Minggu, 15 April 2018

WHITERABBIT - Lets Users Find Their Favorite Movies

White Rabbit is a plug-in for browsers, whose goal allows for legal viewing in movies or series available on the web.

White Rabbit offers a proven p2p system based on blockchain technology that lets users access content worldwide.


White Rabbit is an application for browsers, providing uninterrupted flow for users. The plugin recognizes streaming content and lets users offer a White Rabbit (WRT) mark to the rights holder (CRH). CRH received a sign, signed a smart contract with White Rabbit. Thereafter, CRH requires no additional measures to receive payments for future flows. The process is now automatic. Upon receiving the token, users can continue to post content, and the high-quality, original version of CRH is available in Rabbit Hole. High quality versions are available to users anytime. The White Rabbit along with Rabbit Hole is a great tool for CRH, allowing them to monetize, manage and develop IP rights.

White Rabbit token (WRT) works as follows:

  1. The user buys WRT during the sale of the marker or through exchange.
  2. The user submits content from the P2Pstreaming site or opens the server.
  3. Smart contracts share awards from streaming content between CRH (75%), White Rabbit (15%) and White Rabbit PSS (10%). Registered non-PSS received 5% of revenue, the remaining 5% - WR.
  4. CRH can exchange WRT for crypto currency, which allows to be converted to FIAT.

  • Presale: November 27, 2017
  • Token sales: 1 quarter 2018 -30 day sales
  • Soft cover: 5000 ETH
  • Target average: 12,500 ETH
  • Hard cover: 25,000 ET
  • Price Token in ICO WRT - TBA
This competition aims to make it easier for users to find movies they like. Eight sites based on their user interface, search and branding will be selected to earn $ 100,000. The site must meet and accept White Rabbit criteria and fulfill their promise before accepting the funds. Two sites will receive an additional $ 100,000 based on the number of users, and others choose a jury.

The market flow in 2016 is $ 29.4 billion. At the same time, 206 million users are projected to double to $ 65 billion in 2010 from 383 million users.


The transformation of the movie industry that they can bring will change the way we view entertainment.

Join ICO today and bring it to the fingertips of the best blockbusters and movies awaited and watched at the touch of a button. Welcome to a truly decentralized era of digital entertainment

For more information, please visit some of the following Links:

Author: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

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