Kamis, 28 Februari 2019

Travelvee - ordering platform

There is a project that can help you to find hotels, find hotels and places that are right for you to travel.

You can also easily get it. Only by using the Travelvee platform, you can tour all of you when you feel tired, you can search for the hotel using only this Travelvee Platform.

What is called Travelvee?

Travelvee is a platform for tourism and travel and bookings aimed at the uninhabited tourism industry, where clients are at the forefront. Travelvee is oriented directly to the market for vacant rooms - which will be sold with exclusive provisions, which are discussed between the hotel and the buyer - in secret, or can only be called you and the buyer who knows more about and the issues that will be determined.


Travelvee will also give users the opportunity to buy accommodation in a hotel that is not sold anywhere, and is only sold to this particular client at this particular time. Every offer from the hotel for exclusive platform users at a price lower than usual and that will never happen again.

You will also be spoiled with services from the Travelvee Platform without paying any interest or discounts.

Then to offer price certainty in the Travelvee system, implement a system that can be determined by customers in determining prices.

you need to know that it won't be perfect if a platform doesn't have a token. because the existence of a token is very useful for users of the platform.

So from that the Travelvee Platform provides a platform that also provides tokens to make it easier for users to do transactions and other things.

then what is the token and how much is it?

below I will try to explain it to you about info tokens and their prices.
before discussing Info tokens, I will try to explain to you about the Token that is owned by this Travelvee platform

About Token Travel

TRAVEL Token is a utility based on the Ethereum ERC-20 standard.

The main function of the TRAVEL token is to pay an annual subscription fee for all Travelvee customers who provide accommodation services in hotels, tourist destinations and other services on the Travelvee platform.

Also, you can pay with TRAVEL tokens to anyone, with prior arrangements.


  • Token Name TRAVEL
  • Price 1 TRAVEL = 1 USD
  • Platform Ethereum
  • Accepting ETH
  • Soft cap 5,000,000 USD
  • Hard cap 30,000,000 USD


download (1).png

Contact Information

Website: https://icotravelvee.com/

VTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5055379

Whitepaper: https://icotravelvee.com/whitepaper/TravelVee-WhitePaper-en.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TRAVELVEE1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/travelvee/

Vkontakte: https://vk.com/travel_vee

Telegram: https://t.me/TravelveeEng

Media: https://medium.com/@travelvee1

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/travelvee

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCStbQA0rJSGiWg0GTrKB-pA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travel_vee/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/travelvee

writer: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Protokol zakletve - Sistem za rješavanje sporova i Protokol o upravljanju zasnovan na tehnologiji Blockchain

Šta je OATH?

Protokol za rešavanje sporova OATH-a modeliran je po sistemu sudske prakse i koristi blockchain, kriptografske algoritme, nasumične algoritme povezane sa kategorijama i atributima, stepen kreditne sposobnosti žirija i tehnologiju praćenja slučajeva. OATH gradi decentralizirani, standardni i proširivi javni lanac-agnostik protokol koji štiti prava i imovinu korisnika dApp-a.

Zašto OATH?

Blockchain Security bi trebao imati dva različita sloja: tehnologiju i upravljanje. Do sada smo se fokusirali samo na bezbednost informacione tehnologije, kao što je „anti-hacking“ ili „review code“. Ali Blockchain upravljanje je jednako (ako ne i više) važno zato što ga svaki korisnik treba s vremena na vreme. OATH protokol ohrabruje korisnike iz različitih zajednica da nam se pridruže i postane dio našeg OATH žirija kako bi pomogao u upravljanju lancem i rješavanju sporova dApp-a.

POVJERENJE: Svi ključni podaci, kao što su ugovor i relevantni dokazi, se šire u blok-lancu kako bi se uspostavio stalni, nepromjenjivi zapis.

POVJERLJIVOST: Identiteti članova žirija se čuvaju u tajnosti putem kriptografskih tehnika kako bi se osigurala objektivnost i imunitet od vanjskih utjecaja.

DINAMIČNOST: OATH-ov algoritam dinamičke raspodjele smanjuje izglede da isti članovi žirija rješavaju višestruke sporove kako bi izbjegli tajne dogovore.

FAIRNESS: OATH-ov kategorizirani slučajni algoritam, dizajniran za smanjenje pristrasnosti, bira porotnike sa različitim pozadinama kako bi osigurao pravednost.

POTICAJNI: Sistem OATH-a za kreditni nivo i token mehanizam rade zajedno kako bi procijenili i motivirali porotnike.

AUTONOMIJA: Obje strane u ugovoru mogu odrediti detalje postupka rješavanja sporova koje prihvate.

TRANSPARENTNOST: Kada se spor reši, glasovi žirija i navedeni razlozi za to se otkrivaju zajednici.

ARHIVA: Ugovori i rezultati rješavanja sporova su šifrirani i spremljeni na OATH lancu za buduću referencu.

Core Concepts

SADAŠNJIVOST PAMETNOG UGOVORA: Instrument za pametne ugovore prilagođen korisniku će u velikoj mjeri smanjiti prepreke za korištenje pametnih ugovora. Osim toga, OATH protokol će biti ugrađen u te pametne ugovore radi zaštite prava i imovine korisnika.

DECENTRALIZOVANO CH ANARHIJA: Decentralizovanim ekosistemom treba upravljati decentralizovana zajednica. OATH obezbeđuje standardni protokol za upravljanje blokirom tako što organizuje decentralizovanu zajednicu žirija, sastavljenu od članova različitih profila i oblasti stručnosti, za rešavanje sporova ili argumenata o blokčeru.

KONSENZUS JE REALNI ZAKON: Iako je tačno da je "kod je zakon," kod može biti izvršen samo po pravilima koja su programirana u kod, i ne može riješiti pitanja izvan tih parametara.

Konsenzus je pravi zakon, jer samo konsenzus među svim korisnicima može riješiti sve vrste stvari.
ŠIRENA ZAJEDNICA: DApp korisnici su podstaknuti da izgrade zdrav ekosistem. OATH poziva korisnike iz različitih zajednica da ne samo obezbijede upravljanje za dApp koji podržavaju, već i za druge ekosisteme. Na taj način možemo razviti veliku zajedničku zajednicu.

OATH Infrastructure

Proširenja i sloj 2: OATH pruža interfejs za pametne ugovorne programske jezike. Svi pametni ugovori pisani preko OATH sučelja automatski su osigurani pametnim arbitražnim planom OATH-a.

OATH takođe obezbeđuje biblioteku sloja 2 za jednostavnu integraciju i rešavanje sporova preko OATH protokola.

Interakcija sa OATH: OATH će implementirati Oracle servise u javne lance. Oracle usluga će se koristiti za komunikaciju između Smart ugovora koristeći OATH protokol i OATH platformu. Usluge eksternog monitoringa će uhvatiti i izvršiti događaje upita koje emitira OATH Oracle. Rezultati arbitraže će biti vraćeni na pametni ugovor putem 'povratne transakcije'.

OATH Ledger i IPFS: OATH Blokovi imaju 2 skupa podataka: informacije o slučaju i dokumentaciju dokaza. Informacije o predmetu će imati pametan sadržaj ugovora, postavke arbitraže, odabrani žiri, glasanje i rezultate arbitraže. Te informacije će biti šifrovane i sačuvane u bloku. Datoteke dokaza će biti sačuvane u IPFS sistemu. Imat ćemo hash-ključ za datoteke spremljene u bloku.

Pametna arbitraža: OATH šifrira identitete porotnika, tako da je njihova odluka objektivna i bez vanjskih uticaja. Koristi „kategorizirani slučajni algoritam“ za odabir grupe žirija koja je slobodna od pristrasnosti i „relacijskih atributa“ kako bi spriječila sudske porotnike da sklapaju poslove. On stvara pošten, opravdan i transparentan sistem. Svi porotnici će glasati nezavisno na osnovu dokaza, svjedočenja i pametnog ugovora.

OATH Investors

OATH partnerstva

Za više informacija:

Web stranica: https://oathprotocol.com/en/
Whitepaper: https://oathprotocol.com/files/OATH-Whitepaper-EN.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/oathsio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oathprotocol/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OathProtocol

pisac: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51


What is Moozicore Music Streaming Blockchain?

Moozicore is a new music platform that allows users to more control the music they are listening to. A higher level of control ensures that users actually listen to the various channels from which they use. To allow users to more influence the music they heard, Moozicore establishes connections and contracts with owners of music businesses. While the platform is not yet available, it should be ready for use by the end of 2018. At the same time, people can stay abreast of the development of the platform.
The goal of moozicore is to promote places, such as bars, eateries, river centers and several different entertainment options, creating an individual social meeting for each consumer.

Moozicore can certainly develop places, such as bars, snack bars, exercise centers and several different entertainment options, creating individual social music for each consumer.

What is one of the varieties related to our administration is that it allows our customers to access a dynamic consumer meeting to attract open music, television shows, the Internet, most of their lives and achievements, ideal from mobile phones? Buyers use the universal Moozicore application to select ringtones, vote and play music, communicate with various bar visitors, share via network media over the Internet and what is a distinctive feature of the survey.

Musikor believes that artisans and lyricists receive legal rewards for their efforts. For any organizations using our administration, obtaining licenses for enforcement from US rights protection organizations (ASCAP, BMI and SESAC) requested by Moozicore is significant.


The report, which is knowledgeable about coronary artery disease in 2017, demonstrates that there were more than 700,700 assignments in the assignment over the USA, where close sounds are key to buyers.

Proceeds from the sale of music in the United States. As it seems the RIAA, torrential music scenes spoke only about 2/3 of the total income of the American music industry in 2017 and caused almost the main part of the event. “The distribution classification covers revenue from member administrations, reinforcing radio controls, which is optional, and supported by the administration of the spill upon request. US Paid Music Subscriptions Revenue Paid memberships were the best driver for the development of the music business in 2017. Sixty-three times the annual financial gain added more than $ 4 billion to member income, making it a long shot the best configuration of recorded music in the US, along with the forty-seventh of the market mix.


BETWEEN November twenty six, 2018 AND January twenty-eighth, 2019

MooziCoin Gold (MZG) is a useful ERC20 utility token offered for use in the Moozicore service. With the abuse of MZG in Moozore, mobile applications, do-gooders change the close sounds in scenes into intuitive playlists with consumer sources.


4Q 2016
Moozicore plan created

1Q 2017
Statistical measurement

2Q 2017
Trademark Time Period

3Q 2017
M "in the best launch logos in 2017
Group growth

1Q 2018
Moozicore preSale token with a grueling Cap has come!

2Q 2018
stage completed (HTML, iOS, Android)

3Q 2018
Stage beta testing
begin with
submitting a website to Moozicore

4Q 2018
Moozicore Public Sale token

1Q 2019
Administration allowed to complete
sending Moozicore to USA

3Q 2019
shipping Moozicore in Japan

1Q 2020
Moozicore goes to China

Information Visit this site:

Website: https://moozicore.com/

Website: https://tokensale.moozicore.com/

Technical documentation: https://tokensale.moozicore.com/whitepaper.pdf

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Senin, 25 Februari 2019

XENDBIT PROJECTDigitalBits - Company Overview | DigitalBits - company overview


This is a hotel chain. Like other hotel chains, HotelBrand has a permanent loyalty program, which has about 30 million customers and about 40 billion points. However, due to the tough competition in the hotel services market, HotelBrand is currently in 10th place.

Hasil gambar untuk DigitalBits io

In addition, it faces tough competition from various innovative start-ups, which are primarily focused on a joint economy. To increase its market share in the coming years, HotelBrand has determined that the key solution for market promotion should be the restructuring of their LRP program in order to make it more customer oriented.

The customer-oriented LRP program has functions such as ease of registration and use, and, more importantly, it contributes to high liquidity, that is, it allows the client to easily collect, track, share and use the points collected. High liquidity leads to increased customer engagement and increased perceived value of the LRP program. This encourages new customers, in addition to their current clientele, to use their services in comparison with competitors.

HotelBrand strives to expand its worldwide presence and strives to be a market leader. Therefore, they are interested in creating a platform that can dynamically and easily scale in accordance with their ambitious goals.
The HotelBrand system monitors the excitement over the blockchain, which stands as a solution to many common technological problems. However, early prototypes examined by their teams showed that blockchain-based solutions have their drawbacks, such as huge transaction fees and time. Recently, HotelBrand has been intrigued by the blockchain-based solution offered by DigitalBits, especially as it overcomes many of the limitations of earlier blockchain generations.

The key feature provided by DigitalBits is that the tokens offered have high liquidity in accordance with the HotelBrand customer orientation. DigitalBits will allow you to create a new LRP program for free. They also understand that the system can dynamically scale to serve its global customers.

Moreover, they understand that they can start by using the base application provided by DigitalBits, and then invest in developing a specific brand application on top of the base application using its API and SDK. The only thing they carry is a very low transaction fee, the cost necessary to ensure the integrity of the transaction. The fee is used to maintain the system.

Therefore, HotelBrand uses the money saved to provide more benefits to consumers, as well as to increase their marketing and consumer activities and, more importantly, to focus on their main product.

DigitalBits creates a new HotelBrand token for its brand and indicates the maximum number of tokens that they would like to receive. When a consumer books a room in one of their hotels, they transfer some tokens to the consumer based on their own internal algorithm.

The consumer will immediately see an increase in HotelBrand tokens in her DigitalBits-enabled application, which she regularly uses with other brands. Moreover, she is glad that she does not need to install another application or fill out a form for another loyalty card.

Later, the consumer will want to use some of his HotelBrand tokens in order to vacate a room at HotelBrand, as well as convert the rest into tokens in order to take advantage of a discount on his next flight. The consumer also periodically chooses to convert some of their tokens to XDB tokens in order to benefit from the growing cost of the DigitalBits network.

The project team:

Project contact information:

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

MITOSHI - Presentation of a truly honest, secure and transparent experience in the field of cryptometry

I welcome the community, in this post I will present a very interesting project, MITOSHI, and here are all the reviews:

About Mitoshi CryptoLotto

Our view

Mitoshi is the next generation of online games and cryptoglotters working on a block chain. Our vision is to release a completely fair, secure and transparent crypto technology, which is easily accessible to the global market. It seems that this is truly an international game in a cryptolotherm - it will offer draws that cover the geography of Asia, North America and Europe. Mitoshi-cryptotto-tokens can be purchased using fiat and cryptocurrency.

Lottery built on smart contracts

Mitoshi will use the Ethereum blockchain platform and special contracts to collect, distribute funds, and also pay commissions for the sale of lotteries through our referral program. With smart contracts, neither winning numbers nor lottery tickets can be falsified. Mitoshi Cryptolotto will be a decentralized community owned by the online community - thanks to the strength of the blockade.

Global Pranks

Mitoshi will have a wide selection of lottery draws. Each draw contains massive payouts for its winners. Mitoshi CryptoLotto will have global reach, allowing anyone from all over the world to participate in the finger.

Watch the video!

Mitoshi Token Sale

Mickey Mitoshi is the utility (user) tokens, and sales of his tokens are intended for the future participation of the Mitoshi lottery in the smart contract platform.

Bullet symbol: MTSH

Start selling tokens: January 27, 2019

Token sale end: August 25, 2019

Total number of tokens: 1,000,000,000

Total amount to be sold: 680,000,000 or 68% of the total output

Total private sale: US $ 20,000,000.00

Total pre-sale: $ 20,000,000.00

Main sale of tokens: $ 60,000,000.00

Soft cover: 10,000,000.00 US dollars

Hard cover: $ 100,000,000.00

Accepted currencies crypto & fiat: ETH, BTC & USD

Minimum purchase limit: TBA



by RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51


The global world is going through  series of problem .In the business world a lot of business are downsizing and shutting down, many have lost creativity which have resulted to poverty and unemployment.Too many problems, but guest what in every problem lies a new business for those who can think well enough, manage well and invest right.

Guys I bring to you a good news, bother no more about this problem causes the solutions lies in Mitoshi. A managerial platform put together by a group of experts
and well experienced professionals powered by blockchain.

Join me as I guide you through knowing about this amazing platform and giving your business a new life again. Follow me


Mitoshi is the next generation of online gaming and cryptolotteries powered by the blockchain. Our vision is to bring forth a completely fair, secure and transparent cryptolottery experience that is readily accessible to the global market. Envisioned as a truly international cryptolottery play – it will offer draws that cover the geographies of Asia, North America and Europe. Mitoshi crypolotto tokens can be purchased using fiat and crypto currencies.

Lotery is Good

Maybe your kid is sick and there are hospital bills to pay. Maybe you’ve lost your job and you’re worried about making rent. Maybe you still have a job, but it sucks, and you’d really like to spend the next 50 years lying on a beach with a mai tai in hand.

Whatever your predicament, the current estimated Powerball jackpot of $1.5 billion could fix it. Which makes us wonder — when it comes to playing the lottery, are we all just damsels in distress?

“People love to have a rescue fantasy,” human behavior expert Dr. Wendy Walsh told CNN in 2011 when the Mega Millions jackpot hit $656 million. “We have the Cinderella complex — there’s a fairy godmother who’s going to come in and save us.”

We’ve all heard the statistics. Your chances of winning the Powerball jackpot are about one in 175.2 million. You’re more likely to die from a bee sting (one in 6.1 million), be struck by lightning (one in 3 million) or have conjoined twins (one in 200,000).

But people keep playing — most likely because the thought of winning is much more fun than the thought of being attacked by a shark (one in 11.5 million).

“It doesn’t faze them because they’re in love with hope,” Walsh said.

For the 2012 fiscal year, U.S. lottery sales totaled $78 billion, according to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. More than half of us have played the lottery in the last year, although 20% of customers buy the majority of the tickets.

Part of the allure is that everyone else is doing it, said Dr. Stephen Goldbart, author of “Affluence Intelligence” and co-director of the Money, Meaning & Choices Institute.

In a Psychology Today article titled “Lottery-itis!” Goldbart noted two main reasons why people buy tickets.

Irrational or not, millions will sit around their TV and computer screens, praying that the six numbers they’re clutching will appear.

They’re optimistic that the fairy-tale ending they’ve been waiting for will come, even if it takes a little magic.

Mitoshi CryptoLotto

This is what drives Mitoshi to become a Blockchain-based online gaming and lottery platform. By using a system like this, it allows Mitoshi to run the most secure and transparent system in the world of lotteries.

Mitoshi will utilize the blockchain platform and with Ethereum smart contracts for collecting, distributing funds as well as in paying lottery sales commissions through our referral program. With smart contracts, neither winning numbers nor lottery tickets could be counterfeited. Mitoshi Cryptolotto will a decentralized community owned by the internet community – thanks to the power of the blockchain.

Mitoshi will have a widespread lineup of lottery draws. Each draw contains massive payouts for its winners. Mitoshi CryptoLotto will have a global reach, allowing anybody from around the globe to participate by the tap of a finger.

Mitoshi Solutions

Mitoshi mobile application

The Mitoshi mobile application will be designed to access the mitoshi platform. This app will hold all capabilities to join each draw as well as navigate through other gaming opportunities provided by the Mitoshi platform. The application can be accessed through both IOS and android.

Payout methods

Those who want to purchase these lotto tickets can either go to our website or download the app. They can register and an e-wallet will be assigned to them. They either deposit cash or transfer their bitcoin or ethereum assets into the e-wallets. And can purchase Mitoshi play tokens after these assets are credited. Mitoshi lottery can only be purchased through Mitoshi tokens and will be priced at 1 Mitoshi coin per ticket.

Airdrops, rewards and bounty

Mitoshi will allocate millions of free tokens for airdrops, rewards and bounty. Find out more on how you can qualify to own Mitoshi tokens absolutely free. So you can start winning.

Token Sales

Token symbol MTSH

Token sale start

Token sale end

Total amount of tokens 1,000,000,000

Total amount to be sold 68,000,000 or 68% of total issuance

Total private sale US$20,000,000.00

Total pre sale US$20,000,000.00

Token main sale US$60,000,000.00

Soft cap US$10,000,000.00

Hard cap US$100,000,000.00

Accepted crypto & fiat currencies ETH, BTC, LTC, USD

Minimum purchase limit

For more information about Mitoshi, visit:

Website: https://www.mitoshi.io/

Whitepaper: coming soon.

Facebook: http://m.facebook.com/MitoshiCryptoLotto/

Telegram: https://t.me/Mitoshi_Channel

Twitter: http://mobile.twitter.com/mitoshicrypto

by RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Saturn - биржевая и внебиржевая торговая платформа.

Сатурн является платформой для прямого кросс-цепного обмена крипто активами.
Децентрализованный протокол - это симбиоз удобства прямого атомного обмена и надежности стороннего поручителя. Легальные и безопасные транзакции для игроков криптовалюты.
Наша цель: создание качественно нового, ликвидного и безопасного рынка криптоактивов.

Сатурн - это симбиоз удобства и безопасности прямого атомного обмена криптоактивами и надежности стороннего гаранта.
Наша цель: создание качественно нового, ликвидного и безопасного внебиржевого рынка.
Saturn запускает биржевую и внебиржевую торговую платформу для криптовалют
на основе кросс-цепочки протокола обмена своп. В планах команды Сатурна обеспечить
P2P биржевых услуг для трейдеров, инвесторов, компаний и брокеров.

Дорожная карта.

Escrow декабрь 2108.
Saturn - безопасные юридические сделки между владельцами крипто-активов с гарантией третьей стороны - протокол прямого обмена.

OTC Crosschain Trading Cross декабрь 2018 г.
Продажа и покупка большого количества крипто-активов больше не проблема. Безопасные внебиржевые транзакции по протоколу атомарного обмена (от кошелька к кошельку) актуальны для владельцев с большим количеством криптоактивов, ранних инвесторов и членов команды стартапов блокчейна.

Внебиржевой аукцион 3 кв. 2019 г.
Покупка и продажа большого количества криптоактивов по лучшей предложенной цене. Безопасность транзакций, настройки для выполнения заказа и низкие комиссии сделают поиск продавца или покупателя более доступным и безопасным.

Обмен атомарных транзакций 4 квартал 2019 года.
Saturn запускает P2P-торговлю на основе протокола swap.online. Saturn - это дополнительная ликвидность для криптоактивных активов с низкой ликвидностью, надежным кросс-обменом и удобным интерфейсом в вашем браузере.

Сделки с евро и долларами США 1-3 квартал 2020 года.
Сатурн работает над созданием инфраструктуры обмена необслуживаемых валют по всем направлениям: атомный обмен, внебиржевая перекрестная торговля, внебиржевой аукцион

Платформа :

Чтобы создать ликвидный рынок для низколиквидных криптоактивов, Saturn Platform запускает Token Sale. В рамках запуска платформы Сатурн было выпущено 1 000 000 000 XSAT, из которых 750 000 000 предлагается приобрести во время продажи токенов.

XSAT является маркером ликвидности платформы Сатурн.
Модель ликвидности токена основана на гибких опциях обмена более чем 300 криптоактивных активов в рамках платформы Сатурн и бесплатной конвертации XSAT в основные котируемые активы: биткойн, Ethereum, доллар США.

Команда планирует использовать средства, собранные в обмен на токен XSAT, для обеспечения ликвидности активов, требуемых сообществом. Для этой цели будет использовано 51% активов, от общего количества собранных активов. Оставшаяся часть собранных средств обеспечит резерв, который будет использован для развития и развития компании.

Platform Token Sale Saturnus

Продажа токенов планируется в 3 этапа:

Частная продажа

Этот этап начался 17 ноября 2018 года и будет завершен после запуска внебиржевой платформы Сатурн, собрав при этом минимальную капитализацию, необходимую для следующих этапов и разработки платформы.


Он начнется после завершения Частной продажи и запуска атомного своп-обмена токенов XSAT на платформе Сатурн. Предварительная продажа продлится 2-4 недели. Открывая продажу широкому кругу покупателей, мы планируем реализовать атомарные транзакции XSAT со 100 криптоактивными активами. Наша команда планирует открыть Presale в середине декабря. Окончательное решение о дате начала этапа будет зависеть от выполнения целей, поставленных командой на Частной продаже.

Публичная продажа

Начало Публичной продажи запланировано на январь 2019 года. Наша команда должна проделать большую работу на всех предыдущих этапах, поэтому невозможно точно определить дату открытия Публичной продажи. На этапе публичной продажи в платформе Saturn будет доступна покупка токена XSAT в обмен на примерно 300 криптоактивов.

На каждом этапе цена XSAT и список принятых криптоактивных активов различаются. Актуальная информация об изменениях стоимости и начале нового этапа будет доступна на веб-сайте проекта.

После завершения Token Sale команда Saturn продолжит реализацию статей с дорожной картой. Токен XSAT будет доступен для торговли на нашей платформе после завершения продажи токена. Кроме того, в ходе реализации проекта, следуя принципам справедливой цены, мы планируем разместить XSAT на популярных крипто биржах.

Выпуск токенов XSAT и модель их распространения
Один выпуск 1 000 000 000 XSAT.
  • Частная продажа
  • Нет XSAT для продажи
  • 1XSAT = 0,075 $

  • Завершено 22 декабря
  • 148 100 000 XSAT
  • переведен в предпродажу
  • Предпродажная
  • Нет XSAT для продажи

  • 1 XSAT = $ 0,115
  • Завершено 6 февраля
  • 388 700 000 XSAT
  • передано в публичную продажу
  • 638 000 000 XSAT
  • 1 XSAT = $ 0,13

  • 1 XSAT = $ 0,130
  • более 300 криптоактивов доступны для оплаты. Следите за голосованием сообщества. Полный список будет опубликован до начала публичных торгов.
Hasil gambar untuk https://saturn.black/

Завершающий этап Продажа токенов Сатурн Блэк

Продажа токенов Сатурн Блэк перешла на финальную стадию. Публичная распродажа продлится до 6 марта.
На предыдущих этапах наш проект распределял 111 500 000 токенов, предлагаемых к продаже по ценам от 0,075 до 0,115 долларов США.

На этапе публичной продажи цена 1 токена Сатурна (XSAT) составляет 0,13 доллара, а минимальный чек - 50 долларов.
Мы оставляем за собой возможность приобрести токен по более низкой цене для покупателей от $ 5000. Чтобы приобрести со скидкой, свяжитесь с нами по sales@saturn.black или Telegram @saturn_info.

Купить Сатурн токены (XSAT) сейчас

От идеи до сегодняшнего дня команда Saturn Black разработала проект в основном за счет собственных инвестиций членов команды. Благодаря отзывам сообщества мы убедились в жизнеспособности бизнес-модели проекта, основанной на поставках ликвидности на криптовалюты.

На данный момент проект собрал определенный пул альткойнов и начал торговые операции с ними на существующих рынках. Мы также продолжаем связываться с командами проекта блокчейн, чтобы найти партнеров, заинтересованных в поддержке ликвидности на их собственных рынках.

Наша команда постоянно изучает криптовалюты и расширяет список активов, принимаемых к оплате. Мы готовы принять более 150 криптоактивов в обмен на токен Saturn и планируем расширить список до 300 единиц. Представители проекта и инвесторы могут связаться с нашей командой, чтобы обсудить интеграцию систем ликвидности Saturn Black на своих рынках.

Команда платформы Сатурн:

Поддерживается партнерами.
Бизнес-модель Saturn Black ориентирована на партнерские отношения с проверенными временем компаниями. Наша команда рада инвесторам и проектам, заинтересованным в интеграции. Присоединяйтесь к сообществу!

Информация о Сатурн Блэк:

Веб-сайт: https://saturn.black/
Телеграмма Канал: https://t.me/saturnblack
Телеграмма на английском языке: https://t.me/saturn_ENGchat
Телеграмма на русском языке: https://t.me/saturn_ruschat

автор: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Minggu, 24 Februari 2019

ALCEDO- Incorporating cryptocurrencies into our everyday life


Hello Everyone, I will introduce the project about ALCEDO-Platform, if you wish to join the ALCEDO-Platform project, let's look at the following review

What is ALCEDO ?

ALCEDO-Platform creates an ecosystem that implements blockchain technologies into everyday life. It makes crypto currencies accessible and usable for everybody around the world.


At every ALCEDO-Point one can buy, sell and exchange  currencies (BTC, ALCE, EUR, etc.) with the help of  professional consultants

The ALCEDO-Coin (ALCE) is an important part of our ecosystem, as it is a means for handling our service fees and rewards program.

Buy, sell, exchange and electronically transmit to and from any crypto currency account

Investment Plans
We are expanding our traditional business from Gold-Saving Plans to Crypto-Investment Plans

It allows customers to quickly and easily buy or sell crypto currencies at our ALCEDO cash machines and POS-Terminals

We are supporting wellknown Crypto-ATMs and building a network in Germany


In addition to the crypto ATM’s, ALCEDO-Points will assist our customers with the help of our service team. We’ll offer our customers the unique opportunity to buy and sell crypto currencies outside of internet exchanges and with the personal help of our experts. They will also assist in the use of the ATM’s and answer all questions in regards to crypto currencies.

Expanding ALCEDO-Points
ALCEDO-Points are available under a franchising system, which will create jobs and a higher and faster acceptance in our society. We, as your future franchisor, will ensure that you’ll receive the best framework with competent advice, ongoing training and continuous accessibility. The license fees will be paid exclusively with ALCEDO-Coins, which means that the ALCEDO-Coin remains in the company's business cycle.

Profit from our experience about crypto currencies and gold
We help people to invest safety in crypto currencies and physical


ALCEDO-Cards are equipped for the first time with a built-in NFC chip and can be used at our ALCEDO-ATMs and our POS-Terminals. This allows customers to quickly and easily buy or sell crypto currencies. In addition, it promotes the dissemination and acceptance of ALCEDO-Coins and other crypto currencies. No long and cumbersome registration procedures on foreign stock exchanges are necessary. We operate exclusively and completely from Germany.

Our Edition 1 ALCEDO-Card is limited to 1,000 cards, personalized and will be sent free of charge (worldwide) with the purchase of 10,000 ALCEDO-Coins.


The ALCEDO-Wallet drastically simplifies the handling of crypto currencies on the smartphone. Very simply, one can send and/or receive different coins. We offer at the start Bitcoin, Ethereum and the ALCEDO-Coin, but this assortment will be continually expanded.The Wallet is designed to work seamlessly with our crypto machines and the ALCEDO-Platform. For the exchange of Euro in crypto currency, the process is almost identical to getting coins at the machine, i.e. scanning the QR code and getting coins. The mobile app includes a map showing all locations of crypto machines in Germany.

ALCEDO-Wallet is designed by observing the highest safety standards.
After downloading and registration, all users of this wallet get 20 ALCEDO-Coins for free.

Struktur ALCEDO-Token

  • Token : ALCEDO-Token
  • Total ALCEDO-Token : 100 000 000 ALCE
  • Hard-Cap : 40 000 000 ALCE
  • Project-Protocol : first ERC20-Token
  • Crowd-Sale : Dec 01, 2018
  • Means of Payment : BTC, ETH, PayPal

Token Sale Stages

Token Sale Proceeds

Token Distribution


Our Leadership
We are proud of our great team. We are a group of motivated and enthusiastic people, always ready and willing to help out where needed it.

For more information about the ALCEDO-Platform project, please visit the link below:

Whitepaper: https://www.alcedoplatform.com/assets/images/Alcedo-whitepaper-eng.pdf
ICO: http://alcedoplatform.com/
Website: http://alcedoplatform.com/
Your BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=905392
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/alcedoplatform
Twitter : https://twitter.com/CoinAlcedo
Telegram : https://t.me/alcedoplatform1
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5070994.0

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Minggu, 17 Februari 2019

Empire Hotels "will change the hotel industry"

The state of hospitality

Hospitality is one of the oldest and most persistent industries that existed since early civilization (eg the inn where there was no room left).

In particular, for the hotel industry, the increasing accessibility of travel through increasingly falling prices in the face of inflation has only increased the demand for accommodation worldwide. Recent studies have found that the largest geographic markets for hospitality accounts for a market share of 37-38%.

The conventional type of hospitality was often against technological change and integration (similar to restaurants). As a result, we've seen few developers of block chains trying to meet the needs of the industry. This is a problem that Empire Hotels wants to solve.

Advantages of Empire Hotels

Renato Dimarzio: "The hotel industry today is mainly centralized, leaving the user database unprotected. The use of Blockchain offers an alternative for the consumer. "In addition, Blockchain prevents duplicate bookings and is the safest way to obtain user data."

Other issues mentioned by Renato (as well as the brand's website and white paper) include the high management fees charged by many competitors, such as booking.com, hotels.com, and Kayak - between 10-25% of the final cost. By comparison, the fees charged by Empire Hotels will be "only 3% for Krypto and 8% for Fiat".

When asked about the basic goals of the Empire Hotels, Renato Dimarzio described the company as a "block-based platform that offers many services: from the selection and booking of the hotel to the end of the stay."

How it works

Empire Hotels creates a mobile app that offers features such as check-in / check-out, bill update, room temperature control, hot tub heating, and more - with the goal of increasing efficiency despite cultural or linguistic differences. On the other hand, cross-border hotel bookings and payment transactions can be facilitated.

Renato Dimarzio is no stranger to hospitality as he has been on the road in his previous career as a self-proclaimed entrepreneur, with over a decade of real estate experience. This contributes to "a keen eye for detail" as well as the inspiration for the product itself.

He sets up Empire Hotels as follows

"Imagine you come to the hotel after a long journey and you can go straight to your room, not forgetting that the room has the perfect temperature, your bathtub (if any) would be heated the way you want it Room is opened with your smartphone. This saves not only time, but also those who travel a lot. "

The main source of revenue the company aims to achieve is the sale of advertising packages to hoteliers and hardware, their integration into the service and promotion of acceptance by offering free advertising.

Empire hotels and destinations

Renato Dimarzio is a Brazilian born and based in London entrepreneur. Be in London The company is based in London, but is registered in Switzerland. This decision was made because "there was already a sophisticated set of rules for crypto / blockchain companies."

Like the distributed computing of blockchain technology, the headquarters of Empire Hotels (like many others that are heavily involved in cryptography - such as the flight of a Chinese blockchain company to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore) is temporary and does not require a permanent presence Location.

Also for regulatory reasons, Dimarzio and Empire Hotels have recently held several amazing talks with the Government of the Bahamas, which intends to become the next in space in Malta by introducing more reliable pro-cryptocurrency regulations.

While the hospitality and hospitality industries were threatened with employment problems in the UK as a result of Brexit, cryptocurrency companies had some sort of freedom of choice during the spin-off period.

Nonetheless, the government has stepped up regulatory efforts with the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) to establish a "Cryptoasset Task Force" and proposed consultations prohibiting derivative sales.

Now and Future of Empire Hotels

For security reasons, the company is working with Netverify ("helping to prevent fraud, preventing the use of fake or stolen credentials"). Others include Accubits, which "really pushes [Empire Hotels] into the market," and AppInventiv, an "India-based app development company."

Empire Cash (EPMC) is the hallmark that Empire Hotels has developed to pay for services and to distribute rewards. It is an Ethereum ERC-20 token offering a total of 367,200.00 EPMCs and an ICO public sale beginning in mid-November. According to the website, all brands that were not sold during the sale are burned.

The service interface will be available to customers via a mobile app for Android and iOS. The launch of full version 1.0 is scheduled for December 2018 (and then the launch of a payment platform by February 2019). In describing the app, Renato described it as follows.

"When you download the app, you can see which hotels you are in or in a specific area and you can make the booking through FIAT or EmpireCash. The most important tools are already available. The next time the app is upgraded, other features such as live bill and automatic door lock will be available. "
Protocol: ERC20 buying methods


  • US, Iran and North Korea do not attend
  • Personal cap is 0.01ETH - unlimited
  • Bonus system for early investors
  • new token emissions are disabled
  • White list available
  • KYC required


First draft of the idea - November 2017
The first idea for the app and the platform was designed. Although this idea has changed over time, in November 2017 we first discussed the development of this project.

Smart Contract Design - March 2018
The development and testing of smart contracts is a crucial phase in the process of an ICO. At this stage, crypto-economics, numbers and supply were defined.

White Paper Development - March 2018
The whitepaper describes the technology and capabilities of our apps and platform, as well as plans for the future.

Website + Dashboard Development - June 2018
The wallet website and dashboard have been developed using state-of-the-art technologies and repeatedly tested on various devices.

ICO phase - starting in January 2019
The ICO phase will start in January 2019 and will be split into three parts: Pre-ICO (Pre-ICO), Phase 1 and Phase 2.

App Launch for Android and iOS - April 2019
The first version of the app will not be a beta version. it will be fully operational. In this release, all features are activated from the first day and updated over time.

EMPIRECASH Pay Launch - July 2019
Scheduled for July 2019, this feature allows users to contactlessly pay with their mobile phones while simultaneously picking up the available EmpireCash coins.

For more information about TokenSale, visit: https://empirehotels.io. Visit
Empire Hotels at:

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Jumat, 15 Februari 2019

VENOTY - Child Development Through Creativity

Hello friends all are still with me Ade prayoga. This time I will provide information about a very interesting project for you to see, in a new cryptocurrency called VENOTY. Before heading into the discussion I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.


Venoty is a digital currency that allows instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world and uses peer-to-peer technology to operate without central authority. Venoty is launched using the Scrypt algorithm that we value as the most suitable algorithm currently available that is in line with our goals.

  • Evidence of egalitarian work
  • Anonymous payment
  • Wallet encryption
  • Faster transaction speed
  • Scalability
  • Efficiency in mining

Scrypt allows almost anyone who has CPU / GPU capability to mine Venoty, this algorithm can hold ASIC and use Dark Gravity Wave. Mark Gravity Wave (DGW) is an open source adjustment algorithm for Bitcoin-based cryptocurrency. Evan Duffield wrote DGW in response to the time-warp exploits found at Gravity Well Kimoto. DGW is similar to Kimoto Gravity Well, adjusting the difficulty level of each block (not every 2016 block like Bitcoin) by using statistical data from the last block found. This allows block publishing time to remain consistent even though high fluctuations in hashpower, however, do not suffer from time warp exploits.


Venoty is designed for responsible parents who want to educate their children in creative ways and provide them with correct, balanced and well-structured information according to their needs from birth (or even earlier) to adolescence.

The Venoty platform is tailored to the needs of the child, with its own content, and created by education and IT specialists. Venoty will be, in time, the perfect tool to guide children into their own personal development process.

We recognize that blockchain technology has so far targeted the financial sector but we are confident that it is now ready to offer more opportunities to secure identity and ensure data exchange through special protocols. We also know that this technology can easily move towards a protected educational environment. where children can develop their personalities in a balanced and natural way, supervised and guided by their parents who can act as "facilitators" in the way children lead to knowledge through play, imagination and creativity.

By compiling information, we provide the resources they need for proper development but through "organized disruption", from poetry to puzzles, stupid sounds to foniatric exercises, mathematical activities and interactive verbal activities, we will inspire and develop creative minds.

Our goal for Venoty is to become a complete multi-cultural platform based on blockchain technology, making it easy to use and accessible for every branch of education for users of various ages and nationalities. We want to give everyone the opportunity "to speak the same language": our language.

Venoty Ecosystem

The Venoty Ecosystem was built to combine applications for child development through creativity with markets, which have many variations of books and audio content. This is designed to look very simple while in reality it is very complex, with a high level of security without advertising with its own special content.

Teachers, psychologists, actors, musicians, graphic designers and the best developers with access to various cultural fields will be involved in this project.

Following one of the basic principles of market meaning, "All humans are welcome," we invite you to come and share with us the knowledge needed to help children.

The focus is on bringing the best products possible to our community, which means that we are in the process of perfecting the technology for creating content for them, whether in Brazil or on the other side of the world like Japan.


Coin Name: Venoty

Ticker: VNT

Algorithm: Scrypt

Type: Proof of work

Total Emissions: 94,000,000 VNT

Premine: 10,000,000 VNT

Main Distribution: ICO



  • Pre-Sales: starting at 05.03.2019 | Coin Price: 0,30 €
  • Main Sales: starting at 05.04.2019 | Coin Price: 0,45 €
  • A safe way to buy tokens: BTC, BCH, LTC, Dash.
  • Unsold tokens: All unsold tokens will be burned.
  • Hardcap: 3,000,000 euros


Q2 2017
Based on our experience with the crypto world, mining, exchanging and working with various projects on the blockchain, we began to develop new coin ideas based on the Scrypt algorithm, wizards aimed at supporting platforms for the stage of child development. This is the origin of the Venoty platform idea. We created the infrastructure to maintain the Venoty blockchain platform.

Q4 2017
Development of business concepts and plans. Engage with advisors and prepare financial studies, marketing and social research.

Q2 2018
We began developing Venoty coins including wallets for Linux, Windows and Macro, bundled software, browser blocks, paper wallets and started stress testing.

Q1 2019
We launched a pre-prize campaign and released the Venoty white book. Launched Venoty ICO campaign. Coins will be sent to the owner at the end of the ICO campaign to prevent mining before the official release

Q2 2019
Releasing the main website, Venoty coins with block explorer, wallet and official collection. Initial coin distribution. Get ready to open discussions for exchange markets and payment gateways.

Q3 2019
Continue to develop the Venoty platform and market. Secure Venoty networks by encouraging users to mine and make their wallets. Increase and maintain the Venoty core. Develop and release wallets for web and cellular. Continue to improve functionality and improve hardware.

Q1 2020
Release the Venoty platform and market in a closed beta, and open registration for 2000 users for testing and debugging. Follow us on the telegram channel for upcoming registrations for near beta.

Q4 2020
Final release for the Venoty platform and market.

For more information, you can see it below:

Website: https://ico.venoty.com/

Whitepaper: https://ico.venoty.com/wp-content/uploads/wp/Whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://facebook.com/venotycurrency

Twitter: https://twitter.com/venotycurrency

Telegram: https://t.me/venotycurrency

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Daxico Cryptocurrency Exchange


What is DAXICO?

Daxico is an enhancing and change cryptographic cash exchange that consolidate shared , amassing of crypto asset and healthy exchanges into a tied down single stage where merchants can trade crypto asset of their choice in well structure natural network . Daxico is worked with cash related arrangement of activity which have similar standard like each forex and setting aside some cash exhibit with part of experience amass in the blockchain and the fiscal business with strong and dependable conviction framework intertwine into the exchange.

Strong and trusted customer care support center

Daxico exchange make a champion among the most friendly customer care reinforce network for her customer. The customer care have past contribution in overseeing and dealing with issues of customers in the cash related and blockchain industry. They are reasonable and no issues are left faultless in light of the way that every customer are basic whether they beginners or ace in the crypto space .answer to calls, messages and talk are uncommonly fast inside each moment of consistently hours. That is for what reason are most by far call them strong and trusted in kind.

The speedy improvement and mass appointment that the computerized cash publicize association since the progression of Bitcoin in 2009 have been tremendous and an ideal proof that to make sure there is future for cryptographic types of cash asset .as the blockchain business make and grows more crypto adventure are been moved practically reliably which fills in as utility token or security tokens and coins all things considered. This endeavor fill also others needs in various industry ranges from the cash related industry and cutting across over other piece of fiscal in the nations of the world . This endeavor have returned package of advantage for merchants who have been trading on this as of late dispatch crypto asset and other crypto asset that have been on the crypto publicize for quite a while .

Disregarding the way that there are countless that have come into the crypto space to set a phase for trading yet we have a crashing and burning business sector organize .we have seen a noteworthy number of these errand slip pass unnoticed while two or three people with power position their considerations with a low progression regards on clearly comprehend exchanges. This lessening the real utility of cryptographic types of cash and the decentralized purpose of the crypto space, where merchants believe that its difficult to exchange their crypto asset for one another.

Despite the creating crypto industry there are still troubles that have terrified dealers off from trading this crypto exchanges because of such tremendous quantities of reasons which mull over from ace in the financial business review recently.

Low quality customer care support center

A critical number of these exchanges we have to day ranges from high exchanges to low exchanges the crypto business have half 80% customer care support troubles from a progressing study passed on in the last quarter of 2018. Most of these exchanges their assistance center isn't all around worked with capable hands and don't have limit of regulating protest effectively from their customers such withdrawal, store and weakness to investigate the amazing exchanges of their site.

All of these challenges requires another exchanges to change the crypto business in other to gain mass allocation rapidly and the DAXICO exchange fill these need to pass on more trust and faithful quality to the cryptographic types of cash industry varying medium by taking her customers welfare are top need.

More info follow link:

website: https://daxico.com/
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5084070
Twitter: https://twitter.com/daxicoex
Telegram: https://t.me/daxicoex

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51