Tigereum shows the same thing with social networks that have been done with technology. In the last two years, there has been a growing number of investors participating in the world of virtual digital currencies. However, at this time, if this type of encryption is sent to a non-cryptographic friend, it must go through a long token conversion process, transferring money to the bank and transferring it back to accounting. note of non-cryptographic friend
However, given the concept is unique and is new for many people, but this game can not be played with the average person on the streets. Only people with experience in technology and who first use a cryptogram deal with negotiation and virtual currency transfer.
Darren Olney-Fraser, CEO of Tigereum, said: "Experienced encryption users can easily learn to navigate through this process, but there is a better way.Our goal is to ensure safe delivery is not.Cryptographic encrypted friends"
With the help of the decentralized Blockchain technology, Tigereum aims to help users get rid of confusing processes by using addresses and exchanging digital purses. Mr. Olney-Fraser said: "We will give cryptographic possibilities to someone who does not have a digital wallet so he can store it directly into his nominal fiduciary bank account."
To break through this untapped cryptic fiber market, Tigereum offers solutions that make it easy to send or receive cryptography by sending photos to Facebook or by sending tweets to your friends and relatives. Tigereum says that he can do this by attaching money to instant messaging. . Tigereum has tested this solution and uses an IM-bot prototype.
With many photos, messages and tweets published daily through social networking platforms, Tigereum says that for kriptovariance to reach the mainstream, sending and receiving messages should be so simple. This one-touch transaction process ensures broader participation and leads people out of areas where they are aware of their use. Tigereum instant messaging brokers can help users send or receive small amounts of money to friends and relatives in just a fraction of a second.
This easy-to-use little project makes it easy for people to understand and use crypto conversion will undoubtedly be very concerned about crypto use widely. Tigereum token exchange will begin on December 8th. Visit their website to find out the initial benefits of participating in this process.

For more information :
Website: http: //www.tigereum.io/
Whitepaperhttps: //docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/970dc6_0468245ff0854f95b4e0030218ce4564.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/tigereumtokens
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/tigereumtokens
Telegram: https: //t.me/joinchat/F8Cw7xEinbeAPbD1NKNApA
By RyanEncek
ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51
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