Hello everybody, I want to introduce a project that promises to invest in project projects, and you want to learn more about this project. me, all of you Can join the EventChain project, to help the EventChain project at the end of this priode.
To participate in the EventChain token sale contributions will be accepted to aid in the development of the EventChain platform. Contributions will only be accepted in ETH.
EventCoins will be created during the token sale only under the terms of this Whitepaper. ETH will be contributed in exchange for EventCoins based on the prices in USD as follows:
Pre-Token Sale $ 0.70
Phase-1 Token Sale $ 0.87
Phase-2 Token Sale $ 1.74
These values will be converted to EVC / ETH ratio and publicly displayed prior to the token sale. When participants contribute ETH, they commit to the terms and conditions of this Whitepaper.
Pre-Token Sale
Phase-1 Token Sale
Phase-2 Token Sale
Token Sale Period
EventCoin Distribution
Pre-ICO 11,000,000
Phase-1 ICO 36,000,000
Phase-2 ICO 7,600,000
Tokensale Cap 54,600,000 (65% of the EventCoin total supply)
By implementing the EventChain blockchain token network presents event management opportunities to improve the event ticket industry that is now a faster transaction, non-refundable or revamped ticket vouchers, information will be fully delivered to program hosts and fully programmable SmartTickets.
The EventChaint platform can be used as the ultimate solution for organizing the publishing and sale of your event tickets, and EventChaint can also find out the right price for tickets and transactions have been opened as it is based on this decentralized blockchain technology and finds all our operations can be found both inside and outside , as well as more secrecy safe using this platform.
SmartTickets can be purchased by event Visitors directly on the EventChain network through various payment gateways. Token EVC and other ERC20 tokens including Ether represent the majority of ticket sales not only that other cryptocurrencies are also acceptable including bitcoin. The event manager can also receive fiat currency for.
SmartTicket sales through payment gateway.
By following and participating in the ICO EventChain, participants will receive EventCoins, a Ethereum token specifically designed to be operated on the EventChain platform.
ICO first by creating 84 million EventCoins which will be the total inventory of EventCoins. Inventory EventCoins are limited and nothing else can be created.
Throughout the ICO offerings, 54.6 million EventCoins will be available to participants (65% of total inventory). Any remaining ICO tokens at the end of the ICO offer will becontacted to locked accounts within 3 years.
EventCoins is allocated to ICO offerings for participants as follows: Pre-ICO; 11,000,000, tokens, Phase ICO-1; 36,000,000 tokens, Phase ICO -2; 7,600,000 tokens. Total ICO Cap 54,600,000 (65% of the EventCoin total supply). The token amount will be determined by the ether value as listed on www.coinmarketcap.com. EventCoins is available in trading cryptocurrency exchanges within a period of not more than 3 months after the completion of the ICO offer, and is immediately disbursed after the ICO offer expires.

EventChain will allocate the ETH as follows:
Marketing (58.4%) - EventChain's goal is to change the global event ticketing paradigm. To accomplish this goal, marketing is crucial and will include a global marketing initiative of social media, internet marketing, traditional advertising, trade shows, events, sponsorships, etc. Keynote to our success, will be bringing awareness, education and understanding of the advantages of the SmartTicketing platform, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to a worldwide market.
Development (18.1%) - design and development of EventChain's SmartTicket system, Oracle and mobile applications. See the further development considerations below for details.
Operations (12.1%) - Ethereum network, bandwidth, server and general operational overhead expenses and offe sicpace.
Staffing (10.1%) - management, staffing and contractors.
Legal (1.3%) - incorporation, worldwide legal assistance, trademarks and international compliance.
Development considerations:
· Develop an EventChain Database and Oracle.
· Develop EventChain iOS and Android applications.
· Hire Ethereum developers for the EVC transaction framework.
· Design and develop EventChain's web application including UI / UX.
Develop a customizable legal liability framework to incorporate into the SmartTickets purchasing process.
· Integrate the EVC transaction framework into the EventChain data transformer.
· Integrate additional EVC payment conversion tools.
· Implement the EventChain user database and event database management system.
Implement customer support and server monitoring. s
Details Information:
Website: https://eventchain.io/
Whitepaper: https://eventchain.io/whitepaper.pdf
Slack: https://eventchain.slack.com/join/shared_invite/MjE0NDY3NTQ0MTkyLTE1MDA1MDczNjItNmE5YmE3MGE2Nw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EventChain/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EventChain_io/
Telegram: https://www.t.me/EventChain
Bitcointalk RyanEncek: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1076774
My ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51
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