Underwater Cable Network
The biggest and most important winner in the world - but unsung - is a private submarine cable that orbits the Earth. The land connection between the city and the cable that runs along the road and into the home and office is certainly impressive - and without it we will not have the internet! - but drowning wires into the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific, India and even the Arctic Sea requires a multibillion-dollar logistical achievement that requires years to come into effect.
The submarine cable is only three inches thick, carrying only a few optical fibers, and has a total capacity between 40Gbps and 10Tbps, and a latency near the speed of light and only a few milliseconds in duration. To get from Johannesburg to Beijing, the package can cross Europe, the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and finally the South China Sea - or they can cross the Atlantic, the entire continent of North America, and then long distances over the Pacific. These cables should not run out of capacity any time soon, we're already at a stage where we can send 100Gbps over a single fiber, and graphene optical switches have to expand the total capacity of submarine cables (and connecting routers) into petabit and exabitper-second ranges. - -Sebastian Anthony: The underwater world of underwater wires
The African Sea Cable to Europe Submarine (ACE) began to be installed in 2009 in an effort to build a 17,000 Kms submarine cable from Europe to South Africa. In 2012 ACE completed three of the four scheduled segments when connections from France to Sao Tome & Principe began operations. Since 2012 ACE, led by Orange France, continues to raise funds to complete and build the final four segment to the country with the largest economy in South Africa, South Africa.
The ACE underwater cable will be fully operational in South Africa in early 2018. Moya has contractually acquired the right of capacity to distribute and sell ACE capacity in South Africa from members of the ACE consortium. Moya will acquire Tier 1 capacity and under contract terms will resell its capacity to ISP, Business and Government customers in South Africa.
Moya will use a regulatory license issued by the Governments of South Africa and Mozambique to distribute and sell the capacity of ACE submarines in South Africa. The main benefit of this arrangement is that Moya without direct investment in ACE cable $ 640 million has acquired the same capacity rights as ACE members. Moya will link ACE capacity to the Western Cape of South Africa and distribute it throughout South Africa via its Backhaul Network from Broadband Infraco (BBI). Moya will offer a range of high-quality, low-quality, digital synchronous transport ("SDH") and Internet Protocol (IP) services designed to meet the needs of various African Internet Service Providers (ISPs), international carriers.

The low data penetration rate in Africa clearly shows the pent up demand for broadband internet connections. Africa's requirements for affordable broadband connections have exploded over the past decade. Applications like Facebook, Skype and Mobile Money have fueled the rapidly increasing demand for customer data in Africa.

Moya will offer a range of high-quality, low-quality, digital synchronous transport ("SDH") and Internet Protocol (IP) services designed to meet the needs of various African Internet Service Providers (ISPs), international operators, Internet access providers, large multi-national business and government.
What is a Moya Token?
Moya Token (MTK) will fund the purchase of ACE submarine cable capacity, terrestrial fiber capacity and Moya operation.
Ownership of Moya Token will give the right holder the right to receive 20% of Moya's profit every year, in proportion to the amount of tokens owned.
Token Sale
- Start date: 15 Nov 2017 12:00 GMT
- End date: December 15, 2017 12:00 GMT
- Hat distribution: 100 million MTK
- Currency received: BTC, ETH
- Token exchange rate: 0.0625 BTC / 1 ETH = 1,000 MTK
- Number of tokens per person: unlimited
- Minimum transaction amount: 0.0625 BTC / 1 ETH
- Maximum transaction amount: unlimited
- Pre-sales: 30% bonus
- Week bonus 1: 20%
- Bonus week 2: 15%
- 3rd week bonus: 10%
- Week 4: 0% bonus
Check out this great video below:
Moya will offer world-class Synchronous Digital Hierarchy network ("SDH") and Internet Protocol ("IP") networking services designed to meet the needs of ISP providers, international operators, content providers, medium, large and multinational and government.
Price model
Moya's wholesale prices will be competitive and affordable for small, medium and large telecommunication companies, Government and businesses that allow broadband connections at previously unseen speeds.
Prices will vary according to capacity, length of contract, service level, portability, restoration and protection requirements.
Moya will position the right products and differentiate them through price / performance and services to compete well against other products in their respective market segments.
This will enable affordable high-speed international connectivity to meet the growing voice, Internet and data needs within Moya's footprint.
Technology support
The Core Network Operations Center (NOC) will be located in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Cape Town will host a small technical office located near the ACE cable landing station.
24/7 support will be provided through NOC to overcome technical difficulties that broadband internet customers may encounter.

FAQ about Moya Networks
What is Token Sale?
The sale of this Token is a means to raise capital through crowdfunding campaigns by distributing tokens to contributors.
Digital assets or tokens are issued for a particular purpose.
Once the Token Sale process has been completed, the tokens may have utility values on the platform or be traded on crypto exchanges, with supply and market demand determining their fair value.
When does a pre-Token sale start?
The Pre-Sale Token was launched on November 1, 2017 at 12:00 GMT.
How will I receive my Moya Token after I submit my contribution?
The Moya Token sales platform will generate a unique delivery address for you during the sales process.
Please use this address to pay for your token.
The transaction received at the given address will explain your contribution to the project.
During the sales process you will be asked to provide your Ethereum address where you would like to receive your token.
Distribution of Tokens that will last 15 - 30 days post Token Sales.
Where are you and what is your legal structure?
Moya Networks is a subsidiary of Moya Telcom incorporated in South Africa.
Our Engineering Division is based in Mauritius and UK.
We are also fortunate to have counselors and collaborators from around the world, including the United States, Japan and France.
What will happen if you can not raise the estimated funds?
We will continue to expand our Moya business with Token Sale results collected, following our operational development map.
We already have quite a lot of contract deals with suppliers, which allows us to predict the positive outcomes of the crowd.
Is there a minimum amount of investment?
Yes, our current minimum investment amount is 1 ETH or 0.0625 BTC.
more info:
Official Website: https://moyanetworks.com/
Whitepaper: https://app.box.com/s/gojspns4vru0jtmf9oicnsm61uvbzwlr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoyaNetworks
Telegram: https://t.me/moyanetwks
Announcement: https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic = 2235512.0
By RyanEncek
ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51
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