Jumat, 12 April 2019

Atronocom - Created for you and your Crypto Lifestyle

Currently, ATRONOCOM is implementing SAFT investors: massive sales to support the launch of the platform and accelerate the development of a decentralized ecosystem of applications.

SAFT Crowdsale Open Now

We decided to use the SAFT Crowd (Simple Future Token Agreement) sales line to raise funds in order to move faster and increase volumes in the interests of our users and supporters.

ATRONOCOM does not conduct an ICO (initial coin offer), and we will not have tokens until the launch of the platform.

In the world of cellular communication, take with you what you need.
  1. Android mobile bets
  2. IOS mobile bets
  3. Banking and online payments
  4. Bank Debit Card
  5. Exchange - OTC
  6. Messenger with high security text

ATRONOCOM function

We aim to penetrate the borders and take steps towards decentralization, which is true and complete, with the first true mobile Dapp, dedicated to proving ownership of Algorithm payment

Worldwide sales of tokens

Selling tokens around the world is the basis for ATRONOCOM to start with the project, because in addition to raising funds for rapid growth and marketing, it is an excellent marketing tool for the project.

Operating system Masternode

We will send technical information after presale. You only need to send us a message if you are interested in working with us.

Scouting apps for Android and iOS

ATRONOCOM offers an advanced lighting solution for your smartphone that allows you to take risks wherever you are.

Cr ypto cards, wallet and exchange

Banking features for FIAT and Crypto all in one, DApp is well designed.

OTC Trading

The solution is on your ATRONOCOM DApp and quickly and easily from your mobile phone.

High security messenger

What you need to communicate is only faster and safer than what you use today.

Atronok road map

2018 January-March
Project preparation and definition.

April - June 2018. Technical planning, team building and launching programming tools and libraries for cellular and banking versions.

July - September 2018
Test the first component and implement the security concept.

October - December 2018
Completion of components for banks, bank cards, as well as for monitoring messenger and smartphones. The beta version of all components has been successfully completed. The optimization process is introduced

January - March 2019
API and interaction structure
online beta

April - June 2019. Activation of DApp and network indicators, repeaters and master nodes.

July 2019
Platform Expansion and
marketing activities and planning and
participation in international events.

Our extraordinary team

Meet the Passionate Team that will bring this exciting project to life!

Thomas Koller

Thanks to the position of CEO, as well as analytical and conceptual planning, Thomas and his team have now begun a project that has been prepared for a long period of time. Many years of experience in various positions in finance and planning now benefit the ATRONOCOM plan. Thomas is a visionary from the start and unites his entire network to ensure the success of the project.

Physimayer Manual

As a “Chief Operating Officer,” Manuel does day-to-day business and oversees each working group to ensure user-friendliness. With 4 years of experience in secret currencies and in-house trading projects, Manuel has a clear idea of how the ATRONOCOM user interface should be implemented.

Maximilian Kozdro

As a communications manager and driving force behind one of Europe’s largest crypto networks, Maximilian has 6 years of experience and thousands of hours to compile and develop countless concepts for the world of cryptography to the ATRONOCOM team.

Nicholas Schmid

Nicholas Schmid, software development expert, head of large projects owned by companies and international companies, as well as a cryptocurrency expert supporting Nicholas ATRONOM in words and deeds This very complex project is the result of years of programming experience.

Mark Schildknecht

Since 2015, Mark has held leading positions in mining projects in Switzerland and abroad. As a technical genius, he is responsible for the process and controls the extraction process, and also coordinates the work of the team to provide the technical base.

Tino Alers

For decades, Tino has worked with our opinion makers and community leaders as motivators and trainers. He is the owner of an influential marketing agency that spans over 20 million people worldwide and manages various projects in the crypto industry. With Atronocom Tino creates new benchmarks in the field of activity.

Peter Wong

Board Member Apex Capital Ventures HK LTD. Peter has over 30 years of experience in the traditional banking and commerce industry and has worked in various banking institutions in Asia, including HSBC, DBS and Standard Chartered Bank. Peter has been responsible for organizing the project and managing the assets of the Apex board of directors since 2011.

Matt wei

Former HSBC banker and employee of the Singapore Department of Law and Compliance, HSBC. Matt joined Apex Capital Ventures HK Ltd. in 2010 as a compliance specialist and legal adviser. Matt focuses on new technologies and new compliance standards. Matt has extensive experience working with block chain projects as a legal and IT manager for Apex.

Alexander Sabetti

Alexander is a senior member of Apex Capital Ventures Ltd. and has worked in the financial sector since 1993. Alexander has worked for companies such as HSBC New York, HK and Dubai, Mercer NYC, Litasco Dubai, Glencore NL and CH. His professional activities are asset management, project management, project consulting, trade structuring and finance.

For further information please visit the link below:

Website: https://www.atronocom.io/
Whitepaper: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5c366c5c222a7c0a12d289bf/5c44ba87e00656c57792fe31_Atronocom-English%20WP-min%20(1) .pdf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQmWv0uA-53c_Tw1tmys7A
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Atronocom1
Telegram: https://t.me/My_Atronocom_World

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e52PUBL7a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Kamis, 11 April 2019

ATRONOCOM: Aplikasi terdesentralisasi

Kata pengantar

Dunia mata uang kripto bersama dengan tuntutannya yang terus meningkat semakin kompleks. Menciptakan mata uang kripto jangka panjang dan berharga membutuhkan komunikasi anonim, metode pembayaran dan penerapannya dalam ekonomi dan ekosistem dunia. Ketika tujuan ini tercapai, fondasi mata uang kripto yang diterima secara luas untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar terpenuhi. Saat ini permintaan jauh melebihi penawaran.

Anggota tim kami memperoleh pengetahuan luar biasa selama beberapa tahun terakhir melalui kerja sama dengan perusahaan besar yang berspesialisasi dalam mata uang blockchain dan crypto. Keberhasilan dan pengalaman yang luas ini sekarang sedang diterapkan di ATRONOCOM Ltd.

Waktu Smartphone ". Tidak ada keraguan bahwa tahun-tahun terakhir ini mengubah permainan dan fungsionalitas serta kegunaan dari masing-masing perangkat yang pasti akan terus berkembang dan menyebar menciptakan platform yang sempurna untuk ATRONOCOM Ltd.

Kami memutuskan untuk menggunakan cara penjualan keramaian oleh SAFT (Perjanjian Sederhana tentang Token masa depan) untuk menghasilkan modal dan menggunakan banyak platform sebagai instrumen pemasaran.

Kami telah mengembangkan aplikasi terdesentralisasi (DApp) untuk platform smartphone paling populer yang memungkinkan kontrol penuh aman atas dana milik pengguna dikombinasikan dengan teknologi blockchain baru untuk memastikan penggunaan semua produk kami dengan cepat, stabil dan transparan. Salah satu dari produk ini akan menjadi "proses mempertaruhkan" di mana setiap orang dapat berpartisipasi. "Proses mempertaruhkan" kami menggunakan konsensus Proof Of Stake / Delegated Of Proof (POS / DPoS), yang saat ini paling maju.

Dengan penjualan kerumunan oleh SAFT (Perjanjian Sederhana tentang Token masa depan) kami bermaksud untuk memulihkan kepercayaan pengguna dan mengubah semua pengalaman pengguna negatif menjadi pengalaman positif. Pada halaman-halaman berikut, Anda akan menemukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang proyek tersebut.

Untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut, kami siap membantu Anda.

Smartphone telah menjadi kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dihindari untuk semua orang, karena intensitas penggunaan dan keragaman akan terus tumbuh seiring dengan perkembangan perangkat. Penggemar dari jam pertama gerakan kripto sekarang mendekati usia 60. Dengan demikian, usia produk yang kami kembangkan dan yang terkait dengannya adalah faktor penting dalam penilaian dan keputusan Atronocom.
Atronocom memutuskan untuk mengambil jalur SAFT Crowd Sales (Simple Future Token Agreement) untuk mengumpulkan dana agar bergerak lebih cepat dan lebih besar demi kepentingan pengguna dan pendukung kami.

Untuk "proses taruhan" Atronocom telah memutuskan metodologi konsensus POS / DPoS dan akan dapat bergabung dengan banyak karyawan dan jaringan tempat mereka bekerja dengan token dan dengan cara ini akan dapat berpartisipasi dalam proyek. Menurut pendapat Atronocom, mekanisme insentif untuk POS adalah bentuk partisipasi yang tepat untuk peserta dan jaringan mereka.

Info Token

Nama: Atronocom
Simbol token: ATRO
Platform: Blockchain terpisah
Jenis: Sendiri
Harga dalam ICO: 0,6000 USD Atronocom


Thomas Koller -CEO
Dengan posisi Chief Executive Officer, serta perencanaan analitis dan konseptual, Thomas dan timnya kini telah dibawa ke proyek yang telah dipersiapkan untuk jangka waktu yang lama.

Manual Fizimayer-COO
Di posisi "Chief Operational Officer", Manuel menangani bisnis sehari-hari dan mengawasi setiap kelompok kerja untuk memastikan keramahan pengguna.

Maximilian Kozdro CC -CCO
Sebagai manajer komunikasi dan kekuatan pendorong di belakang salah satu jaringan crypto terbesar di Eropa

Nicolas Schmid, seorang ahli untuk
Pengembangan perangkat lunak Marc Schildknecht-LEAD TECHNOLOGY
Sejak 2015, Marc telah memegang posisi terdepan dalam proyek pertambangan di Swiss dan luar negeri

Selama beberapa dekade, Tino telah bekerja dengan para pembuat opini dan pemimpin komunitas kami sebagai motivator dan pelatih.

Peter Wong -CONSELOR
Anggota Dewan Manajemen Apex Capital Ventures HK LTD.

Mantan bankir HSBC dan anggota Departemen Hukum dan Kepatuhan HSBC Singapura.
Alexander Sabeti -KONSELOR
Alexander adalah anggota senior Apex Capital Ventures Ltd. dan telah bekerja di sektor keuangan sejak 1993.

Info lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:
Situs web: https://www.atronocom.io/
Whitepaper: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5c366c5c222a7c0a12d289bf/5c44ba87e00656c57792fe31_Atronocom-English%20WP-min%20(1) .pdf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQmWv0uA-53c_Tw1tmys7A
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Atronocom1
Telegram: https://t.me/My_Atronocom_World

oleh: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e52PUBL7a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

ArtCoin democratizes the art market and acts as a direct link between investors and the art industry.


ArtCoin helps humanity create a healthy future, because it brings together consumers and artists from all areas of life that share the same and unusual hobbies to get works of art, to be attractive, honest and effective for all. The art market and blockchain technologies will seamlessly merge due to the combination of the fundamental features of the program.

ArtCoin is a business platform that allows business people in the field of art to present and sell their works of art on the world market. Using blockchain technology, ArtCoin offers a new solution and method for the art market, because it provides peer-to-peer services for artists, retailers, collectors and consumers, offering transparent sales. ArtCoin allows investors to take advantage of the increased security and transparency of Smart Contracts platforms.

By putting together information to which ordinary investors usually do not have access, ArtCoin democratizes the art market and acts as a direct link between investors and the art industry. Over the years, the art market has continued to change and evolve with the economic climate, and the blockchain technology has become a new exciting event that will contribute to its success in the 21st century.

Blockchain's technological infrastructure is the ideal solution for trading works of art, as it is safe and secure, because each transaction is performed using a peer-to-peer system that can be monitored. ArtCoin invests capital to provide an efficient and user-friendly platform that can be accessed around the world and work immediately on mobile devices. ArtCoin has consequences that will cover all corners of the art industry. Our authentication protocol is ideal for individual collectors and large organizations. Status reports are simpler and faster than ever before, and work can be easily monitored and tracked, the functionality that insurers and logistics companies can depend on.


The introduction of technology in the market for goods and services, forcing the intermediary, which is most effective for everyone involved in this process. What is the main contract and why is it profitable for buying and selling? “Supernatural” is a blissful program that, thanks to its principle, will bring true meaning and protection in the art trade. Smart also considers the reduction of an additional transaction, usually associated with the sale of art. The first expressions are executed immediately after the buyer and the seller, who says that he has time, and during the broadcast he has additional interest. When working together with the cultural sector, there is an opportunity to optimize business processes, as well as to operate more efficiently and effectively in the art market.

ArtCoin mobile app and website is currently in beta testing. The ArtCoin team is proud to be able to create a stable, friendly game full of artists and art lovers who, in turn, want them to feel self-confident. To become part of the ArtCoin community, you just need to set up a website. With our technology, the art industry has become more transparent than ever. Our blockchain-based platform is built on profiles of works of art that are protected from unauthorized access, cataloging their origin, history and digital fingerprints.


The growth and development of the art market continues to grow due to the unique unification in this area. ArtCoin ensures that there is a convenient and fair art market for artists and collectors. Supporting ArtCoin means supporting a healthy future for such art that brings together artists and consumers from all walks of life who have the same interests.


Support artists, art collectors and art lovers.
Reduction of counterfeit art on the market with the help of modern identification methods and chain tracking technologies
The possibility of transparent, publicly verifiable transactions between artists and collectors using blockchain technology
Improve the quality of the sales process by eliminating the role of an intermediary
Use new and interesting technologies to help artists.
Connect the global community of people who love art.

The ultimate goal and long-term goal is to provide the Peer-to-Peer ArtCoin (ARS) tool for peer-to-peer art-market trading worldwide. This market and Blockchain technology are perfectly combined with a combination of basic programming functions that include: simple and accurate communication, security, simplicity and stability of a perfect system, training of artists and collectors, harmonious and supportive community.

The options provided for the identification of works of art created for works of art that are usually sold, as well as sent to the art market. When there is a case where a physical identification approach cannot be associated with a work of art, the ArtCoin customer support agent will surely help the artist or owner to sign the work of art with detailed documents that can be included in the ARS system during the Enrollment of artwork. We strive to ensure that artists, as well as enthusiasts have the right choice to protect their works of art, as well as to check their authenticity, as they are sold on the art market.

However, the integration of the sector and the cryptographic infrastructure ArtCoin, an open space for optimizing business processes. It also provides more transparent and efficient functions in the global art market. The introduction of blockchain technology to the art market is associated with reduced costs, since there is a longer need to pay brokerage commissions. Artistic knowledge can be understood and known to the reader in order to develop personality and diversity. Life will be boring if we do not have art. Art can narrow down cultural aspects and broaden horizons and diversity of knowledge.

The best ico-project, token, cryptocurrency, altcoin from the ethereum er20 blockchain technology.

Phase 1 tokens are available for $ 0.01 by invitation only. Sale lasts until March 15-2019
Only initial investors who are in close contact with ArtChain can purchase Stage 1 tokens. Inviting an initial token offer at the lowest possible price is a reward in appreciation of their contribution.

Level 2 tokens will go on sale for $ 0.03. Beginning in April-2019. This is the lowest possible price for investors who did not participate in the offer of the 1st stage by invitation only. They will get the most out of their investments, and this is the perfect time to shop in large quantities.

Stage 3
PRE-ICO EARLY BIRD Begins in May-2019, tokens will go on sale at a price of $ 0.05.

An excellent middle ground for those investors who prefer to ensure the success of ICO, but do not want to wait for a public sale, because they want to earn at higher bonuses.
Stage 4
ICO - tokens will go on sale for $ 0.10, start in September-2019
The general public gains access to tokens during this most published sale. Support is growing, development is moving forward, and we are ready for a large influx of investors. The ArtChain application is running, the first works of art are recorded on the blockchain. Tokens will be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges after ICO.

Stage 5

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The Token ARS program is the main part of this project, the purpose of which is to make art trade in the art market easier and more efficient, like a new path in the world art market. Blockchain minimizes fake works of art, restoring confidence in the art market. Increased service in the trade. and increase the economic and social benefits of the global art community.
ArtCoin teams are very enthusiastic in implementing ideas that will enable the integration of blockchain technology into the art market, improve art trading services and increase economic and social benefits in the art community on a global scale. The collected funds will be directed to the development and implementation of various innovations that we plan to implement in the art market. Artists and merchants will receive the best compensation for the art they produce / sell. Both parties will be able to enjoy full transparency while trading using smart contracts using blockchain technology. This is an opportunity with the possibility of rewarding all participants.


We strive to democratize access to the art market by providing low threshold access to various groups of investors, encouraging international participation and ensuring anonymity.


Token Name: ARTCOIN
Token symbol: ARS
Token standard: ERC20
Jurisdiction: Zurich
Legal qualification: service
Softcap token: $ 5,000,000
Hardcap: $ 100,000,000
Number of tokens: 30,000,000,000 US dollars
Price per token: $ 0.01
Burning unsold tokens: Yes
Accepted currency: ETH, USD, & BTC
Minimum deposit: $ 10,000 Private, $ 250 State
Website: https://artcoin.ai/

White Paper: https://artcoin.ai/mt-content/uploads/2018/11/whitepaper_oct.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/artcoinai
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/artchain.ai20
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Artcoinreal
Medium: https://medium.com/@artchainai
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/artcoinai/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwVqhxQgTiBiVxKr1USyYIg

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e52PUBL7a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Kamis, 04 April 2019

Virtual Park ICO - a platform that combines VR and Blockchain

Hello friend, on this occasion I will share info about one of the Initial Coin Offering Projects related to Virtual Reality, the name of this project is Virtual Park.

Virtual Park is a platform for the development of the Virtual industry

Reality in the global market
Virtual Park will present users with new opportunities to interact with the virtual world, identifying trends in the development of this industry. With the help of tokens, Virtual Park intends to bring virtual reality to new levels of sensation and possibility, and make technology more accessible. VR tokens are the basis of all platforms and will be released on the Blochchain platform in accordance with the ERC-20 standard. VR Tokens, released as part of distribution, have utility functions, and will be a means of transferring value on the platform. VR tokens can be used as a payment tool for purchasing games and modules developed by VR, both by official Virtual Parks and ordinary users. Payments in tokens will allow the buyer to receive a 15% discount.

Virtual Park Community

Not only is technology developing but also people who use this technology. Those who are already involved in the new blockchain economy will change the world tomorrow and will bring millions and billions of people with them. These people are the engines of future progress. The Virtual Park project simplifies the mechanism of interaction between humans and the virtual world, which allows more and more people to use various services in the field of virtual reality. We open for our customers easy and convenient access to VR market best practices, which are contained in the Taman Virtual project through tokens.

Competitive Advantage of Virtual Park

Our Body Control System
The main technology advantage of Virtual Park is the body control system, which allows you to track all player actions in a smart space. This technology brings a competitive advantage over existing projects.

Value of the Virtual Park platform
The value of the Virtual Park platform and digital assets of VR tokens, the project depends on the growth in the number of active participants in the system. Thus, the main task after the launch of the platform will be popularized among the community of developers and Geno techno.

Virtual Park
Each VR game park is designed for the unlimited amount of content visitors can choose. This content can be in the form of games and education.

Token Info

  • Token Name: Virtual Park
  • Symbol Token: VR
  • Start Sale Token: 17.04.2019
  • Sale End Token: 29.05.2019
  • Tokens for sale: 3,900,000 VR
  • Token Price: 1 VR = $ 1
  • Specifications: ERC-20
  • Soft lid: $ 800,000
  • Hard cover: $ 3,000,000
  • Sales duration: 42 days

ICO Details

VR Team

Kirill Granev-CEO
German Molchanov-CCO
Catherine Stabred - PR Director
Andrey Vinnikov - Frontend Developer
Yuriy lavroushen -Pengembang Full Stack
Dmitry Turbine - Promotion Consultant
Andrey Gillikh -Pengembang UX / UI
Mikhail Gerasimov - Technical Consultant
Alyona Ivanova - Editor in Chief
Oksana tovstoles-Partner Manager
Alexandra Fefelova - Designer
Ruslan Sadovnikov - Head of Legal Counsel
Alexey Gagarin - Media Consultant
Bakhodur Madzhitov - Web Developer
Alyona Kachan - Application Designer
Evgeny Saratovtsev - DevOps Engineer
Ksenia Oleynik - Multimedia designer
Aidar Salimov - 3D graphic designer


Dmitry Teryomenko
Legionnaire of the Ukrainian national volleyball team. 2015 Gwangju Universiade silver medalist.

Anton Simutov
Businessman, restaurant owner, founder of Pheromone Lounge area network. Private investor. Anton believes in the VR / AR industry and has become one of the first integrators of virtual reality in business in Russia.

Olga Kulkova - Doctor of Aesthetic Sciences
Promoting the integration of Virtual reality into medicine in Russia.

More Info:
Website: https://virtualpark.io/
Whitepaper: https://virtualpark.io/docs/whitepaper_vr_eng.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Virtual-Park-233800747526548/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VRPARKICO
Telegram: https://t.me/vrpark_ico

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e52PUBL7a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51