Investment is a key element of human existence and continuity. It is always a wise thing to do with pictures of the future. Also, no one is investing with the little coward he is hiding. Robert g. "What does one million people know about how many people have become rich by investing in a savings account?
With the rapid increase in world cryptocurrency experience every day, many investors have moved away from investing in the same type of property to invest in subtle concepts such as cryptos. Crypto Ethereum, Bitcoin and others are just a few, but there are more than 1000 token coins in existence and more access to the daily market where many investors do not know. Even when they do, the concept is too risky, confusing, and risky to invest money. For this reason, Investiv needs to be on the scene so everyone can support business cryptocurrency and make everyone happy. For a detailed analysis, please visit www.investy.io.
Investment Overview
Investy is a platform for social cryptoinvestment that provides investors and cryptocurrencies and Token with safety and continuity. Waxing is very similar to Crytoexchange.
Exchange is currently in a dynamic growth phase, but it's just the beginning. Alien attracts more people, has more potential, and opens up new possibilities for investment. However, the present foreign danger and instability; There are not many tools and solutions needed to exchange new members. In particular, investor choice depends on advertising and marketing funding. Investors have insufficient data to estimate the requirements of cryptofunds and for comparative analysis to measure the potential profitability of the investment.
Investy's mission is to provide new members with new opportunities and exchange of investment in new industries to help experienced people like new members and merchants and cryptofunds find each other.

How do you achieve this?
- Ensure transparency of your data. This is achieved by providing investors with a marketplace in which to choose a trader or a fund, and the data on the results confirm that he is concerned that he is really looking.
- Oversees the investment safety of investors.
- By using an extremely easy and user-friendly system, you gain confidence in the system among all the parties involved, especially investors and merchants.
- We also use expert systems to achieve our goals. The medium allows all work to pass through the expert system Investy. This is to exclude the possibility of fraud. This task safeguards the money of cheaters and investors who are maliciously blocked by the system and hinder the opportunity to work through the platform.
- With the introduction of a demo account. For demo mode transactions, the user is not listed on the stock exchange and decryption is partially transferred to the primary account. He is just learning how the company uses some of the evidence given to him for this purpose.
- The introduction of blockbases based on smart bombs is an agreement to create this unique package that rotates at optimum speed. Blockchain is used as general reachable data which enables transparent input and can not be falsified.
For this reason, Investy was a huge success and not very successful when we found a lot at https://investy.io/Investy-WP-EN.pdf.
Investment table for sale
Investors produce tokens. IVC will be used as a prepayment for platform services such as demo accounts, transaction bots, etc. after platform launch.
The ale token is divided into the following steps.
Closed day pre-sale
At this stage, 9 million IVCs will be sold. Hat $ 306.000.
1 The IVC price is $ 34. The sale ended in September 2017, but if you miss it, take a sedative because there is a second chance.
Sales token
During the sale, 164 million IVCs are sold, and bonus tokens IVC are available at time intervals for token sales
Hard Hat $ 14.2 Million
Cost of IVC = $ 0.1 Token sold. This general token sales ICO will be held from November to December 2017.

Details Information :
Website : https://investy.io/
Whitepaper : https://ito.investy.io/Investy-WP-EN.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/investy3/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Investy3
Telegram : https://t.me/InvestyCommunityEN
By RyanEncek
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