Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018


Hello my dear friends. I want to learn more about this problem and make it easier. The latter must gather the crumbs, check their time and their wallet. What ICO will do 100%, I can not, but I will try to tell and describe my vision of the situation. Today we will analyze the EXTOKE project. What is this ICO and is it worth investing in it?

ExToke is another Exchange Decentralized Ethereum ERC20 Decentralized with exchange without charge to the buyer or seller. ExToke added to the position most of the time of the day.

Extoke will strengthen the DEX business by offering a moment, a secure, reliable and secure token exchange process through our XTO contract. With the progress of digital cryptocurrencies and blockchain, there is an increase in the number of years in the market.

In this explosive industry the Erc-20 token turned into a push of the hand. The Ethereum Trading Token has not exchanged requests, nor would they be able to offer a secure and secure exchange agreement. ExToke was created to fill the hole in the cryptocurrency exchange and to destroy the expenses of the two brokers and designers.

Because this token
ExToke was designed to fill the gap in the decentralized trade sector and eradicate taxes from the equation in the interest of both merchants and developers.

The problems faced by centralized exchanges include, but are not limited to: high tariffs, security issues, a serious risk of becoming a victim of hackers and of the problems faced by the DEX industry, but not limited to: high tasks, lack of assistance clients.

ExToke solves these problems by providing decentralized exchanges. With DEX, keep your funds. The ExToke DEX solution provides complete security for the XTO smart contract. You are the owner of your money and are safe in your wallet. ExToke exclusive XTO contract.

The problem

1) The issues concerning centralized exchanges are, however, not limited to:
  • High commissions
  • Security issues (liquidity in administrator accounts)
  • Serious danger of succumbing to programmers

2) The issues concerning the DEX business are, however, not limited to:
  • High commissions
  • Lack of customer support

Our solution
  • ExToke expects to address the current problems of current cryptocurrency trading. ExToke highlights ZERO by exchanging expenses.
  • ExToke can process progressively through XTO Exchange Smart Contract, realizing the knowledge of "constant" exchange.
  • Decentralized negotiations are the most secure approach to exchange. With DEX, keep your reservations. You have your resources. Do not sit in an administrator account while holding onto being expelled by a marine programmer! Our DEX arrangement offers the best of the brilliant XTO contract.
  • You have your assets and remain protected and protected within your wallet. Our brilliant XTO contract securely and in a complete flash bag at no cost.
  • ExToke does not charge your trades and your resources have no place in the world.
  • We are here to help you find your way around the world, live life based on the web and visit live through Telegram.

Details of the token

  • Total supply: 1,000,000,000 XTO
  • Sales: 500,000,000
  • XTO Hard Cap: 500 ETH
  • Soft Cap: 50 ETH
  • Discounted exchange rate: 0.000001 ETH 1 XTO
  • Standard exchange rate: 0.0001 ETH 1 XTO
  • Token sales: start on June 27, 2018 at 5:00 GMT

Road map

  • Published on 1 June 2018 Alpha Platform
  • The White Paper of 15 June 2018 was published
  • June 18, 2018 XTO token contract
  • 20 June 2018 Official release of the ExToke platform
  • From 27 to 201 June the sale of ExToke Crowd begins
  • July 21st, 2008 ExToke Crowd Sale ends
  • July 22-2018 XTO Tokens traded on ExToke
  • July 29-2018 XTO added to the main exchanges
  • August-2018 The Android app ExToke and IOS Trading has been released
  • September 2018 ExToke 2.0 (ICO on ExToke)
  • October-2018 Further development and expansion!


Why should you choose Extoke?

We can say that Extoke is a forum where everyone posts an ad to find a seller or a buyer. No connection to an account is required. Every user publishes an advertisement on the bulletin boards where they indicate what they want to sell. The whole system is based on smart contracts.

Decentralization allows Extoke to be solid and reliable in the face of a possible failure. When a centralized exchange is compromised, millions of dollars and thousands of users are interested at the same time.

In a decentralized system, the impact of attacks or failures exists only for a single user and his funds. Users have control over their security, which has proved to be much more efficient than any other centralized entity.

Overall, Extoke seems to have created a platform that works very well with an excellent user interface. The application offers users the ability to perform P2P transactions in a secure environment, while maintaining access to their crypto-currencies during the transaction process.

In view of the large number of transactions carried out from the demonstration day shows a strong demand from the community for this type of platform. This project is certainly one of the most advanced and will probably be one of the successes of 2018.

To know more:

Official telegram group:

Author: RyanEncek

ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

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