna upotreba. Sve kazine zavise od VIP-a za više od 50% prihoda. Svake nedelje, ovi elitni kockari ili VIP putuju u Makao da se kladuju na milione dolara preko VIP stolnice rezervisane za minimalnu ulogu od najmanje 1 milion dolara.

Kako onda ovi igrači unose i izlaze iz miliona dolara da kockaju? To obično uređuju Junkets koje uzimaju rezanje od 5% -7%. A ako bi igrači pobijedili, plaćat će i još 5% -7% da se novac vrati u svoju zemlju. DRG će se uvesti kako bi se prekinula ta marža. Uz stotine miliona dolara koje se svake sedmice pretvaraju samo u Makao, upotreba u stvarnom svijetu je neposredna. DRG ima za cilj ovu širinu i uvede 1% naknadu za prenos novca u i iz nje. Zašto se Junkets i igrači ne bi podjednako pretplatili na ovo? Sačuvaće ih nekoliko stotina hiljada do nekoliko miliona dolara po transakciji. Ovakva digitalna transakcija daje vlasniku novca povratnicima igračima i poboljšava efikasnost i sigurnost svojih novca izuzetno. Konverzija miliona u njihov digitalni novčanik kroz tehnologiju blokiranja i zatim pretvaranje nazad u bilo koju valutu koju preferiraju sa lakoćom biće prodajna tačka za DRG.

Za razliku od kriptocutnih novčanih novca, kada špekulacija nestane i posle meseci i meseci pokušavanja da pronađu stvarnu transakciju, one obično izlaze. Ali DRG je već potpisao nekoliko ugovora sa Junkets-om u Makaou i odmah će se koristiti odmah nakon lansiranja ICO-a. Potencijal DRG-a je ogroman i sigurno će biti digitalni novčić koji će pobediti 2018. godine i šire.

Više informacija:

ANN THREAD = https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2524680
WEBSITE = https://www.drgtoken.io/
WHITEPAPER = https://s3.amazonaws.com/drg-token/Whitepaper-Dragon.pdf
TELEGRAM = https://t.me/joinchat/FSgY4RI3tNfalmD2sbIZRg
REDDIT = https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonDRG
DISCORD = https://discordapp.com/invite/CtUGXBC

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51



The Better Betetting Foundation relies on efficient technical implementation to achieve its goal of providing Pool Global Betting. Along with the development of business needs, a technical inquiry is conducted to find the optimal technical solution. Basically, it is intended to provide a group of global liquidity betting for the use of targeted marketers and balticars. In principle, everyone can make a betting offer based on a real sporting event, which is more traditionally known as a bet.

Each betting bet will be grouped by market and event and listed in the searchable directory. Bookmakers who want to place bets can then search in the directories and find the bets they want. The betting procedure includes the blocking of Ethereal to keep a betting agreement that also holds shares and liabilities in escrow - the system will use self-issued bets (BETRs). When the event is over, event-related bets can be completed. To settle the bet, the result of the selection must be determined.

The smart bet agreement will contain information about the parties that will deliver the results of the selection. In the case of a bet this betting book is generally Bet Offer Creator (bet bet). The second solution is to refer third parties to the results (this may be a data feed) or to mark a special node of the third node that is a node - will be completed according to a set of rules that are based on all similar settlements.

One application and two connected systems

Ethereum Network will be used to manage betting agreements and BETR tokens and interfaces with other systems above it to offer UX to bidders and bid gamers by launching betting listings as distributed bundles. This system is called "Better Betting Node" (BBN).

BBN is a download application installed on the user's device and contains the ethereum wallet. This is similar to blockchain applications as it does without central servers and nodes communicating with each other to maintain database status. BBN does not need to store data for an indefinite period, which is one aspect that distinguishes it from standard block networks where every node (or mine) stores a full copy of the transaction book.

How it works for everyone

There are two sides to bet. Under our terms, we invite the party who created (or placed) Bet 11 bid BET CREATOR. Traditionally it would be a sports book, but in our case, everyone could be the creator of Bet. On the other hand, the party that offered the offer (or part of it) is called BETTOR.

From the point of view of Bettors, they basically want to see a list of sporting events and betting opportunities with accessible obstacles and restrictions. Betting may be made by selecting a bet option and applying the bet amount. For CREATOR BET they want to create a Bet range of betting opportunities, options and limitations (maximum exposure to risk) and place them in the betting catalog so that Bettors can choose them as above. It is anticipated to create a standard BBN API that allows Creator Bet to directly integrate with its own systems and thus offers automatic creation of creations.

Above all, this system needs to know when a sports event is scheduled and when the results are out. To do this, the same API available for sports books can be used to connect samples of BBN and data feed providers. This will make it easier to create automated events, markets, and selections and can also facilitate results. One of the main features of the directory is to provide event ID, market, and selection so that event data may be paired with bookmakers. The Event ID contains the Primary Feed ID and may contain the Creator ID.

The structure of three layers of BBN

To provide a technical solution to these requirements, it is considered a three-tiered application that can be described in the following way:

ICO and sale of tokens
At least $ 2 million, at most $ 30 million, will be raised through token publishing. This fund will be used for

  • Better development and release of the bet protocol
  • Development and open source software dapps and nodes
  • Marketing to key stakeholders and consumers
  • Legal and administrative expenses

The online gambling industry was missing some time new ideas. Betting is mainly for bookmakers, payment methods are outdated and players who win are regularly restricted or banned. There is a lack of security, lack of privacy, excessive fees and low wages, all these factors are elements that discourage gambling or lead to illegal gambling.

Solution - Why BETR betting is better
BETR is different. It is a crypto-currency bet that will establish a decent decentralized bet on online betting. With BETR, which provides financial security, real bets between the same are provided on the Internet with entities that do not have a previous connection. Using a blockchain we can offer sportsbook buyers who work without people or companies in the middle. The system is safe, software and transactions are probably fair and robust. Add the ease of paying bets with BETR money and the fact that you can bet more bets and you can see why BETR betting is the destination of the bet.

  • Advantages
  • Betting from peers to peers without a central bet
  • Applicable for other activities
  • Open Source Systems
  • Access to the most important bets - wholesale sales
  • Probably fair and inexhaustible
  • There is no risk for subfunded buyers
  • Funding for betting
  • Direct access to benefits

Although parties can remain anonymous, they intend to integrate this system with existing books or sports exchanges. In this case. Betting may require an account with another person - the bets offered may be marked as requiring an account and authentication.
Finally, the protocol will include a distributed authentication system in order to facilitate the offer of roles by the players who need the player's account.

General market
By the end of 2017, the global regulated and unregulated gambling industry is expected to reach $ 533 billion, and sports betting is expected to become the biggest contributor. This represents an increase of 47% compared to $ 363 billion recorded a decade earlier in 2007, according to Global Consultants for betting and games.
The value of international online betting on the betting market is worth 205 billion dollars, according to a statement by the Statisticians, and the gross betting result of the world football industry is expected to reach 80 billion dollars.
According to Technaviou, the online game industry grew at a significant speed between 2010 and 2016, and is expected to keep its growth rate over the next five years.

The system will be financed by issuing a betting bonus (BETR). BETR will be limited to the total number of tokens that may exist and will be issued in accordance with the following schedule:

650,000,000 Tokens - the BETR amount is limited and can not be increased after the ICO.

Design and installation
October 30, 2017 - Preparation for Launch, PR, Corporate Technology.

General sales
December 15, 2017 - Start general sales

Running betting API started
March 2018 - The initial betting API defines the Token Encapsulates API. Bets can be set using tags

Authentication and identification
July 2018 - Launching the applied authentication layer Introduction

Bookmaker Dapp
September 2018 - The reference code for the Book application is published

Directory V2
October 2018 - Real decentralization comes in the catalogs

Launching and presenting
November 22, 2017 - public notice, the site is active, active marketing begins. Presales started to establish. Count to general sales.

Token can be sold
January 2018 - Late completion of public sale if not completed before, a token can be traded within 2 weeks

Directory V1
May 2018 - The first version of Better Betting Node has been released

Check our link address:

WEBSITE: https://betterbetting.org/
WHITEPAPER: https://betterbetting.org/BETTER_BETTING_Foundation_White_Paper.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2582662
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2633589.0

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Rabu, 17 Januari 2018

NETWORKUNIT - The Unique Mining Process With Two Very Different Ways

Greetings of the community, hopefully the Reviews on this NetworkUnit project can fulfill your search and for that following the discussion:


Network units are a way to Design multiplayer games and give developers an easy way to integrate multiplayer functionality. We will use the Ethereal blockchain and its smart contracting functionality to create a platform that lets hardware owners (service providers) share unused Bandwidth and CPU resources with developers who traditionally ask their own servers to drive their multiplayer functionality and get tokens to do so. can get tokens from the platform by connecting their wallets to their game accounts to become active clients. Therefore Network Units have unique mining processes in two very different but interesting ways to get tokens.


Waste Computing Resources

Most personal computers and the computational power and bandwidth of hired servers are not fully utilized. Incorrect server plans require you to subscribe to a plan higher than necessary, or the average computer owner who uses it for web browsing, writing occasional candy papers and games candy are specific examples of this.
Multiplayer functions can be painful and expensive to integrate.

Writing your own network code can be complicated and time-consuming. Managing your own server can be both complicated and costly. As a game developer we understand that the more time you have to work on the creative aspects of the game the better.

Imagine gamers can be complicated Without the right incentivization gamer can quickly get bored with a potentially great game. Multiplayer integration will help but other incentivization rates especially regarding earnings earnings can take longer. Unfortunately this can be a very expensive feature because the developers have to fund it.

This Is Not A Fair Fight

Gamers expect a fair game and a good challenge. Unfortunately, most of them do not get it. Cheating or broken bearded mechanics ruin the entire gaming community. Gamers become demotivated, stopping content spending and full economic potential from missed games.

Big Game Requires Infrastructure Infrastructure

Limited's massive launch of the game could turn the game into a failure. Network latency or down-time kills gaming experience and optimizes resource efficiency makes game development more expensive. Loss of turnover and subsequent damage damage is significant. The 2014 DDOS Xmas attack on Sony is a well-known example of this.


Turning Trash into Treasure

There are a lot of unused processing power and bandwidth out there, Network Units intend to exploit them into blocked, blocked deployed infrastructure used for cost-effective and reliable multiplayer games.

Multiplayer Functions Can Be More Easy And Cheap To Be Integrated.

Easily integrating Unity Asset developers can be freed from having to write complex network code and the infrastructure that drives it. It will be available on the Unity Asset Store which is a very popular third-party market for Unity Engine. This allows faster time to market and save development costs. Additionally, since Network Units rely on processing power and bandwidth that should not be wasted, we can ensure cost-effective solutions that are cheaper than dedicated cloud or hosting providers.

Gamers Can Collect Tokens By Playing

Unique networking units in the sense that the verification process rewards gamers who connect their wallets to their game accounts with tokens as they help verify the service provider. This not only helps increase the number of active users but can encourage new players to your game who are looking for new ways to get tokens and have a lot of fun in the process.

Reputation System

The Network Unit framework will have an integrated cross-platform reputation system. This way when you become a collaborative player in one game, chances are you will match the collaborative players in all the games you play on the NU infrastructure. This reputation system can be used to support communitarians (guilds / clans / alliances) who seek a particular player's style or reputation / minimum score. Our anti-cheating mechanism will be built right into the NU framework and will work hand-in-hand with the reputation system to prevent fraud to fit a fair majority of players.


  • Opening Date Crowdsale
  • 08-11-2017
  • 55 days ago

Crowdsale Closing Date
  • 21-01-2018
  • in 19 days


2015 - Release of Evil Badger Release from Wood Smash 3D on iOS and Android.
2016 - El Mirador release on iOS and Android with VR cardboard support Expansion into Holographic and VR Research & Development for apps, games and entertainment Trial of .netcore eligibility for multiplayer server functionality.
Q1 2017 - Research on Framework of Hosted Multiplayer Research Optimization for Dark Experiences at VR & Holo.
Q3 2017 - UDP library experiment and RUDP Implementation of Spatial Mapping
Zombie Mocap for HoloZombies.
Q4 2017 - Service Provider Provider Proof Network Unit Concept Concept Development Bled of State Political Fighting Game Released to iOS and Android.
Q1 2018 - Smart Start Contract Development for Verification Reputation Networking Framework Evidence Release Concept Demo Get More Programmers as Contractors and / or Staff.
Q2 2018 - UDP and RUDP library conversion to .netcore Viability Studies of TCP integration Early Smart Contract Development for Active Client Verification.
Q3 2018 - Early Smart Contract Development for Standing Command Launch Preliminary Application of Service Providers.
  • Q4 2018 - Release Unity Asset Network Unit with initial Real Action Action Networking function
  • Q1 2019 - Blockchain Storage and Database viability research Flagship Release Release
  • Q2 2019 - Full Integration of RUDP and TCP protocols
  • Q3 2019 - Title of Release of Flag
  • Q4 2019 - Release the Next Phase of Unity Asset Network Units with TCP and / or RUDP functions
  • Q1 2020 - Flagship Title Release


For more details and joining the current NetworkUnit project please follow some of the following links:

Website: https: //networkunits.io/
Whitepaper: https: //networkunits.io/dl/network-units-whitepaper-latest-3.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/networkunits
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/network_units
Telegram: http: //t.me/networkunits

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

FABRIC TOKEN -Gives Easy Access to Blockchain Technology and Intelligent Contracts

Hello everyone, I will introduce about Project Fabric Token and here is the Explanation:

Current blockchain and smart contract technologies are a challenging task because of some integral issues, namely comprehensibility, resource allocation, and intelligent contract development.

The Fabric Token (FT) ecosystem aims to empower individuals and businesses with easy access to blockchain technology and smart contracts by providing easy-to-use software. Products within the FT ecosystem will focus primarily on helping people from the background to create and implement their decentralized applications (DApp), without the specialized computer programming knowledge they typically need.


  1. Accessibility & Financial Inefficiency in Blockchain Adoption & Intelligent Contracts Blockchain and smart contracting technologies are still widely misunderstood and difficult to adopt.
  2. Technical and Financial Challenges for Developing Smart Contracts Developing smart contracts, even with Solidity, presents challenges, both financial and technical.
  3. Current Challenges in Intra & Inter-Organizational Business Processes Business process management, in its current state, has several disadvantages that do not necessarily complicate workflow.
  4. The solutions to the problems listed above and the remainder listed in the White Paper are the Fabric Token ecosystem, which consists of four main components of Token Kain itself, TokenGen, DApp Workbench, and Fabric Store.
  5. Token Fabrics Utility payments in the FT ecosystem. One of the fundamental parts of the FT ecosystem is the Token Kain itself. This will be used as a utility to pay for products and services within the platform. For example, if someone wants to generate smart contract token and fundraiser for their project, in the end, they have to pay a small fee for the Fabric Token in order to gain access to their code.
  6. The Fabrics Shop The market is decentralized for smart contract components. The Fabrics Store will allow third party developers to obtain tokens and build their reputation by completing TokenGen and DApp Workbench with custom made software components. Strictly digital, this will provide an advantageous opportunity for talented programmers, while helping the FT ecosystem develop and provide more possibilities for businesses and individuals.
  7. TokenGen A simple web app for smart contract generation. TokenGen will allow users to generate smart contracts for their tokens and fundraising by going through a simple step-by-step process - choosing token and fundraising functions, filling out details like name and symbol marks, paying FT, before finally getting fully tested and securing code smart contract as specified by the user.
  8. DApp Workbench Platform business applications to combine smart and blockchain contracts into BPM. Jobpk workbench will help organizations develop smart contracts through business process modeling. The app has a drag-and-drop interface, which will use the BPMN 2.0 standard, which allows importing and reusing diagrams created with other compatible BPMN tools.


  • Symbol: FT
  • Name: Token
  • Token Token Type:
  • ERC-20 Platform: Ethics
  • Number of tokens: 100 million FT
  • Available for purchase: 80 million FT
  • Maximum target: 22.829
  • ETH Token Price: 1 ETH = 2,700 FT
  • Purchase Method: ETH
Starts on January 15, 2018 and ends on February 29, 2018

  • Token Distribution
  • 80% will be available for sale to the general public.
  • 12% will go into the Fabric Token core team and will be released after 12 months.
  • 7% will be allocated to the advisor and released after 6 months.
  • 1% will be used for bounty program.
For more information:

WEBSITE: https://fabrictoken.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://fabrictoken.io/media/Fabric-Token-Ecosystem-White-Paper-EN.pdf
TOKEN SALE: https://fabrictoken.io/token-sale/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/fabric_token
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/fabric_token

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Bitkom adalah proyek yang dibuat oleh orang-orang yang sangat kompeten.

Kegunaan teknologi blockchain telah diperhatikan oleh banyak inovator yang sekarang berkumpul dalam proyek kripto. Teknologi di balik mata uang kripto, benar-benar mengubah pandangan kita tentang dunia. Hampir semua proses dan operasi yang kita tahu berubah. Dengan cara ini, infrastruktur yang hilang di dunia kripto ditempati, namun juga menunjukkan nilai daya pemanfaatan yang diberikan oleh teknologi inovatif ini.

Salah satu startup kripto seperti itu tentu saja dengan Bitka. Batting adalah platform rekomendasi untuk tempat makanan yang enak. Dimanapun Anda berada, Anda akan memiliki daftar tempat makan terbaik. Industri gastro setiap tahun semakin besar dan kuat. Tapi sangat sulit mencari tempat makan yang enak sekarang. Hal-hal bekerja berdasarkan rekomendasi, tapi jika Anda berada di kota atau luar negeri, ini sangat sulit. Dengan platform yang terdesentralisasi, secara efisien akan menyelesaikannya. Pemilik restoran dan tempat makanan berkualitas tinggi akan dapat beriklan dengan cara ini. Melalui Bitka Anda bahkan bisa membayar tagihan di restoran, di ruang bawah tanah dan di kandang. Semuanya dilakukan dengan bantuan teknologi blockchain, lebih tepatnya jaringan Ethereal yang membawa kita tanda tangan ERC yang kompatibel yang dapat mendorong sistem eko. Ethereum juga membawa kita kesepakatan cerdas. Battle Platform akan menciptakan jaringan sosial baru di sekitar restoran dan tempat untuk makanan. Pertarungan tersebut dipimpin oleh tim terkemuka dari Moskow yang telah berkecimpung dalam bisnis selama dua tahun dan sangat sukses. Sekarang dengan bantuan teknologi blockchain mereka ingin memperbaiki bisnis mereka, mengisi infrastruktur basement di dunia, dan menunjukkan kepada orang-orang blockchain yang potensial dalam hubungannya dengan layanan tradisional.

Hari ini kita bisa membantu kita dalam aktivitas sehari-hari dan kita bisa membuatnya lebih mudah dan lebih mudah didekati. Kita harus fokus pada bagaimana membuat hidup kita lebih mudah, memperbaiki sesuatu, kita harus fokus pada bagaimana membuat hidup kita lebih mudah untuk menangani beberapa masalah dan menangani beberapa masalah. Mata uang Crypto telah melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah dilakukan seseorang sejauh ini. Orang menggunakannya di banyak daerah, dan manfaat dan perbaikan yang akan mereka berikan akan terus dibahas selama ini. Ada banyak proyek baru datang setiap hari. Kita tahu lebih banyak dan lebih banyak tentang teknologi blok rantai. Kami ingin belajar lebih banyak tentang hal itu dan manfaatnya.

Kami akan membahas proyek baru yang disebut Bitkom. Mereka menciptakan sebuah platform di mana Anda dapat menemukan rekomendasi untuk tempat dan restoran dengan makanan enak. Mereka menggunakan kontrak cerdas di jaringan Ethereal dengan token yang kompatibel dengan ERC. Token dibuat untuk tujuan proyek ini. Ini adalah proyek yang didukung oleh teknologi block block. Proyek ini difokuskan untuk memberi orang lebih banyak penggunaan mata uang kripto. Industri gastro semakin besar setiap tahunnya, semakin banyak jenis restoran yang mewakili budaya dan makanan mereka. Hari ini sangat sulit untuk menemukan restoran yang bagus dengan harga yang pantas. Pendiri proyek Bitkom telah memberikan kesempatan untuk membayar di tempat makanan oleh Bitkom. Mereka telah bekerja di platform sejak tahun 2015. dan mereka memulai di Moskva dan mendapatkan banyak kesuksesan. Mereka ingin memberi pengguna pengalaman makanan yang lebih baik dan cara mudah untuk sampai ke restoran mewah. Sungguh luar biasa dan menyenangkan melihat proyek seperti ini.

Proyek berani adalah hasil kerja tim yang dipimpin oleh Vladimir Nelub. Seiring dengan dia ada sejumlah pengembang, desainer, arsitek dan pakar pemasaran lainnya yang membantunya dalam proyek tersebut. Bersama-sama, mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengatasi tantangan yang mereka hadapi dalam perjalanan mereka. Banyak proyek tidak memiliki keterampilan dan variasi orang seperti proyek ini.

Proyek ini terlihat sangat menarik dan di sini kami telah memberi Anda informasi dasar. Kami mencoba untuk mendekati proyek prospektif ini, namun untuk mengetahui semua informasi, sampai pada tingkat detail, sebaiknya Anda melihat papan tulis resmi, sangat terperinci dan jelas untuk memahami bahwa Anda adalah pakar atau pemula dalam memblokir teknologi, yang mana dapat ditemukan di link berikut: https: //drive.google.com/file/d/1LGilWbAZo_ogwkbz3gB3XMCHEhjBQl91/view

Menawarkan Token Offer Token
juga direncanakan Anda dapat mendukung proyek ini dan dengan demikian memungkinkan pembangunan dan pada gilirannya mendapatkan token, dan terlibat dalam revolusi. Anda dapat berpartisipasi dalam pembelian token sampai 30 Januari 2018. dengan harga 1 ETH untuk token 2500 BTT. Anda dapat mengambil bagian dalam token offer di link berikut: https://bitkom.io/

Kampanye Bounty
Anda juga dapat berpartisipasi melalui program karunia yang disebut. Ini berarti Anda dapat mendukung proyek melalui jaringan sosial, membantu pendiri dalam terjemahan, blog, terlibat dalam kampanye tanda tangan, dsb. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2670211.0

Bitcointalk adalah tempat untuk mengetahui informasi terbaik dan orang-orang tentang proyek ini, namun Anda dapat mengajukan pertanyaan dan orang-orang yang mengerjakan proyek dengan senang hati menjawab atau membantu jika diperlukan. Thread dengan pengumuman proyek: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2670177.0

Bitkom adalah proyek yang dibuat oleh orang-orang yang sangat kompeten. Orang yang memiliki pengetahuan dan dengan bantuan orang-orang mereka dalam tim berhasil mewujudkannya. Pemimpin tim adalah Vladimir Nelub. Pada tim dengan pengembang rantai blok besar, agen pemasaran, pakar SEM, dan banyak lagi

Tidak ada lagi yang bisa dilakukan kecuali mengharapkan orang untuk mengerjakan proyek dan juga mereka yang akan mendukungnya. Batting membawa prediksi aktual ke Pasar Mata Uang Crypto dan kami yakin ini akan menjadi kesuksesan yang lengkap, dan Anda tidak lupa mengunjungi https://bitkom.io/ dan melalui penawaran token yang berpartisipasi dalam revolusi.

Anda juga bisa mengikuti perkembangan proyek Bitkom di jejaring sosial seperti:

hhttps: //www.facebook.com/bitkom.io


dan telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/B0PqQQ1MqSxesCkI5QLilw

Oleh RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

NousPlatform - Secure and Transparent Investment Manager

investment fund cooperation with investors will be more fruitful. At disposal, the user will provide a tool that enables the following:
Wallet Reporting lets you work with different currencies.
Fund list with description of their destination.

What are the benefits of managers?
At the disposal of the user is provided funds in the block, with the decentralization scheme. There is its own ETF index. There is an opportunity to participate in fundraising campaigns. There is shareholder validation. Confirmation of the balance wallet is done with.
Fund interaction proposals with investors are designed to provide Nous. Crypto liquidity currency is guaranteed token backup made. It continues to attract newcomers.

What is an interesting project for investors?

Investors are investing in the most promising funds, choosing different assets, thus diversifying the risks.
The profitability of the funds is analyzed through the pending footage in the block. Securing the ETF trading index is entrusted to a decentralized system.

New generation investment fund.
Creation of the protocol is entrusted.
It is they who determine the conditions of interaction between depositors and funds.

This protocol is required to allocate permissions. In addition, he is capable. In the future, the plan will enter the market of sixty nine trillion rupiah

The study by the Boston Consulting Group shows assets managed by traditional managers growing by seven percent in two thousand and sixteen and over sixty nine trillion dollars. Token Nous plays an investor role. The depositors may, in lieu of Nous, purchase other portfolio assets on the exchange.

We try to open a Nomes token that is transferred to a backup designed for quick settlement with an investor. Action is guaranteed.

An effective example of Nous implementation can be considered as BlackRock, Inc., today is the largest investment fund. Capitalization has reached five point four trillion rupiah. If funds prefer to work on a decentralized scheme, then all transactions will be made in Nous tokens. Another obvious example is the ETF index through ICO.

More about TOKEN
What do you know about tokens? Sounds strange to some people. Token is a signature that serves as a major asset to exchange or sell assets from funds built on a particular platform. To fix this, it is important to take the right token platform. One platform is Nous. There are a few things that make you believe in choosing this platform.

Unlimited Potential for Token Funds
When you decide to use the Nous Platform, the fund manager will use Nous Token to purchase assets with prizes for the portfolio. Open funds will survive in NOUS Token reserves to ensure the liquidity of their portfolio. This is a decentralized fund based on blockchain so it is practically used in virtual field. The unlimited potential for open-tokenized and close-ended funds becomes the plus points of this platform. It brings together investment funds and investors in one way.

Offer for
The Nous platform is the right token platform, the token platform offers several advantages for investment managers and investors. Benefits of fund managers are block-based and ICO fund management for closed funds. That lets you easily manage tokens and claims. Then, he has a legal certificate of the asset. Real-time description of your overall portfolio balance so you can run asset and token settings well.

Nous, his vision of creating funds, from which, the company has created the platform. This is an entirely new approach in the investment world and this will enable the introduction of blocking technologies in the investment environment, which will solve the problems associated with attracting capital, transparency and the storage of decentralized assets.

In 2016, assets managed by the traditional method grew to 69, 1 trillion rupiah. Growth and situation in this market, indicating that soon the funds will go into blockbuster.

Great Features for Better Benefits.
After earning profits for investors and fund managers, it is time to discuss the great features of this token platform. Within this platform, easy funds are available, just management, increased funding, liquidity, confirmation - blockchain, snapshot, and investor nous community. It reports 100% facts that are error-free and human manipulation.

Nous's tokens interact with funds and cover the trillions of tremendous US dollar markets. The token owner will be able to buy open-end shares, take part in ICO's closed funds, pay off commissions, use them to pay for goods, etc.

Pre-sale begins on October 31 and 543.9 million tokens will be available for sale. The company plans to use the funds raised to develop and promote the platform.

For more details about the project and terms of participation, I recommend visiting the links below:

Website: https: //nousplatform.com/
Whitepaper: https: //nousplatform.com/docs/nousplatform_whitepaper_en.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/nousplatform
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/nousplatform
Telegram: https: //twitter.com/nousplatform

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51


Greetings community, on this blog I will elaborate on the BitRace project - To build FORMULA 1 City 3 Million $ Reward, the following Reviews:

here's a video review of our new platform called BITRACE where our platform is based. maybe from the video above friends have been able to guess the direction of our platform but to increase the knowledge of our platform before you are interested to invest there either you download our white paper at https://www.bitrace-token.com/whitepaper you should also visit our site at https://www.bitrace-token.com/ and our youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqgNbIa08OynIxTN5Mym6jg do not forget subscribe yes.


BITRACE INVESTMENTS LTD is a British investment company based in London, England, which is a member of KJ Holdings Corp. where our company is the first company to engage in a blockchain-based racing city development project.

Currently our company is in the process of developing the Racing City Racing Tunisia project, the project consists of the construction of an integrated sports complex including the Formula 1 Line surrounded by upscale hotels and recreation units: (Total Assigned Land: 300 Hectares) in Hammamet, Tunisia .

INVESTMENT BITRACE LTD has successfully completed an agreement with BDSwiss Holding PLC, to allow its investors (BITRACE Buyer) to Trade Shares, Indexes, FOREX, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies with CFDs, using BITRACE Tokens
BITRACE INVESTMENT LTD has also successfully completed an agreement with Margarete's Beauty in Toronto Canada to start promoting and marketing LaBelle & LeBeau Beauty Salons worldwide to enable its investors (BITRACE Buyers) to purchase Franchise products and services using BITRACE Tokens.

BITRACE INVESTMENT LTD also plans to make a little acquisition of Tour Operator, holiday resorts and also introduce BITRACE payments in Tunisia, Northern Africa and southern Europe.


A blockchain-based platform has an ICO (INITIAL COIN OVERING) program whereby this stage determines most of the next program whether the company will have sufficient funding to enable the company to grow with a pre-defined road map.
  • Token Symbol: BRF
  • HARD CAP: 57,626,400 US $
  • Soft cap: 3,000,000 US $
  • Total token supply: 1,000,000,000,000 BRF
  • Token for Pre-Sales: 220,000,000 BRF
  • ICO Token: 356,264,000 BRF

Geography: Available to investors from all over the world other than the United States and the Republic of Singapore.
  • Price token: 0.10 US $
  • Peron: Etereum
Smart-contract: The smart-contract address will be available on the company's website. during the sale of the crowd.
  • Payment method: ETH, BTC, BCH
  • Standard token: ERC20
  • Additional token: Emissions Not available
  • Token emission date: Right after ICO finish.
  • Purchase limit during ICO: Purchase of at least 100 tokens.
  • Unsold token tokens: Unsold token will be burned within 48 hours after ICO closes.

BITRACE Bounty Program:

Bitrace also has a bounty program for bounty hunters where the program aims to introduce this company's platform by using social media from every bounty hunter so as to maximize the ICO program held by bitrace.
  • 20% for Social Media Campaign (10% - Twitter, 10% - Facebook)
  • 15% for Translation Campaign and Moderation (Including ANN thread and WP)
  • 20% for Pool campaign for influencers (Youtube & Article / Blogs)
  • 20% for Signature Campaigns
  • 5% for Telegram Bounty
  • 20% for other bounty

Bitrace has 3 main teams where it has perannan respectively so that this company can run well in the future and can compete with other companies.

Bitrace Investment LTD TEAM
  1. Khaled AKID is President & CEO
  2. Joseph BOURNE is the head of Business Development
  3. Aymen BOUAOUN is the head of administration
  4. Jedidi Ben ROMDHANE is the Chief Financial Officer
Tunisia's Racing City racing team
  1. Chadly ZOUITEN is President & CEO of TUNISIA RACING F1 CITY
  2. Nadia ZOUITEN is Vice President
  3. Fatma BEN HaMouDA is the Deputy Director General
  4. Abd Elmajid HASSAIRI is the chief financial officer
  5. Taoufik BEN HADID is Chief Architect and Technical Officer
  6. Neila BOUASKER is the Head of Administration
  7. Ines NASRI Digital is a marketing specialist-technology optimist-speaker-trainer
  8. Miriam Ben Abdelmoumen is a Human Resource Manger
  1. André DIVIÈS General Manager of the Nogaro series
  2. Eddie LEONG CEO of Tokyo Associate
  3. Dr.Hasnah ISMAIL Chairman Collaboration Center UUM Industrial University
  4. Thierry BOUVERET CEO Joy & Happiness.
For more information on this project you can visit the following link:

Website: https://www.bitrace-token.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.bitrace-token.com/whitepaper
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2678267
Facebook: https://facebook.com/bitrace.token
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitraceToken
Telegram: http://t.me/bitrace

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Selasa, 16 Januari 2018

Token Cloth Technology (FT) for blueprinting

The FT (Fabric Token) ecosystem aims to empower individuals and businesses to provide easy-to-use software bundles for easy access to block-chain and smart contract technologies. Products in the FT ecosystem help to create and deploy distributed applications (DApp) without any special computer programming knowledge usually required by those who need them

Token seed extract.
The Token Fabric ecosystem consists of four main components: Token Kain itself, Token Gen, DApp Workbench, and Fabric Store.

Main issues:

Blockbuster technology and wise contracts are still very misunderstood and difficult to adapt.

Developing smart contracts with solutions often leads to financial and technical problems.

Managing business processes in the current state has some drawbacks that do not necessarily complicate the workflow.

Blocking techniques and wise agreements can have a significant impact on industries such as finance, food delivery and government. For this purpose, we represent the Token Fabric ecosystem to address the issues listed below.

The proposed solution is the ecosystem of Token Fabric, making it easier for users and businesses to apply smart blocking and contracting technologies and consists of four major components.

The first component we provide is a fabric token that will be used as a functional utility to pay for ecosystem products and services.

The second is TokenGen, a user-friendly platform used to create smart contracts for token economics.

Third, DApp Workbench is an all-in-one solution for businesses that want to integrate blocking and smart contracting technologies into business process management.

The final component is the distributed market chain, Fabric Store, for smart contract components that allow third-party developers to expand the capabilities of the token fabric ecosystem.

Token fabrics and related technologies are inevitable to implement future blocking and intelligent contracts, allowing many people to participate in creating a decentralized world.

Zen tokens.
TokenGen allows users to make smart arrangements for tokens and fundraising events before selecting token and fundraising functions, filling in details like signature names and symbols, and paying FT with a simple step-by-step process Test and secure the smart contract code you specify .

The smart contracts generated by TokenGen can be fully edited if you need to add customization features. TokenGen provides in-depth documentation of all smart contract templates, including the guides included with your code, so you can easily edit them later if you need them.

Work desk DApp

DApp Workbench helps your organization develop smart contracts through business process modeling. This app has a drag-and-drop interface that uses BPMN 2.0 standard, so you can import and reuse created diagrams with other BPMN-enabled tools.

Part of the predefined BPMN and contract component specifications lets you create fully automated workflows for various block chain technologies, including Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. DApp Workbench supports all stages of developing automated business processes that begin to design, compile, and test through the deployment, monitoring, and release of workflows within the block chain.

  • ICO / PreICO
  • ICO Details:
  • Symbol - FT;
  • The name is Token Kain.
  • The default is ERC-20.
  • Platform - Ethereal;
  • Number of tokens: 100 million;
  • Available: 80 million;
  • The maximum goal is 22,829 ETH.
  • Minimum goals are not specified.
  • Price: 1 ETH = 2,700 Fabric tokens
  • How to buy: ETH
  • Minimum purchase - not specified;
  • Maximum purchase - not specified;
  • Starts on January 15, 2018 and ends on February 29, 2018.
  • Token Distribution:
  • Crowdsdale - 80%
  • Team - 13% → Experts
  • Torture - 6%
  • Bounty - 1%
  • Allocation of financing:
  • Product development - 55%
  • Unexpected situation - 6%
  • Marketing - 14%
  • court costs - 9%
  • Administration - 6%
  • Contractor - 11%

more info:

ANN THREAD = https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2524680
WEBSITE = https://www.drgtoken.io/
WHITEPAPER = https://s3.amazonaws.com/drg-token/Whitepaper-Dragon.pdf
TELEGRAM = https://t.me/joinchat/FSgY4RI3tNfalmD2sbIZRg
REDDIT = https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonDRG
DISCORD = https://discordapp.com/invite/CtUGXBC

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51



Bitmora adalah platform pertukaran kripto yang berbasis di AS yang mengatur untuk merevolusi cara dunia pertukaran mata uang digital beroperasi. Kami akan membawa salah satu platform perdagangan yang bagus ke pasar dengan biaya rendah, keamanan kelas enterprise, dan sistem pemungutan suara yang unik yang dirancang untuk menempatkan masa depan pertukaran kriptografi di tangan aktivis dan pengguna.

Tujuan Bitmora meliputi: merevolusi sistem biaya pertukaran kripto-kurrensial, untuk membangun sistem pemungutan suara yang menempatkan masa depan kripto di tangan pengguna dan aktivisme bitcoin dan meluncurkan aplikasi iOS dan Android kriptocurrency terbaik di dunia bersama dengan antarmuka web yang akan menampung keduanya. platform trading dan sistem voting kami.
Bitmora dibatasi untuk nilai intinya dimana konsumen dan pengguna dapat memberikan kepercayaan dan kepercayaan diri mereka. Mereka adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Memimpin - Tujuan Bitmora adalah merevolusi cara dunia melihat investasi kriptocurrency. Semua revolusi besar telah dicapai bukan oleh pemimpin saja, tapi oleh orang-orang di balik pemimpin tersebut. Alih-alih melawan sejarah, kita akan meletakkan semua keputusan utama secara langsung di tangan pengguna kita.

2. Community Outreach - Kami peduli dengan komunitas kami dan bersedia membuktikannya. Dari hari pertama, kami akan memberikan dukungan pelanggan yang superior terhadap apa yang saat ini ditawarkan dan aplikasi seluler dengan penawaran koin jauh melebihi pesaing kami. Lebih penting lagi, kami menyadari bahwa masalah yang dihadapi oleh komunitas kripto-kardiak saat ini tidak akan sama dengan hari esok, jadi kami telah membangun sistem pemungutan suara yang unik yang dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan lansekap yang terus berubah ini dengan cara yang sangat efisien dan adil.

3. Kesadaran Publik - Kami ingin membantu dunia memahami Bitcoin, Ethereal, dan altcoin lainnya. Dengan menempatkan masa depan kripto di tangan pengguna kami dan berpasangan dengan para pemimpin teknologi kripto global, kami akan memberi dunia kesempatan untuk tidak hanya bersaksi, namun berperan dalam pembentukan mata uang masa depan.


Bitmora akan menawarkan hal berikut sebagai bagian dari layanan mereka kepada klien mereka. Semuanya aman dan mudah digunakan:

1. Sistem Biaya. Biaya pada pertukaran saat ini tidak dapat diterima. Bitmora menyadari kebutuhan untuk mengubah ini. Sistem biaya kami akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih biaya yang mereka inginkan, langkah pertama kami untuk mengendalikan kembali ke tangan pengguna kami. Setelah pendaftaran, pengguna akan diberi dua pilihan: tarif tetap atau persentase dasar. Pengguna akan dapat mengubahnya kapan saja dengan menghubungi tim dukungan kami melalui tiket atau telepon. Namun, tujuh hari "cool down" akan dimanfaatkan untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan biaya. Untuk tarifnya, silakan lihat WHITEPAPER: https://bitmora.com/whitepaper.

2. Sistem Voting. Menurut Bitmora, eksekutif kripto-kurrensial saat ini menjalankan pertukaran mereka tanpa memperhatikan pendapat pengguna mereka secara nyata. Kami ingin mengubah sistem ini di atas kepalanya. Sistem pemungutan suara kami akan memastikan bahwa perubahan yang dipikirkan pengguna terbaik untuk masa depan kriptocurrency dilalui melalui uji lakmus yang ketat di mana pendapat populer ditimbang terhadap pendapat para aktivis bitcoin yang berfungsi sebagai Anggota Memberi Anjuran dan Pengendalian Bitmora.

3. Hubungan Pelanggan. Bitmora adalah keyakinan bahwa tidak ada alasan untuk tidak memiliki sekitar jam, tim dukungan pelanggan khusus. Kami akan menawarkan dukungan pelanggan kelas dunia kepada klien di seluruh dunia dan akan menyediakan beberapa metode untuk menjangkau.

Sebuah. Sistem Tiket - Kami menjamin waktu respons dua belas jam atau kurang untuk semua klien, tidak masalah tingkat Anda. Dukungan tiket kami akan buka 24/7 dan akan dapat diakses secara langsung melalui situs kami dan akan selalu dihosting oleh kami, bukan pihak ketiga manapun.
b. Sistem Telepon - Baris dukungan telepon kami akan terbuka setelah versi beta. Baris akan diarahkan ke menu corporate call kami dimana Anda dapat terhubung dengan agen yang sesuai.
Semua agen pendukung kami akan dipekerjakan dan dilatih oleh kami, tidak pernah dioutsourcing ke agen lain.

c. Laman Web kami - Bitmora akan menawarkan formulir kontak atau pertanyaan media yang terpisah dan pertanyaan umum non-dukungan / teknis di situs kami.

4. Mesin Pencocokan. Bitmora akan memanfaatkan pencocokan pesanan kinerja perusahaan. Dengan arsitektur ultra-lean, kita akan bisa mengeksekusi 1 juta transaksi per detik dengan beberapa penjaga keamanan failover di tempat.

5. Siaran. Bitmora akan beroperasi pada: Browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera), iOS, Android.

Daftar fitur aplikasi seluler akan mendukung:

  • Tempatkan Order Beli / Jual
  • Pesanan Margin Kontrol
  • Charting
  • Lihat saldo akun / Lihat posisi
  • Perintah Open, Canceled, dan Executed - Mampu mengurutkan menurut tanggal / jangka waktu
  • Add / Remove Alerts + Push Notifications
  • Opsi Deposit / Withdrawal (dengan kode QR)
  • Berita Baru
  • Mengelola tiket pendukung / satu sentuhan untuk menghubungi layanan pelanggan
  • Akses sistem pemungutan suara


      Keamanan merupakan fitur penting dari setiap aplikasi. Bitmora menawarkan transaksi yang sangat aman bagi penggunanya.

A. Keamanan dan Kepatuhan. Keamanan sangat penting. Kami akan memantau semua hal dari server kami sampai penyimpanan dingin 24/7/365, sambil menggunakan audit rutin untuk memastikan tidak ada yang hilang. Semua penyimpanan dingin akan disimpan di luar lokasi, lokasi yang tidak diungkapkan dengan keamanan sepanjang waktu. Tidak akan ada perangkat lunak otomasi yang menghubungkan dompet dingin dan dompet panas kita. Kami akan menggunakan pedoman ketat dan rahasia yang diikuti perusahaan untuk menarik dana. Semua karyawan Bitmora akan menjalani pemeriksaan latar belakang dan pemeriksaan keamanan. Siapa saja yang memiliki akses untuk memindahkan dana dari rekening akan melalui pemeriksaan keamanan yang sangat teliti. Perwakilan dukungan pelanggan rata-rata Anda tidak akan memiliki akses untuk memindahkan atau menyentuh dana Anda, mereka hanya akan melihat hak istimewa. Semua karyawan akan menjalani pelatihan ekstensif untuk memastikan mereka tidak hanya memahami jaringan Bitcoin dan Blockchain, namun juga prosedur dan sistem keamanan kami.

B. AML / KYC. Bitmora akan mematuhi sepenuhnya peraturan FinCEC AML (Anti Pencucian Uang) / KYC (Know Your Customer). Secara hukum kami diwajibkan untuk melaporkan aktivitas yang mencurigakan dan mengumpulkan informasi pelanggan tertentu tergantung pada volume akun. Sementara Bitmora memahami sepenuhnya alasan di balik jaringan Blockchain dan anonim, kami tetap harus mematuhi hukum negara tempat kami melayani. Kami tidak akan meminta lebih dari yang diminta oleh undang-undang, dan informasi Anda tidak akan dibagikan kepada publik dalam bentuk apapun.

more info:

WEBSITE: https://bitmora.com/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bitmora_inc
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2499017
Facebook: https://facebook.com/bitmorainc
WhitePaper: https://bitmora.com/whitepaper

Oleh RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Minggu, 14 Januari 2018

Forty Seven Bank - Providing Quality Banking Services

Hallo all, This post I will introduce about Forty Seven Project. and for more details let's just go to the following Discussion:

Easy Banking for All Through Forty Seven.

people living in Europe can easily open accounts with cards and multi currency units they interact with. Simplicity of internet banking or mobile application and ergonomically manage accounts in European banks briefly. Forty-seven Bank customers can make money transfers, change currency, buy and sell crypto currency. Customers can pay with a shopping center card, withdraw money from an ATM or make money transfers.


Integrated payment instruments are unique and easy to use. Forty-seven Bank customers can use SWIFT, credit and debit card systems, e-wallets, secure payments with crypto currency, and have an account. Customers have access to 24/7 integrated, modern banking services worldwide with high-tech mobile and online banking, encryption and convenient routine payment applications.

Compatible with PSD2 Built-in mobile and web interface for managing accounts in all European banks.13 On January 3, 2018, the PSD2 payment service will begin to apply. New opportunities for our customers will be created. Our customers will be able to manage all accounts opened with other people's names for various EU banks. This solves the problem of bank transfers and often leads to the need to use different financial capacities to manage with customer accounts. In order to utilize full service from Bank Forty Seven, the customer must enter a bank account number or a European website and approve authorized access.
Remote access and authorization For Forty Seven customers, you need to visit the bank's website or download it from the AppStore in practice. Authentication is a branch of a bank. After a quick procedure, the customer opens a functional account and immediately accesses the crypto service. The customer card is then sent to the adrese for the registration form.
The financial statements that are right for you, your personal advisor, you need to learn privately. Up to 40 applications with an easy-to-use and easy-to-use interface are ideal for fund management. Based on automatic monthly spending analysis, you can manage your personal and family budgets with tips and advice from personal assistants.

Very Widely Usage

Banks with crypto currency transactions. Our customers buy and sell digital money in their own way for banks to buy and sell their own currency. Conversions are possible in any combination including 'crypto fiat money'. Funds can be transferred to a bank or debit card from the linked account.

Integrated payment instruments are unique and easy to use. Forty Bank customers can use SWIFT, credit and debit cards, e-wallet, secure payment with crypto currency, and have multiple accounts. Customers have access to 24/7 integrated, modern banking services worldwide with high-tech mobile and online banking, encryption and convenient routine payment applications.

Forty-seven banks offer a complete set of products. With this service, banking companies will be able to use our applications and services without using existing infrastructure and without having to deal with transactions and obtain licenses. All banks will be able to do so when they have their own customers and benefit from the personal services of Kıry Seven Bank.

SWIFT, credit card, cryptographic currency, debit card, e-wallet braided for security and consolidation of innovative products at Forty Seven Bank. There are seven service fans in the jungle here. The escrow service is very reliable for small and medium enterprises.

Forty Seven Bank - Official Reward Program

Exquisite and professionally packaged gifts.

  • Total prize pool is set at 5%.
  • Community management campaign - 20% (1% of total TOK);
  • Avatar and signature campaign - 25% (1.25% of total tokens);
  • Translation campaign - 15% (0.75% of total TOC);
  • Media support campaign - 10% (0.5% of total TOKM)
  • Campaign blog - 5% (0.25% of total seed);
  • Facebook campaign - 4% (0.2% of the total number of seeds);
  • Twitter campaign - 4% (0.2% of total seed);
  • Telegram participation campaign - 2% (0.1% of total token amount);
  • Error detection campaign - 5% (0.25% of total number of tokens);
  • Unique Support - 10% (Total% to 0.5%).

The Forty Seven Bank builds a bridge between the fiat world and the cryptographic world. The second goal of this financial world is to communicate well to the consumers who are negotiated effectively and efficiently. Forty-seven Banks pioneered global communications in the last minute of the financial system. Strong communication is an interesting key that will brighten up the level of all possibilities to open the financial system.

VISA Platinum credit cards will be free of charge between 5-10 meats that have made VISA Classic free credit cards between 1-5 ether in ICO participation.

  • Pre-Sales
  • End Date: November 6, 2017 (23:59, GMT + 1, London Time)
  • Date ICON: November 13, 2017 (15:00, GMT + 1, London Time)
  • ICON End Date: December 11, 2017 (23:59, GMT + 1, London Time)
What is the Forty Seven Token?

40 forms the basis of Seven Bank, some loyal investor base an owner of the sign simgedir.fsbt, FSBL annual mark sahiptir.ayrı right to receive dividends, FSBT markers, Forty Seven Bank is an important part of the economic aspects of the ecosystem. Banks will be used to benefit from all products and services. After the crowdfunding campaign is over, the FSBT token will be published in various markets.

This project is perfect for long-term investors looking for long-term road maps from short-term investors.

For more Detailed Information and Join the current Forty Seven Project please visit the following Links:

Website: https: //www.fortyseven.io/
Whitepaper: https: //drive.google.com/open? Id = 0BzvESRkgX-uDeHc1QjRzbHRBelU
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/FortySevenBank/
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/47foundation
Telegram: https: //t.me/thefortyseven

By RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51