Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018


Hello Community, dalam posting ini saya ingin memperkenalkan tentang proyek Kakushin, dan untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita pergi ke diskusi berikut:


Apa Yang Kami Percaya

Sejak penciptaan dunia ini, setiap makhluk hidup telah mengikuti 3 K penting untuk
satu-satunya tujuan untuk bertahan hidup, mempertahankan & berkembang di lingkungan & ekosistem mereka.

milik. Entah Anda INOVASI atau Anda MATI

  • Kaizen => Kai (ganti) + Zen (lebih baik) => Ubah menjadi lebih baik.
  • Kaikaku => Kai (perubahan) + kaku (revolusi) => Ubah untuk revolusi.
  • Kakushin => Kaku (revolusi) + Shin (baru atau inovasi)

Kami percaya inovasi bukan tentang menciptakan perangkap tikus berikutnya tetapi memecahkan masalah nyata.
Inovasi berbeda dari kreativitas & penemuan. Sedangkan kreativitas & penemuan sering
solusi-sentris, inovasi sukses secara inheren terpusat pada masalah. Bahkan, hebat
para inovator acuh tak acuh terhadap solusi selama mereka memecahkan masalah yang mereka terobsesi.

  • Penciptaan Ekosistem untuk mempromosikan dan memelihara inovasi & kreativitas.
  • Platform Perdagangan Mata Uang Kripto; Bertukar.
  • Konsultasi ICO.
  • Tempat Pasar untuk menjual, menyewakan, menyandarkan properti intelektual, paten, hak cipta, merek dagang.

dan produk dan layanan langsung kepada investor, produsen dan / atau pengguna akhir / s.
KES adalah kunci, untuk membuka pintu peluang dan potensi besar dengan menciptakan ekosistem
diperlukan untuk para pencari, peneliti, inovator, pengembang, dan inventor. Ekosistem Kakushin akan.
terbukti menjadi lingkungan yang sempurna untuk melahirkan, memelihara, dan mengembangkan ide / konsep menjadi nyata.
dan produk yang layak, untuk digunakan oleh konsumen.
Sejak desentralisasi infrastruktur berbasis penelitian telah dimulai dan masa depan R & D.
didistribusikan. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kekuatan R & D akan ada di tangan semua orang.

Masalah dengan Penerimaan Ide, Inovasi, dan Konsep Baru

Sulit bagi orang untuk menerima ide, konsep, atau produk baru
sampai mereka mengalaminya terlebih dahulu atau telah dirujuk
mereka dengan sumber yang otentik dan dapat dipercaya, yang mereka percayai.

Neophobia adalah ketakutan akan sesuatu yang baru, terutama yang gigih dan
ketakutan abnormal. Dalam bentuknya yang lebih ringan, ia dapat bermanifestasi sebagai keengganan
untuk mencoba hal-hal baru atau istirahat dari rutinitas. Bahkan di dunia hari ini
kemajuan teknologi, banyak ide, konsep dan produk
tampaknya terlalu mengada-ada, futuristik, dan teoritis dan / atau karya
fiksi ilmiah. Oleh karena itu, banyak ide, konsep, dan produk yang mati
atau tetap sebagai prototipe karena tidak ada yang percaya pada mereka cukup
untuk berinvestasi dan mengubah ide, konsep, produk menjadi produk konsumsi yang sebenarnya.

Masalah dengan Proyek Berbasis Crowdfunding & VC

Alasan lain mengapa orang telah kehilangan kepercayaan pada inovasi
ide, konsep dan produk adalah beberapa penipuan
proyek crowdfunding dan banyak crowdfunding yang gagal
proyek. Sebanyak 80-90% proyek crowdfunded
setelah mengumpulkan jutaan dolar, banyak proyek besar juga
menjatuhkan atau tidak pernah menepati janji mereka, atau sepenuhnya
menghilang & tidak pernah mengirimkan produk mereka. Akibatnya, a
sejumlah besar orang kehilangan uang mereka bersama dengan mereka
keyakinan dalam crowdfunding. Masalah utama dalam
crowdfunding adalah bahwa pendukung tidak terlindungi sepenuhnya
dan tidak ada jaminan bahwa mereka tidak akan kehilangan mereka
Alasan kedua bahwa banyak Starter-Kick gagal adalah bahwa, meluncurkan kampanye Kickstarter membutuhkan sebuah
warga untuk hadir di salah satu negara kerja resmi, dan ada juga banyak dokumen
Untuk mengisi. Akibatnya, banyak pembuat konten tidak memiliki akses ke platform crowdfunding besar, membatasi
peluang penggalangan dana mereka, dan mempersempit jangkauan dan keragaman platform.

Masalah dengan Saluran Manufaktur, Pemasaran, Penjualan & Distribusi

Mengubah ide menjadi produk itu sulit, mencari dana untuk melakukannya
sama sulitnya dan memasarkan produk itu kepada orang yang tepat dan
menjual ke pelanggan yang tepat juga sama pentingnya dan pekerjaan yang sulit.

Karena meningkatnya penggunaan internet dalam kehidupan kita, kita sedang
dibombardir dengan banyak produk dan layanan palsu. Dan itu menjadi
lebih sulit untuk mengidentifikasi produk inovatif, futuristik
ketersediaan, kualitas dan layanan purna jual. Kekurangan yang bersatu dan
platform global tepercaya telah diidentifikasi oleh kami. Online
platform di mana lokasi geografis dan mata uang tidak masalah
perhatian, satu-satunya perhatian adalah untuk menemukan produk yang diinginkan
menyelesaikan masalah terkait dalam kehidupan pribadi dan / atau profesional.

Masalah dengan ICO & Trust

Sebagai ICO, atau "Initial Coin Offerings", menjadi semakin populer,
semakin banyak perusahaan menggunakan teknik ini sebagai penggalangan dana
mekanisme. Namun, ini adalah batas baru dan tidak ada
peraturan di sekitarnya. Akibatnya, ada banyak penipuan
kampanye, di mana para pendiri menghilang setelah mereka mengumpulkan dana,
pada dasarnya menipu publik.

Para pendiri ICO juga menghadapi masalah. Ruang saat ini sangat
terfragmentasi, tidak ada daftar lengkap ICO, dan pengembang
harus membuat halaman arahan dan kampanye publisitas mereka sendiri dari
menggaruk. Reduplikasi usaha ini menghabiskan waktu dan sumber daya itu
sebaliknya bisa pergi ke mengembangkan produk yang lebih baik. Ini
fragmentasi juga mempengaruhi pendukung potensial secara negatif. Orang-orang
saat ini mencari tahu tentang ICO lebih-atau-kurang secara acak.

Setelah seseorang membuat keputusan untuk mengambil bagian dalam ICO, ada hal lain yang mencuat:

ICO berlangsung di berbagai bursa yang berbeda, menggunakan banyak mata uang yang berbeda, sering
membutuhkan proses verifikasi yang panjang. Lebih banyak pendukung potensial hilang pada tahap ini. Akhirnya,
perusahaan yang ingin memasuki pasar ICO, tetapi tidak memiliki sendiri
cryptocurrency atau token, benar-benar kehilangan kesempatan seperti itu. Jika Anda bukan seorang
Pengembang Ethereum, sangat menantang untuk meluncurkan ICO. Jadi, mulai hari ini, ada
tidak ada tempat yang nyaman baik untuk pencipta kampanye ICO atau pendukung mereka. Tidak ada
satu platform yang memungkinkan untuk melihat dan diskusi yang nyaman dari kampanye tanpa pengetahuan teknis sebelumnya.

Ekosistem Kakushin - Platform untuk Inovator dan Inovasi

Ekosistem Kakushin (KES) menciptakan tempat yang sinergis untuk audiens yang berbeda yang tidak
berinteraksi sebelumnya, seperti penemu, inovator, desainer produk, produsen, teknologi
dan penggemar inovasi, pemegang paten, pencipta ICO dan proyek cryptocurrency dan
pendukung mereka, atau pencipta kampanye crowdfunding klasik dan pendukung mereka yang memiliki
tidak pernah berurusan dengan cryptocurrency sebelumnya, penulis proyek mereka dan tentara berpengalaman
penasehat, moderator, perancang, penerjemah dan spesialis lainnya di seluruh Dunia.

Keuntungan dari KES:

  • Keuntungan untuk Pembuat Produk Inovasi mendapatkan akses ke pemirsa baru dan sumber pendanaan dan bantuan dari berbagai jenis penasihat, sementara juga secara signifikan menurunkan overhead mereka.
  • Keuntungan bagi Pendukung Inovasi untuk pertama kalinya mendapat kesempatan untuk menerima nilai ekuitas sebagai imbalan atas pembayaran mereka, dan mendapatkan akses ke berbagai proyek yang lebih luas.
  • Keuntungan untuk Penasihat Inovasi & moderator dan spesialis lain dari semuanya seluruh Dunia mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menerima nilai sebagai imbalan atas kontribusi mereka.

Struktur Ekosistem Kakushin Singkatnya

Pada pertengahan tahun 2010 industri start-up mengalami perubahan dramatis. Metode untuk perusahaan pembiayaan dan proyek cenderung desentralisasi dan diversifikasi pendanaan yang dibuat oleh masyarakat umum. Modal ventura kehilangan bagian mereka sementara Crowdfunding dan ICO meningkat modal dengan cepat. Pada saat yang sama teknologi blockchain baru telah memberikan start-up kesempatan untuk menggalang dana dengan cara yang lebih mandiri dan terdesentralisasi.
Teknologi Blockchain memungkinkan kita untuk melakukan apa yang tidak bisa dilakukan oleh sistem hukum. Kami sekarang memiliki kesempatan untuk mengatur kampanye investasi kerumunan tidak hanya untuk penduduk satu negara, tetapi untuk populasi seluruh dunia, terlepas dari tempat tinggal mereka, yurisdiksi, kebangsaan, dan hambatan birokrasi lainnya. Kampanye investasi kerumunan mirip dengan ICO kampanye, tetapi token memberikan bagian baik dalam kepemilikan perusahaan, atau bagian dari keuntungan, atau sesuatu yang lain yang ditetapkan oleh pembuat kampanye (berbeda untuk masing-masing kampanye).


Tanggal Pra-Penjualan Pribadi: 15 Maret hingga 30 April
Tanggal pra-penjualan: 1 Mei hingga 31 Mei
Tanggal Penjualan Token Utama: 1 Juni hingga 30 Juni
Blockchain: Ethereum, ERC20
Token Ticker: KKN
Total Token pasokan: 2, 400, 000, 000 KKN
Soft Cap: 3, 000, 000
Hard Cap: 30, 000, 000
Pengiriman Token: dalam 48 Jam setelah Pembelian
Metode pembelian diterima: 1ETH, 1BTC, 1BCH, 1LTC, 1DASH









Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi link dibawah ini:

Penulis: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

[ICO] Humancoin: Safe and secure charity donations with Humancoin

Hello everyone in this article I will present an interesting ICO analysis, called HumanCoin, based on some of the following criteria:


It was found that a large number of people leave their changes on the streets and even make impulsive donations to charity regularly.
Charity is something that people do regularly, but the most surprising thing is that the advancement of technology has not been fully applied to charity, the only exceptional case is the role that monasteries spend two hundred years ago, and this method is now accepted by philanthropic foundations.

The associated p2p Internet platform and the intrusion of blockchain technology contribute to solving the main problems in the industry, and also give a powerful impetus to further development.
Here are some of the ways that a blockchain platform can offer help.

  • Donors will be able to monitor transactions to ensure that their fund is spent properly, the way it was intended.
  • Charitable organizations will also be able to demonstrate honesty, clearly showing how they use the funds provided.
  • The payment system will become simplified, and the problems associated with the conversion of the crypto currency will be resolved.
  • Transaction costs can be reduced through the automation of all processes.


There is no doubt that there is a great development in the way of donating, but even for this purpose the charitable branch could not overcome its main obstacle, which is a lack of trust.
Donors, who are mostly private firms, face the problem of trust, sacrificing, because there is no means to confirm whether the fund will receive a timely exit.
It was also found that most of the donated funds are kept as administrative expenses, which are usually used for charitable foundations.
Operating costs are also a big problem, as most individuals and businesses usually have to spend their good intentions ultimately to cover transaction costs for the transaction.


A long-term charity chain consisting of banks, NGOs, state bodies and law firms will be completed by distributed book technology. Using the blockchain platform can provide a digital mechanism that will be used to record and view any transaction.

This new technology on a larger scale will also facilitate the development of direct financing platforms. Philanthropists also benefit greatly from automated intellectual contracts, as this will allow grantees to use their funds after they have successfully coped with so many conditions.

The growth of the charitable industry will be significantly increased due to the great advantages that blockchain technology can offer.


In the charitable aspect, there are several blockbuster projects available, and some of them include cherr.io, help, cleansing, bcharity, etc. These projects are only in niche or local endeavors that do not work outside the philanthropic industry.

The Humancoin Foundation will be able to integrate the charitable industry, the crypto currency market and e-commerce in one project.
This type of ecosystem will be able to provide new incentives for donors, offering them the opportunity to take advantage of the many available loyalty programs that exist around the world.


  • Conversion of Humancoin tokens will be very easy to convert to any point, mile, bonus and coupon. Owners of these tokens will be encouraged to keep tokens for a long time, there will be a steady demand for a token.
  • The popularity of the marker will grow as the number of partners and the amount of cooperation in the Humancoin network grow.
  • Affordable evidence of charity, which is mining, will allow projects to scale hundreds and thousands of times.


  • It will be the first block link that has ever been able to become an aggregator of the global e-commerce loyalty program.
  • The sign will have a unique advantage in the development of loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance due to its association with philanthropy.
  • Instead of competing with other existing programs, the Humancoin token will be integrated effortlessly into an existing system, only an established conversion rate is required.

The main destructive advantage of a human coin is that the project blockchain will for the first time have a project that will have the potential to become a global aggregator of the many loyalty programs that will emerge in the field of e-commerce because of the support that will be received from the charitable industry.


  • Humancoin will become an open platform for P2P, which will allow the benefactor to receive a direct point donation. The project will not be tied to any organization, since there are so many charitable organizations around the world.
  • Artificial use of the received token will not be compulsory for charitable operations. Any project based on the platform will give a convenient specification for the type of fiat or crypto currency that he wants to use.
  • The most popular crypto and currency currencies are easily managed by the Humancoin platform. Usually there are no restrictions for projects and even users when it comes to using currency.
  • Priority of this project remains integration and compatibility with existing popular market solutions.
  • There will be a limited fee of 5% for horticulture to raise funds, and this will be used for future platform support, but the commission charged by existing charitable funds may be up to 20-30%.
  • The platform will be able to use the function of the most functional and user-friendly interface.
  • If the donor wants, he can decide to leave his fund in the pool of people, the system will automatically allocate money for the projects with the highest rating from the platform community.
  • The first platform for hiring professionals will become Humancoin.
  • Additional options will also be available on the platform, so users can also pay for Humancoin tokens, in which case additional benefits will be highlighted.


The names of Humancoin are the ERC20 tokens, they are also lottery loyalty rewards, and they are part of the international loyalty program.


The humancoin icon that will be purchased during the sale of the marker will have the value of the loyalty award lottery, which means that they can be used to obtain discounts from Humancoin partners, and they can also be sold on crypto-exchanges.
At the end of the sale of the marker, the influenza marker will be available for purchase, and they can also be obtained or obtained at an equal share in any donation in half at the weighted average exchange rate.


This is an existing p2p platform and an ecosystem in which donors, recipients and e-commerce players will participate.
The interface of this platform allows participants to quickly send donations to any country with a popular currency, which will allow tracking transactions and project charity projects.
The Humancoin platform has been designed specifically to facilitate the interaction process, and this will largely be done between philanthropists and beneficiaries.


The pre-sale will be held from July 1 to August 15, 2018.
The sale of tokens will be from September 15 to November 1, 2018.
It is expected that the token will grow at $ 1 per minute.
Softcap will be $ 6 per minute.
Hardcap will be $ 26 per minute.
The available token for sale is 3 055 000 000.
The pre-sale will be 150,000,000 with a 50% bonus.
At the first stage of the sale of the token will be 945 000 000 with a bonus of 35%.
The second stage for the sale of tokens will be 960 000 000, and he will have 20% of the bonus.
The third stage for the sale of tokens will be 1,000,000,000 with a 0% bonus.
Every other token that remains unsold will be burned.
Tokens will be allocated to a personal user account, and distribution will be done after the sale of the token, and it will be listed in the list of popular crypto-exchangers.


Website: https://www.humancoin.net/
Technical documentation: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Human-Coin-1049107488575656
Twitter: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet
Telegram: https://t.me/HumancoinChat
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/humancoinnet
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466

Author: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2018

Buglab - Solusinya mengatasi kerentanan cybersecurity menggunakan cara tradisional


Untuk saat ini, begitu banyak perusahaan dengan individu aset digital di situs web mereka (konten termasuk), sering kali mengambil pelanggaran ke sistem mereka sebelum mereka mengambil tindakan untuk menopang keamanan. Korporasi sering menyadari bahwa tingkat keamanan komputer mereka gagal. Namun, menemukan dan menempatkan profesional cybersecurity yang berkualitas adalah waktu yang intensif dan mahal. Persyaratan regulasi untuk melindungi data pribadi menambah lapisan kompleksitas lain untuk solusi cybersecurity.

Sementara itu, permintaan untuk profesional cybersecurity melebihi pasokan karena hacker mengembangkan skema yang lebih maju yang menargetkan perusahaan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, baik besar maupun kecil, korban serangan cyber jarang mengiklankan bahwa mereka telah menjadi target dan kerentanan data jarang menjadi prioritas pertama karena produk akan dilemparkan ke pasar. , jadi sulit, jika bukan tidak mungkin, untuk mendapatkan statistik lengkap tentang detail cyberattacks, termasuk frekuensi mereka atau dampaknya terhadap ROI.

Apa itu Platform Buglab.?
Buglab adalah platform berbasis Ethereum yang menghubungkan perusahaan dengan jaringan global peneliti cybersecurity ahli. Platform Buglab juga disebut menghubungkan organisasi yang memiliki kebutuhan keamanan informasi, yang hampir semuanya, dengan komunitas penguji penetrasi cybersecurity bersertifikat di lingkungan dengan insentif, di mana penguji diberi penghargaan ketika mereka menemukan kerentanan sistem, peringkat berdasarkan tingkat keparahan dan potensi dampak . Itu dilakukan sebagai berpacu dengan waktu. Yang penting, menemukan kerentanan unik diperingkat di atas hanya menghasilkan daftar masalah.

Buglab akan menawarkan platform yang unik, kompetitif, insentif, dan mudah digunakan untuk mengatasi kebutuhan bisnis yang semakin meluas ini. Buglab akan membantu perusahaan, baik di bidang TI, jasa keuangan, atau secara eceran, untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengurangi kesenjangan cybersecurity yang mungkin tidak mereka ketahui (tetapi seharusnya) ketahui. Solusinya membuat layanan cybersecurity dapat diakses bahkan oleh perusahaan yang sangat kecil yang biasanya kekurangan sumber daya dan anggaran untuk mengatasi kerentanan cybersecurity menggunakan cara tradisional.

Platform Buglab juga mendeteksi dan memperbaiki kerentanan pada berbagai aplikasi bisnis, situs web, aplikasi seluler, perangkat Internet of Things (IoT), dan kontrak pintar dengan mentransformasikan layanan uji penetrasi ke dalam tantangan, yang disebut sebagai kontes, untuk komunitas konsultan keamanan informasi independen dengan kualifikasi tersertifikasi.

Platform Buglab juga menugaskan kecocokan yang tepat menggunakan mesin rekomendasi Buglab. Seleksi dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan beberapa kriteria, termasuk negara pentester, atau bidang keterampilan mereka. Tanggal mulai selalu ditentukan. Menggunakan metode yang ditawarkan Buglab, pengujian penetrasi mengikuti jalur yang unik, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar berikut.

Bagaimana Platform Buglab Bekerja.?
Platform Buglab berfungsi untuk:

  1. Untuk usaha kecil dan menengah, dari seluruh dunia mencari cara yang lebih mudah dicapai dan efektif untuk melindungi aset digital mereka.
  2. Untuk Tim Respons Insiden Keamanan komputer, akan dapat bermitra dengan buglab dalam membangun sistem pencegahan kerentanan berkelanjutan untuk membantu perusahaan.
  3. Untuk jaringan global peneliti keamanan ahli mencari cara tepercaya untuk membantu bisnis di seluruh dunia dan mendapat kompensasi.

Fitur dari Platform Buglab
Platform Buglab memungkinkan pelanggan untuk menggunakan massa pentester atau memilih tim yang divalidasi dari perusahaan yang dikenal. Berbagai penyesuaian tersedia, khusus untuk kebutuhan organisasi. Beberapa fitur platform yang dibayangkan Buglab disorot sebagai berikut:

  • Kontes Publik.
  • Kontes Pribadi.
  • Filter Seleksi.
  • Sistem Triase.
  • Laporan.
  • Dikelola klien.
  • Mediasi.
  • Spanduk utama.
  • Obrolan.
  • Perbaiki Companion.

Penjualan Token Buglab
BGG token digunakan untuk semua transaksi dalam ekosistem buglab, mulai dari kontes pemesanan hingga mantra yang berguna dan whitehat.
Info Token BGL

  • Simbol: BGL
  • Total Token Supply: 425.000.000 BGL
  • Alokasi penjualan Token: 170.000.000 BGL
  • Sasaran pendanaan: Setara dengan penjualan umum $ 20.000.000
  • harga Setara: $ 0,15
  • Ketik: ERC20

Bonus Pra-Penjualan

  • Pra-penjualan 25%
  • Tier 1 First 24H: 20%
  • Tingkat 2 Minggu 1: 15%
  • Tingkat 3 Minggu 2: 10%
  • Tingkat 4 Minggu 3: untuk mengakhiri 0%

Informasi lebih lanjut untuk tautan kunjungan Token Sale di bawah ini:

  • Situs web: https://buglab.io
  • Telegram: https://t.me/buglab

Distribusi Token

Peta jalan


Tim Buglab

  • Reda Cherqaoui | Pendiri, CEO
  • Alexander Belokon | Pengembang backend
  • Youness Aamiri | Pengembang Blockchain
  • Azdine Bouhou | Arsitek perangkat lunak
  • Konstantin Bditskikh | Pengembang Frontend
  • Amine Bioudi | Pengembang Tumpukan Penuh
  • Dalal Cherqaoui | Manajer Pemasaran dan Komunikasi
  • Herve Schauer | Penasihat

Untuk Info Lebih Lanjut Hubungi Kami Di Link Di Sini:

SITUS WEB: https://buglab.io
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/buglab
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joinbuglab
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/buglab.co
WHITEPAPER: https://buglab.io/assets/docs/Buglab_WhitePaper.pdf
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4446991
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/buglabProject

Penulis: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

QuickX protokol - transakcije sa najširim brojem bloka

Без названия (1).jpg

Pozdrav svima, upoznaću Quickx projekat i saznati više o prednostima Quickx-a, Evo pregleda:

Šta je Quickx?

QuickX je protokol prvenstveno za rešavanje problema sa Blockchain problemima, kao što su brzina, troškovi transakcija, skalabilnost, transakcije preko cross-lanca. Sa QucikX-om, vaša Blockchain sredstva se mogu konvertovati i provesti u ne-virtuelnom svetu odmah bez vremena čekanja!

Izjava o problemu

QuickX identifikuje sljedeće probleme, u okviru postojećih blokainskih ekosistema koji mogu ometati masovno usvajanje blokchain sredstava kao medij za razmjenu za današnje transakcije:

Vreme i brzina

Transakcije Blockchain-a se evidentiraju u blockchain-u kao blokovi. Većina blokchain protokola ima ograničenu veličinu bloka i uzima određeno vrijeme da generiše blok. Na primjer, Bitcoin blockchain traje u prosjeku 10 minuta prije nego što transakcija prima mrežnu potvrdu. Ethereum traje 10 do 19 sekundi. Ovo postavlja tehničke limite na broj transakcija koje blok-blok može procesirati u sekundi. Na primjer, Ethereum može obraditi 20 transakcija u sekundi, dok Bitcoin upravlja sa samo 07 transakcija u sekundi. Nasuprot tome, većina tradicionalnih centralizovanih sistema je mnogo brža od decentralizovanih sistema. Na primjer, Paypal upravlja 193 transakcije u sekundi1, a Visa može upravljati do 56,000 transakcija u sekundi2.

Troškovi transakcije

Jedan od načina smanjivanja ovih transakcija je uklanjanje posrednika. To ne eliminiše totalne transakcije; čak i ako su posrednici uklonjeni iz transakcije sa blokadom, i dalje će biti troškovi transakcije uključeni u proces.

Čvorovi u ekosistemu blok-kanala nude kompjutersku procesorsku moć da servisiraju mrežu i trebaju biti kompenzovani u zamjenu za njihovu uslugu - obično u kriptocurrency. Ovo dovodi do naknada za transakciju. Iako su blokadni transakcioni troškovi niži od onih u bankarskom sistemu u većini slučajeva, oni i dalje mogu biti značajna količina u zavisnosti od tipa blok-kave i hitnosti transakcije. Na primjer, tekući troškovi Bitkoina po transakciji se kreću od USD 20 do USD 30 dok su troškovi Ethereuma po transakciji u rasponu od 2 USD do 3 USD.


Skoro svi protokoli bloka, bilo Bitcoin, Ethereum ili Ripple, imaju jedno zajedničko ograničenje u skalabilnosti: svaki čvor ili računar na blokchain-u mora obrađivati ​​svaku transakciju.

To zahtijeva da svaki čvor poseduje i održava kopiju celokupne knjige. Iako je decentralizacija ključni koncept blokiranja koji rezultira mnogim prednostima poput uklanjanja posrednika, trajnosti, sigurnosti i transparentnosti, to dolazi na račun skalabilnosti.

Skalabilnost u tradicionalnim sistemima baze podataka može se lako rešiti sa više računarske snage dodavanjem više fizičkih servera računara. U slučaju decentralizovanog sistema, svaki od višestrukih procesnih čvorova bi u teoriji zahtijevao više fizičkih komponenti za povećanje računarske snage.

Skalabilnost na ovom nivou je nepraktična; proširenje blok-ja bi povećalo potrebu za obradom snage, skladištenja i propusnog opsega na svakom čvoru, a svi potpuno učesni čvorovi ne bi bili u stanju da se suoče sa povećanim zahtjevima.

Transferi lanaca

Zbog različitih blokova koji imaju različite protokole, postoje ograničeni načini komunikacije između dva. Na primjer, u slučaju da pošiljaoc koji poseduje kripto imovinu u Bitcoin blockchain-u želi prenijeti sredstva na prijemnik na blokau Ethereum, pošiljaoc bi prvo trebao pretvoriti Bitcoin kripto imovinu u Ethereum kripto imovinu. U tom trenutku od pošiljaoca može biti potrebno da prenese Ethereum kripto imovinu u novčanik koji ga podržava. Tek tada će pošiljalac biti u mogućnosti prenijeti sredstva na primaoca. Ovaj proces je često dosadan, dugotrajan i skup. Često se kaže da bi povezivanje različitih blokova bilo ključno za masovno usvajanje blokchain ekosistema koji je uporediv sa formiranjem interneta 1990. godine povezivanjem različitih intraneta putem TCP / IP protokola.

QuickX rešava gore navedene probleme izgradnjom decentralizovane platforme koja pruža rješenje vremena, troškova i skalabilnosti obavljanjem transakcija van lanca za istu blokchain imovinu i grupiranjem Facilitatora koji obezbeđuju likvidnost za prenos lanca Crypto Assets.

QuickX ima za cilj da promeni status kriptocurrency od predmeta sličnog dijela do stvarne potrošne valute koja bi bila privlačna za mase. Omogućava korisnicima instant plaćanje prilikom otvaranja novih netaknutih segmenata poslovanja za fasilitatore organizacije.


Quickx je pokrenuo MVP Multi Currency Wallet

QuickX višenamjenski novac i novčani fond korisnicima omogućavaju potpunu kontrolu nad svojim novcem putem privatnih ključeva.

  • 60% => Token Sale
  • 15% => Rezerva za likvidnost
  • 13% => Osnivači i tim
  • 5% => Strateška partnerstva
  • 5% => Savjetnici
  • 2% => Bounty

Dostupni QCX za crowdfunding: 250.000.000
Raspoloživo QCX za privatnu prodaju: 50.000.000

Cena žetona

1 ETH = 7500 QCX
Učešće putem ETH
  • Quickx Decimals: 8
  • Simbol: QCX
  • Tip: Utility
  • Blockchain: Ethereum ERC-20



2016 Q3

Započeli istraživanja u Blockchainu
2017 P1

Planiranje poslovnog modula i alokacije resursnih timova
2017 P3

Patent Filed za tehnologiju (QuickX)
2017 P4

Povećao 1,2 miliona dolara od privatnih investitora za rad na QuickX protokolu
2018 P2

Pokretanje MVP-a (decentralizirani višenamenski novčanik - Android verzija)
2018 P3

Sale Token
Pokretanje potpuno funkcionalnog multicurrency novčanika (Android verzija)
2018 P4

QuickX platforma Testnet Launch (Interni)
Pokretanje multicurrency novčanika (iOS verzija)
Pokretanje Multi valute Crypto debitne kartice
2019 P1

Sigurnosno testiranje i revizija QuickX platforme Testnet-a
Public Launch na Testnetu
2019 P2

Pokretanje V.1.0 na Mainnet-u sa javnom rezervom za likvidnost i Platformom biće otvoreno za bazu fasilitatora da uvode likvidnost
Dodavanje još kriptokutencija u novčaniku i poboljšanje korisničkog iskustva
2019 P3

QuickX SDK i alati dostupni za različite novčanike za implementaciju i korišćenje funkcija QuickX protokola
Partnerstvo sa više provajdera kartica u različitim zemljama za povećanje korisničke baze
2019 P4

Instant Cryptocurrency Swap pomoću QuickX protokola
Širenje tržišta i donošenje više Blockchains-a na QuickX platformu
Ovdje objašnjenje od mene i za više informacija molim vas posetite link koji sam navedio u nastavku:

Autor: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2018

eLYQD (PreICO) Market decentralizovane industrije vapinga

eLYQD - ovo tržište platforma dizajniran za svakoga da bi mogli stvoriti online trgovine koja će utjecati najnaprednijih tehnologija u oblasti e-trgovine, uključujući i mogućnost da plati za kupovinu proizvoda preko kriptokonversy i žetona eLYQD.

Naš cilj je povezivanje elektronskih sredstava širom svijeta iu svakoj situaciji u kojoj možete pristupiti finansijskim resursima. Mi ćemo ujediniti proizvođače da stvorimo ekonomsku kripto-trgovinu, pređemo na novi nivo e-trgovine.

eLYQD - to je potpuno decentralizirana tržište e-trgovine u kojoj svatko može kupovati i prodavati Vaping proizvoda, kao i značajne prednosti dizajna i tehničkih mogućnosti platforme: privatnost, sloboda i mnogo niže troškove.

Jedna od glavnih karakteristika eLYQD-a je korištenje blokchain tehnologije, koja vam omogućava da obavljate transakcije, kupujete i kupujete.

Poslovni model

eLYQD je platforma kreirana za kupce i prodavce iz cijelog svijeta. Koristeći jednostavnu online platformu, svaki proizvođač može kreirati sopstvenu prodavnicu za prodaju svojih proizvoda, uz korišćenje minimalne naknade za širok spektar funkcija platforme.

Naša usluga nudi veliku priliku za privatne poduzetnike, privatne proizvođače, multinacionalne kompanije, uključujući i skup alata za direktnu komunikaciju sa klijentima, računovodstvo, analiza prodaje, oglašavanje i promociju, kao i zgodan, jednostavan za korištenje sučelje

Model prihoda eLYQD je fundamentalno različit od modela početne platforme e-trgovine. Tradicionalne platforme elektronske trgovine obično naplaćuju fiksnu naknadu za prodajnu cenu, ponekad u kombinaciji sa provizijom. Kupci mogu platiti i PayPal ili druga rješenja za obradu plaćanja.


Tržište eLYQD će povećati efikasnost svih poslovnih interakcija, oslobađajući ih od svih posrednika i učiniti te interakcije neposrednim, transparentnim, sigurnim i uzajamno korisnim. Ova vizija će se postići kroz stvaranje decentralizovanog ekosistema sa brzim blok lancem i interakcijom između korisnika. ELYQD su efikasni proizvodi koji se mogu koristiti u svoje svrhe.

Distributed blok lanac nudi potpunu transparentnost i provjere svake transakcije, uključujući i karakteristike detaljne proizvod, njegova cijena struktura koja odgovara prodaju okolnosti, kao i profili od poznatih prodaje stranaka. Elite eLYQD ekosistem će biti raspoređen na platformi Ethereum.

Princip peer-to-peer interakcije unutar eLYQD-a omogućava svim učesnicima da direktno interakciju. Ovo eliminiše troškove povezane sa posrednikom. Cena proizvoda ili usluge će biti preneta na proizvođača u potpunosti. Konačna cijena proizvoda će sadržati samo stvarne troškove proizvodnje i fer profit.

Plaćanja u eLYQD ekosistemu biće izvršena u vlastitom sistemu kripto-tokena-LYQD koji je kompatibilan sa ERC20. Funkcija token će nagraditi korisnike za aktivnu upotrebu ekosistema i doprinose njenom razvoju (nagrade uključuju kriptookupaemosti nekoliko vrsta, lojalnost, promocije).

U slučaju spora između kupca i prodavca, postoji arbitražna služba. Preporučujemo prodavcima, pošto povećava nivo poverenja kupaca, kao i verovatnoću da će se kupiti. Ako obe strane osporavaju transakciju, prodavac će isplatiti arbitra iz sredstava. Za kupce, arbitraža je uvek besplatna.

Svaki prodavac i kupac će imati reputacioni rejting dobijen od svog ponašanja tokom svake transakcije. Korisnici sa niskim ili negativnim rejtingom ugleda mogu se filtrirati kako bi zaštitili druge korisnike od prevara i potrošili ih. Ovaj sistem reputacije podstiče legitimne trgovce i kupce da deluju iskreno i stvaraju solidnu reputaciju.

Eter, kao i sve kriptovaluta, nestabilna, promjene vrijednosti na dnevnoj bazi protiv glavne valute, kao što su dolar i euro. eLYQD će razviti integrisani sistem plaćanja koji funkcioniše kao eter, ali ga pretvara u valutu u omjeru 1: 1. Na kraju, stavke mogu biti vrednovane u domaćoj valuti, a tačno ćete znati koliko trošite ili plaćate.

Takvo tržište direktnog pristupa (D2C) ima značajnu prednost u odnosu na centralizovane platforme u smislu slobode, povjerljivosti i troškova.

Nikada ne može biti onemogućeno, nikada ne može biti onemogućeno, a informacije o listi se ne mogu izgubiti. Korisnici ostaju privatni ako žele. ELYQD ne sme nikada biti cenzurisana, a korisnici se ne bi trebali obeshrabriti kupovinom ili prodajom.

Plaćanja se obrađuju bez interakcije centralizovanih platnih platformi i, stoga, čine celokupno iskustvo lako, ekonomično i neprekidno.

Kripto-komercijalni ekosistem

U ekosistemu eLYQD, brendovi, potrošači, arbitri, distributeri i špediteri direktno međusobno komuniciraju. Transakcije napaja LYQD, tako da su brzi, sigurni i transparentni. Nema potrebe za posrednicima koji postoje na Novom Zelandu. eLYQD će zadržati svu vrijednost koja je stvorila zajednica u ekosistemu.

Informacije o tokenu

Token = LYQD

Platform = Etereum

Tip = ERC20

Cijena PreICO 1 LYQD = 0.0024 USD

Cijena u ICO 1 LYQD = 0.0024 USD

Informacije o investicijama

Minimalna investicija = 0,1 ETH

Acceptance = ETH

Raspodela u ICO = 60%

Meki poklopac = $ 2,000,000

Tvrdi poklopac = 15.000.000 dolara

Nakon ICO perioda, svi učesnici će primiti zamjenljive ELYQD markere ERC20 u Etherereovoj mreži. Kad god lanac blokova ELYQD počinje sa svojim vlastitim token mehanizmom, ERC20 marker će uvek biti prihvaćen za razmjenu na novi token od 1 do 1.

Plan puta

Ispod su neke od predstojećih faza projekta eLYQD.

Q1 2018

Postoji ideja. Decentralizirano tržište isključivo za industriju

Privlačenje nekih velikih promena kroz naše tržište

Q3 2018

Finansiranje za razvoj

Pokretanje tržišta putem prodaje LYQD tokena

Q1 2019

Razvoj alfa rešenja za tržište testiranja

Sve veze izvršene preko HTTPS-a

Escrow & Arbitration Escrow

Univerzalna traka za pretragu

Sistem za blokiranje keširanja

Besplatna privatna slika

Unencriptirani chat sistem

x2 Geth i keširanje čvorova

K2 2019

Sistem za blokiranje keširanja

Besplatna, privatna slika

Unencriptirani chat sistem

Javna beta testiranja

Lokalizacija na 20 jezika

Sistem izveštavanja o greškama

Integracija Status.im

Web verzija i sistem filtriranja

Uvezeni tematski sistem

Integracija provajdera isporuke

Q3 2019

Advokatske aplikacije i arbitražni davatelji

Uvezeni tematski sistem

Sistem imenovanja, Sigs & Nametags

Sistem reputacije

Integracija provajdera isporuke

Varijabilan i siguran trošak gasa

Sistem reputacije

Mobilne aplikacije za iOS i Android

Dodatna integracija isporučioca

Store System

Preuzimanje preuzimanja

Q4 2019

Live desktop aplikacija za escrow i arbitražu

Live Status.im aplikacija

Live web verzija

Ugrađeni šifrirani sistem za ćaskanje

Sistem filtracije

Varijabilan i siguran trošak gasa

Full Geth mreža i keširanje

Store System

Preuzimanje preuzimanja

dodatne jezike

Platni sistem Fiat


Tim eLYQD je jedinstven po tome što kombinuje industriju dubokog sagorevanja i fintech iskustvo sa stručnjacima za blokiranje i softver. Crowdsale eLYQD je prirodni nastavak dugogodišnje vizije tima za pružanje bez ikakvih trenja, visokog kvaliteta, nisko troškovnog iskustva za sve, svuda.




Možete saznati više o platformi ili učestvovati u njihovoj prodajnoj gomili kroz sledeću vezu:

WEB SITE: https://www.elyqd.world/
WHITEPAPER: https://www.elyqd.world/assets/files/white-paper.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/elyqdcom
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/elyqdcom
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/elyqd_world

Autor: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018

EMMARES - connect high-quality email content with interested recipients

Gambar terkait

EMMARES is connecting high quality email content with interested recipients. By creating better quality content, lower frequency, and good content evaluation, emmares deliver new value, expanded audiences for email marketers and less spam with just the desired content for recipients. Emmares is also called Email Marketing Rewarding, a highly profitable evaluation system of email marketers (senders) as well as email recipients (all email users).

By signing up for an EMMARES system, MARKETERS emails get a chance to reach more targeted customers interested in their content. Because they deliver content that is well received by their recipients, with the emmires system the users get a chance to use the Emmares system to expand their reach and work towards better outcomes and higher ROI. Users will invest in a fun pool, which is the basis for rewarding users in the Emmares System (Email recipients), who evaluate their content.

In return for evaluating the content they receive from various sender and recipient email marketers get a token from the award pool. For each assessment, the recipient of the email (the user), receives a token from the email marketer whose content is evaluated.

Vision Emmares

Emmares' vision is to imagine a world where email marketing content has a much higher caliber. With our services, email marketers will be compelled to consistently produce better content over time. Trusted evaluations will help us all to minimize spam. EMMARES will start a new golden era of email marketing. We want email marketing to represent trust and quality in people's minds.

Mission Emmares

Emmares' mission is to make the world spam-free and play a major role in uncovering the possibility of dynamic content evaluation and intelligent delivery systems.
Email marketing is used more than any other digital marketing channel, but the impact is not what it is. This is due in large part to the fact that so much content used in email marketing is so low in quality. Customers want information offered by email marketers but they will not receive low quality information. By using the smart services offered by EMMARES, users can finally get email marketing content as per their standards and tailored for them by gender and their region.

The world where every email is received

  • Less spam.
  • Quality control.
  • Reach your target customers.
  • Get rewarded.


In February 2017, the Radicati Group estimated the number of email users worldwide reached 3.7 billion and the number of emails sent per day to about 269 billion. The large number of emails is equivalent to nearly 2.4 million emails sent every second and about 74 trillion emails sent every year.
By 2015, Radicati Group estimates are 205 billion emails per day. The amount will only continue to grow. (Lifewire.com - by Heinz Tschabitscher) Sending emails faster and easier than ever. As shown in the statistics collected by Hubspot.com, emails provide value to senders and recipients. There is a big difference, between high quality email and low quality.


The Emmares project has the potential to disrupt the digital advertising market by providing excellent return on investment, much more important than traditional online advertising. As the first service of its kind, Emmares provides a new approach to online advertising through email channels and gives a new dimension to email marketing.
Emmares Email will remain the only area for web presence, where results can not be achieved in an easy way just by paying for digital added. Getting targeted new customers is still one of the most important goals, because targeted customers mean better conversions.
Nowadays, with the possibility of surprising blockchain technology, we can introduce EMMARES intelligent services, which bring together information sources with consumer information. This results in higher ROI and clearly targeted leads. We hope that the revenue given to web advertising will be partially allocated to email marketing and this will result in a better ROI.

  • Benefit from Emmares.
  • Email marketer - Publisher.
  • Buyer token.
  • Mail recipient - Evaluator.

Implementation Token

The EMA Token is an ERC20 Token applied on the Ethereal Blockchain application platform. Ethereum Contracts for Token EMA and all other contracts are written in the Solidity programming language. All decentralized EMMARES Marketplace users will collect their EMA in Ethereum Wallet.

Email marketers will use EMMARES (EMA) by following this simple one

  1. After digitally signing the award contract, the sender pays the agreed amount of EMA coins plus service charges to a special campaign wallet that holds tokens until the budget is fully utilized.
  2. The recipient evaluates the quality of the email content and is rewarded by the EMA token.
  3. Once the beneficial pool is fully disbursed and / or the deadline has passed, the recipient can still review the provider's content but will not be rewarded with a crypto. The rating is not on the blockchain and is not relevant to the combined quality score. In this way, the recipient will be motivated to evaluate the content quickly, giving their impression on the content as soon as it is first published. In turn, publishers will be motivated to provide optimal feedback to obtain relevant quality assessments on the blockchain.
  4. Users will be able to convert ETH to EMA and vice versa through DEX exchange.
  5. GAS and service fees are deployed in each cycle to include blockchain transactions and service charges.

  • Pre-sale and Crowdsale
  • Token Symbol: EMA
  • 1 EMA = 0.12 USD
  • Total Supply: 500,000,000 EMA
  • Softcap: 2,000,000 USD
  • Hardcap: 22.5 million USD
  • Pre-Sale: Mar 1 2018 - March 15, 2018
  • ICO: Mar 19, 2018 - Apr 19, 2018
  • Tokens for sale (Pre-ICO and ICO): 255 million EMA

To encourage the development of next generation EMMARES Email ecosystems that will have a potentially very positive impact on email recipients, Email marketers and Email service providers, EMA tokens are now introduced and available for distribution. There are 3 phases in distribution plan in Personal placement with 3 stages, Pre-Distribution stage and international distribution stage ("Distribution"). Subject agreements must be signed with the buyer, please find the indicative terms and conditions below.

EMA Tokens form presale and private placement will be distributed in two weeks
after ICO.

  • EMA unsold for Pre-Distribution will be offered back in the distribution stages.
  • Number of Targets (Hard Cap) at Distribution Stage = USD 22.5 million - equivalent USD amount (raised during Placement and PreDistribution Personal phase). The ETE price in USD denomination will be set one hour before the launch of the Distribution event (with retroactive effect).
  • The amount of ETH raised prior to the launch of the Distribution event will be calculated by subscribing EMA and the discount rate applicable to each tranche private placement agreement.
  • In the distribution phase, the EMA / ETH conversion rate will be announced 1 hour before launch.

Please note, that we calculate the price of every purchase of tokens to ETH on a daily basis. The total amount of ETH collected and the equivalent USD amount will be displayed on the EMMARES website at the daily rate specified during the crowdsale.

Allocation of Token

  • Token will be issued shortly after crowdsale through smart contract. There will be 500,000,000 EMA generated. 255 million EMA tokens (51%) will be available during the crowdsale, and 23% will be allocated for incentives for eco system globalization (new account opening incentives).
  • We have decided to release (1/24) -from the founders' contributions every month for 24 months of known practice as vesting (2-year vesting with 1-month cliff). This will create long-term incentives for executives and inspire them to continue to achieve milestone roadmap milestones with perseverance.
  • 5% token will be reserved for future strategic team members.
  • Tokens for presale contributors will soon be distributed after the crowdsale token.
  • Bounty tokens will be distributed two weeks after the crowdsale.

Distribution Plan

Operation of EMMARES smart contracts When executed well and delivered with relevance to the customers involved, email marketing provides the highest ROI for modern marketers. Viewers of nearly 3B users worldwide receive an average of 3 email marketing posts a day. It makes the marketing volume Email 9 billion posts email marketing a day or 3.3 trillion posts email marketing per year. EMMARES target audience is email marketing recipient and email marketer. With only 1% penetration in the email marketing arena, EMMARES will have a 90mio email message volume through EMMARES per day scoring system, resulting in a satisfying 90 million euro per day transaction.

To encourage the development of next generation email ecosystems Email EMMARES, which has potentially very positive impact on email recipients, Email marketers and Email service providers, EMA tokens are now introduced and available for distribution.

EMA Token Distribution.

  • Private Placement and Pre Distribution Contributors will receive EMA tokens after the distribution stages are completed Bounty Contributions will be distributed within two weeks after the crowdsale ends.
  • Distribution stage contributors will receive tokens via smart contract immediately.
  • Bonus tokens from presale will be locked for a period of 6 months.



more info:

Website: https://emmares.io/
Whitepaper: https://emmares.io/whitepaper.pdf
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2807216.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1109245045873390/
Telegram: https://t.me/emmares
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emmares_io
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18292774/
Blog: https://medium.com/emmares

Author: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51