Enjoy Life companies established in Ukraine on June 1, 2017. Various prospects are released within the company: multicurrency wallets, payment systems, trading platforms, discount loyalty programs, interaction with business partners and clients, modern business management colleges, markets.
Our mission is to implement solutions that meet the needs and create value for business partners and users of the crypto community.
Currently, areas such as: cooperation between business partners and customers, international loyalty programs, multicurrency purses have been launched. Up to date, the Enjoy Life platform is already operating in 4 countries (Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland and OUR).
The goal of this project is the creation of a universal payment ecosystem capable of uniting the real sector of the economy and the crypto world for exchanges, calculations and interactions.
Achieving goals is achieved with the help of a favorable offer for clients in the form of receiving discounts from business partners, using easy-to-use apps to make 'one click' payments, as well as a number of related services.
Already now, more than 150 business partners around the world join us, because the ease of using our platform is the key to success and business development.

Token is an intra-platform currency that enables the following activities in the Enjoy Life system:
- Payment for products and services and transfers within the system.
- Realization of B2B / B2C opportunities.
- Ability for users to act as Sales Agents to get promotions and service opportunities to enjoy life.
- Virtual store rental (under development).
- Install notifications on customers and other system marketing capabilities.
Enjoy Life will perform 5 rounds of token emissions, which will directly depend on platform capitalization. Limited token - 50 million pcs. with an almost unlimited number of platform users:

Enjoy Life limits its own token problem to ensure the growth of investment cost (capitalization), regardless of its investment.
All investors who purchase from 500,000 tokens during ICO have an exclusive opportunity to choose any country. Selected countries will be assigned to investors for one year. This means that 70% of all commission payments accumulated will be paid to investors every 3 months as royalties within 12 months of granting franchise rights by transferring to ETH investor wallets.
If in 12 months the number of active users in this region remains more than 0.03% of the official number of citizens, the franchise will be extended for another 12 months and will be renewed in the future, with an annual growth of 30% to 10%. After that, the franchise remains unlimited.
Take a look at Enjoy Life Video, and visit the official website below?


more info :
Website: https://ico.enjoy-life.world/en
Whitepaper : https://ico.enjoy-life.world/Enjoy%20Life_WP_eng.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/enjoylifeapp/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/enjoy_life_app
Telegram : https://t.me/EnjLife
author : RyanEncek