Jumat, 12 April 2019

Atronocom - Created for you and your Crypto Lifestyle

Currently, ATRONOCOM is implementing SAFT investors: massive sales to support the launch of the platform and accelerate the development of a decentralized ecosystem of applications.

SAFT Crowdsale Open Now

We decided to use the SAFT Crowd (Simple Future Token Agreement) sales line to raise funds in order to move faster and increase volumes in the interests of our users and supporters.

ATRONOCOM does not conduct an ICO (initial coin offer), and we will not have tokens until the launch of the platform.

In the world of cellular communication, take with you what you need.
  1. Android mobile bets
  2. IOS mobile bets
  3. Banking and online payments
  4. Bank Debit Card
  5. Exchange - OTC
  6. Messenger with high security text

ATRONOCOM function

We aim to penetrate the borders and take steps towards decentralization, which is true and complete, with the first true mobile Dapp, dedicated to proving ownership of Algorithm payment

Worldwide sales of tokens

Selling tokens around the world is the basis for ATRONOCOM to start with the project, because in addition to raising funds for rapid growth and marketing, it is an excellent marketing tool for the project.

Operating system Masternode

We will send technical information after presale. You only need to send us a message if you are interested in working with us.

Scouting apps for Android and iOS

ATRONOCOM offers an advanced lighting solution for your smartphone that allows you to take risks wherever you are.

Cr ypto cards, wallet and exchange

Banking features for FIAT and Crypto all in one, DApp is well designed.

OTC Trading

The solution is on your ATRONOCOM DApp and quickly and easily from your mobile phone.

High security messenger

What you need to communicate is only faster and safer than what you use today.

Atronok road map

2018 January-March
Project preparation and definition.

April - June 2018. Technical planning, team building and launching programming tools and libraries for cellular and banking versions.

July - September 2018
Test the first component and implement the security concept.

October - December 2018
Completion of components for banks, bank cards, as well as for monitoring messenger and smartphones. The beta version of all components has been successfully completed. The optimization process is introduced

January - March 2019
API and interaction structure
online beta

April - June 2019. Activation of DApp and network indicators, repeaters and master nodes.

July 2019
Platform Expansion and
marketing activities and planning and
participation in international events.

Our extraordinary team

Meet the Passionate Team that will bring this exciting project to life!

Thomas Koller

Thanks to the position of CEO, as well as analytical and conceptual planning, Thomas and his team have now begun a project that has been prepared for a long period of time. Many years of experience in various positions in finance and planning now benefit the ATRONOCOM plan. Thomas is a visionary from the start and unites his entire network to ensure the success of the project.

Physimayer Manual

As a “Chief Operating Officer,” Manuel does day-to-day business and oversees each working group to ensure user-friendliness. With 4 years of experience in secret currencies and in-house trading projects, Manuel has a clear idea of how the ATRONOCOM user interface should be implemented.

Maximilian Kozdro

As a communications manager and driving force behind one of Europe’s largest crypto networks, Maximilian has 6 years of experience and thousands of hours to compile and develop countless concepts for the world of cryptography to the ATRONOCOM team.

Nicholas Schmid

Nicholas Schmid, software development expert, head of large projects owned by companies and international companies, as well as a cryptocurrency expert supporting Nicholas ATRONOM in words and deeds This very complex project is the result of years of programming experience.

Mark Schildknecht

Since 2015, Mark has held leading positions in mining projects in Switzerland and abroad. As a technical genius, he is responsible for the process and controls the extraction process, and also coordinates the work of the team to provide the technical base.

Tino Alers

For decades, Tino has worked with our opinion makers and community leaders as motivators and trainers. He is the owner of an influential marketing agency that spans over 20 million people worldwide and manages various projects in the crypto industry. With Atronocom Tino creates new benchmarks in the field of activity.

Peter Wong

Board Member Apex Capital Ventures HK LTD. Peter has over 30 years of experience in the traditional banking and commerce industry and has worked in various banking institutions in Asia, including HSBC, DBS and Standard Chartered Bank. Peter has been responsible for organizing the project and managing the assets of the Apex board of directors since 2011.

Matt wei

Former HSBC banker and employee of the Singapore Department of Law and Compliance, HSBC. Matt joined Apex Capital Ventures HK Ltd. in 2010 as a compliance specialist and legal adviser. Matt focuses on new technologies and new compliance standards. Matt has extensive experience working with block chain projects as a legal and IT manager for Apex.

Alexander Sabetti

Alexander is a senior member of Apex Capital Ventures Ltd. and has worked in the financial sector since 1993. Alexander has worked for companies such as HSBC New York, HK and Dubai, Mercer NYC, Litasco Dubai, Glencore NL and CH. His professional activities are asset management, project management, project consulting, trade structuring and finance.

For further information please visit the link below:

Website: https://www.atronocom.io/
Whitepaper: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5c366c5c222a7c0a12d289bf/5c44ba87e00656c57792fe31_Atronocom-English%20WP-min%20(1) .pdf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQmWv0uA-53c_Tw1tmys7A
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Atronocom1
Telegram: https://t.me/My_Atronocom_World

by: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e52PUBL7a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

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