Briefly I tried to introduce Hunt.Bet, Millions of people all over the world take keen interest in cybersport. This is the realm where disabled people are standing alongside with others. Internet removes constraints of physical restrictions and lets you play with friends living in other cities and countries. Actually the number of cybersport players has increased so much that it would be outrageous to neglect such a large community.
What is made by Hunt.Bet is real. No more fraud, no more payment delays, you can check every transaction on your own! Hunt.Bet is a high-potential decentralized e-sport project. It includes the most popular e-sports disciplines: League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter Strike: GO, HearthStone, Overwatch, etc. HUNT.BET provides news, statistics, tournament broadcasting, communication with e-sports amateurs and professionals, gaming devices, lots of promotional activities and much much more! 👌👍.

HUNT.BET projekt plod je rada timji koji predvodi Nikita Fomichev. Uz njega tu je i mnoštvo ostalih developera, dizajnera, marketinških stručnjaka, financijaša, savjetnika itd. Zajedno imaju znanje koje je potrebno kako bi doskočili bilo kojem izazovu koji stane na njihov put. Mnogi projekti nemaju stručnost i ovoliko širok spektar ljudi kao što ima ovaj projekt.
Projekt se čini jako zanimljiv i ovdje smo vam dali osnovne informacije. Pokušali smo vam približiti ovaj perspektivni projekt, no kako bi saznali sve informacije, do razine detalja, preporučujemo da pogledate službeni whitepaper, vrlo detaljno raspisan i jasan za razumijevanje bili vi ekspert ili početnik u blockchain tehnologijama, koji možete pronaći na sljedećem linku: https: //huntbet.io/WP_ENG.pdf
U planu je i inicijalna javna ponuda tokena. Možete podržati projekt i tako omogućiti razvoj a zauzvrat dobiti tokene, te tako sudjelovati u revoluciji. Prodaja već traje i u ovom trenutku prikupljeno je skoro 4000 dolara. Trenutna cijena 1 HT tokena je 1 dollar. U prodaji će se naći ukupno 62% tokena u cirkulaciji, dakle njih 15 000 000. U ICOu možete sudjelovati na sljedećem linku: https://huntbet.io/

Funds Allocation
HUNT.BET fund is an enterprise registered in Seychelles ("Aqua Commerce" Ltd), which will manage the collected funds. The name of the token is HT. Total number of tokens for sale: 15,000,000-62% of the total number of tokens (collected funds will be used for the implementation of HUNT.BET). Collected funds are divided like that: 35% - HUNT.BET development; 20% - General and Administrative; 20% - Sales and Marketing fund; 10% - Legal; 7.5% - MISC and reserves; 5% - Referral Program; 2.5% - Bounty.
Those who bought tokens during the 1st stage will receive a bonus at the 5th stage up to 50% of the number of bought HT tokens, but this can not be higher than 50% of HT tokens bought in the 1st stage. Example: Someone bought 2500 HT in the 1st stage. Than bought 2 000 HT in the 5th stage and got 50% from these 2000 HT tokens (1000 HT is lower than a half of the former bought). Result: 2000 + 2500 + 1000 = 5500 HT
ICO Structure
ICO Stages
* WP 1ETH = $ 250

Bounty Campaign
You can also take part in so-called bounty programs. This means you can support a project through social networks, help founders in various translations, write blogs, engage in signature campaigns, etc. For more information, please see: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2078929.0
Bitcointalk is where to find the best information and people about the project, but you can ask questions and people who work on the project are happy to answer or help if needed. Thread with project announcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2077629.0
There is nothing left to do but to wish for the people working on the project as well as those who will support it. HUNT.BET brings the real prediction to the crypt valued market and we are sure it will be a complete success, and you do not forget to visit https://huntbet.io/ and through the ICO to participate in the revolution.

Details Informasi :
Website : https://huntbet.io/
Whitepapper : https://huntbet.io/WP_ENG.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/huntbet
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/huntbet/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hunt_bet
Slack : https://hunt-bet.slack.com/
Bitcointalk RyanEncek : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1076774
My ETH : 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e9
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