Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

IMMLA Application of decentralized Transportation Capital

IMMLA Aplikasi Modal Transportasi yang terdesentralisir

We know the export and import markets in the world is very large and rapidly, the longer and slower the demand for transportation to mengkut goods needs is needed along with the development of population and basic needs of a country. Therefore, cargo transportation mode is needed in every country as the main pillar of the distribution of basic needs. With this increasing need, a multimodal transport service platform that is decentralized online or abbreviated IMMLA is created.

Fees to know information about operator rates and transaction costs are very high - due to market fragmentation and lack of standardization for payment schemes, document flow, availability of additional services and taxation. This makes the market less competitive and driven by sellers. Thus, cargo owners challenge to find out first and compare transport prices and make costly due diligence. This projection affects cargo and cargo owners. For example, the absence of a common information space leads to loss of efficiency and delays due to lack of data from empty containers.

Cargo transport is monitored from request until successfully close the deal. The action of AII is recorded in Š«ockchain, which removes the issue of inter-party trust; The smart contract, which will be approved at the start of delivery, will automatically make a shared settlement according to the data stored in Š«ockchain. In addition, IMMLA has commercial interests in successfully completing cargo transport for all parties. (Unlike the current web portal, where the main revenue is generated from the cost of payments / customer connections, and the service is not responsible for successful results).

Long before IMMLA found a logical blockchain solution. First, powerful forwarder routers are integrated in their ERP systems to make quicker replies to shipping requests. Then they go online, but small freighters start using forums and dashboard information to advertise their services. Finally, cargo services such as Uber appear. Usually they offer truck transportation, so multimodal delivery can not be accessed. Overall, centralized platforms can not manage transportation with tolerant, timely and competitive prices, but new technologies can change the wind.
The business strategy of multimodal applications is based on providing customers with a fundamental new way to interact with the logistics market.

Terms & Definitions

Entities - people who understand
Permissions in the IMMLA system. Entity is an active system user, (S) he initiates a new action and interacts with other users and subsystems. Each entity has a private and private key to create new transactions in Blockchain and to sign sensitive data.

Oracle - a legal entity that has a keypair, and signs transactions on demand when the user-provided expression is evaluated to the truth.

Terms of Service (ToS) - a list of offers is given by the entity. Offer consists of price,
Conditions, restrictions, etc.

Auction - IMMLA market place to get the best requirements for Cargo Owners and to get new carrier orders. Services contain data from Blockchain where Cargo Owner pushes orders and Carrier ToS. Operators can change their bids during the auction.

Cargo Owners - entities that pass IMMLA verification as initiators of shipping requests.

Operator - the entity's responsibility for cargo shipments Carrier provides services, takes participation in auctions and cargo shipments to cargo owners. (S) he is responsible for the full delivery

Delivery Analysis Service (DAS) - third party submodule. Service collects history
Shipments by different providers, received IMMLA requests for new submissions, analysis of suggested service terms, correction based on user requirements and watershed yield ratings are also responsible for auction and Cargo Owner recommendations, such as best prices and conditions.

Document Management Service (DMS) - third party submodule. Service operates with
Contracts between agents Participants choose convenient shipping and payment terms, generic and pul form content.

Delivery Tracking Service (DTS) - The IMMLA tracking service communicates with third-party data provider DTS collects incoming data belonging to the cargo shipping process.


Formag Forwarding - Formag is a Russian branch of the international group Global Transport Investments (GTI), a forwarding leader in the region of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea. The GTI has been successfully operating with the transportation services market since 1992.

Soft Business Solutions - The company has experience in deploying internet services for access to payment and tracking information regarding cargo, bill of lading, ordering and customs declarations to its customers.

[ICO IMMLA] Layanan Logistik Multimodal Berbasi Blockchain dan Smart Kontrak

Transportation services

- The operator informs IMMLA of the location of the unloaded vehicle and its designated use. The service puts the vehicle in the design of the transportation system, and offers to submit a tender offer of transport contracts.

- The operator successfully completes the goods transport and moves it to the cargo owner or to the next operator. The recipient makes an electronic sign, accepting responsibility for a cargo. Once the receipt is received, the smart contract makes a payment to the cargo agent. The smart contract also provides documents with digital electronic signatures from cargo owners.

What are the Advantages of Using IMMLA Services

- Confidence and Reliability: A decentralized system will guarantee payment to the operator regardless of IMMLA's finances as well as it will be recorded on the blockchain network when transfer of liabilities between ships that can not be changed by any party.

- Saves Money: Will save and optimize transportation costs when auctioning of goods transport. And when IMMLA usage will reduce the number of unemployed trips.

- Easy to use: Users will be easy to use IMMLA because of their mobile and desktop services so they do not require any third party. Choose a shipment. tracking cargo online becomes easier.

IMMLA opened Crowdfunding

In order to implement and develop what IMMLA wants to achieve, they are opening a crowdfunding or ICO project which will take place from 15 September 2017 to 25 October 2017. For those of you who wish to contribute in the IMMLA ico project will get an IML token.

What is an IML Token

The IML Token is a part of the IMMLA platform that later tokens can be used in the platform as one of the means of payment. IML Tokens can also be traded to the exchanger's free market so as to make a profit.

For those of you who make contributions when ICO takes place will get a relatively cheap price when purchasing token rather than when the price has entered the market exchanger and traded there freely. The full details of ICO IMMLA can be seen below

Detail Information:

Website: https://immla.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/immlaio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IMMLA_io
Whitepaper: https://immla.io/IMMLA_WP.pdf
Github: https://github.com/IMMLA
Telegram: https://t.me/immlacommunity

Author : RyanEncek

My ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Senin, 28 Agustus 2017

AUTHOREON - Otorisasi, Otentikasi, Verifikasi & Sertifikasi dalam jaringan yang terdesentralisasi

Authoreon adalah desentralisasi otorisasi, otentikasi, verifikasi & sertifikasi dan dengan demikian mengamankan contoh dan fungsi yang sebelumnya tidak aman. Solusi Authoreon mencegah penipuan, serangan cyber, pencurian identitas material dan immaterial, dan mereka menyediakan traceability yang menyeluruh untuk memasok dan rantai kepemilikan.

Dengan serangan cyber, pelanggaran kata sandi, pencurian identitas dan kecurangan dokumen semakin meningkat, menjadi sangat jelas bahwa tindakan keamanan online saat ini tidak memadai. Selain itu, kami menghadapi masalah keamanan nasional yang meningkat - sering kali bertentangan dengan peraturan perlindungan privasi & data, serta tantangan utama dalam keamanan IOT, perlindungan hak cipta & intelektual, dan manajemen reputasi. Selain itu, peningkatan kesadaran kualitas memerlukan identitas dan riwayat produk yang dapat dilacak di rantai pasokan dan rantai kepemilikan. Kegagalan untuk mengamankan data, untuk memverifikasi identitas dan memberikan akses hanya kepada instansi yang berwenang menyebabkan miliaran dolar mengalami kerusakan setiap tahun, sementara aset paling berisiko yang berisiko adalah kepercayaan. Authoreon memecahkan masalah ini dengan mendesentralisasi otorisasi, otentikasi, verifikasi dan sertifikasi.


Authoreon adalah jaringan terdesentralisasi dengan dua protokol overlay terpisah:


Authoreon didasarkan pada etereum, protokol blockchain yang tahan terhadap publik, open source, sensor dan inovatif, dan platform komputasi terdistribusi, yang menyediakan mesin virtual Turing-complete terdesentralisasi (Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)) yang memungkinkan pelaksanaan kontrak cerdas.


Di bagian atas blockchain, kami mengembangkan protokol sinapsis, yang merupakan lapisan aplikasi independen yang terinspirasi oleh otak manusia. Ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas, skalabilitas, dan kinerja platform Authoreon dengan memungkinkan kontrak otorisasi yang cerdas. Ini juga menjaga agar lampu blokir dan cepat dengan mengganti data yang tersimpan - menghasilkan peningkatan kinerja, waktu pemrosesan blok lebih cepat, serta kemampuan untuk memproses lebih banyak transaksi dalam satu blok.

Kunci Akses:

Lapisan kunci akses berfungsi sebagai penjaga gerbang, memproses permintaan masuk ke lapisan sinapsis dan memberikan akses sementara jika instance permintaan tersebut diotorisasi. Untuk tujuan ini, kami mengembangkan algoritma ²²-kunci-kunci, memberikan satu kunci statis dengan kunci dinamis (sementara) hanya jika kunci lainnya masih berlaku oleh otorisasi dan sebaliknya. Akses hanya diberikan ke dua tombol dinamis. Mekanisme ini menggantikan otentikasi dua faktor tradisional yang memungkinkan beragam aplikasi potensial.

Token Autheon

Token automotif digunakan untuk mengakses fungsionalitas tertentu dari platform termasuk mendaftarkan aset baru, mentransfer aset, dan berbagai fitur otorisasi lainnya. Token Autheon tidak mewakili atau memberikan hak kepemilikan atau saham, saham atau keamanan atau hak yang setara. Dana yang diterima akan membantu dalam pengembangan akhir platform, melakukan studi percontohan, dan biaya yang berkaitan dengan membawa ke pasar dan pemeliharaan. Token Automo adalah bentuk pembayaran yang mudah, efisien dan ekonomis untuk layanan yang disediakan di platform Authoreon dan bukan sekuritas yang akan digunakan untuk tujuan perdagangan spekulatif. Tidak ada pasar umum untuk token koin Autheon dan tidak ada jaminan nilai masa depan dari token koin Autheon. Kemungkinan ada bahwa token koin Autheon tidak ada artinya.

Authoreon Token Crowdsale :

Token nama: Authoreon
Token simbol: AUTH
Token base: Ethereum - ERC20
Token supply: 1 miliar AUTH
Crowdsale mulai: LIVE SEKARANG
Akhir Crowdsale: 14 Oktober 2017
Target Crowdsale: $ 34.000.000

Struktur Hukum

Authoreon Pte. Ltd. (dalam proses pendirian) akan didaftarkan di Singapura pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2017 setelah pembentukan Yayasan Authoreon sebagai Organisasi Orang Tua (Swiss Non-profit).

Peserta Jaringan

Token Holders (Global, terbuka untuk semua orang sesuai dengan hukum dan peraturan setempat)

Yayasan Authoreon bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan manajemen dan pengawasan untuk menjaga jaringan Authoreon dalam keadaan sehat. Ini akan bertanggung jawab mengelola semua bukti, kontribusi, dan arus pendapatan lainnya. Saat ini anggota dewan direksi termasuk direktur perusahaan operasi Authoreon. Seiring waktu pihak luar yang terdiri dari tokoh bereputasi tinggi dan berpengetahuan luas di ruang Blockchain akan diundang untuk bergabung. Setiap perubahan besar pada jaringan pertama-tama akan ditempatkan pada pemungutan suara oleh direktur yayasan sebelum diberlakukan; Namun, akhirnya terserah kepada peserta jaringan.

Authoreon.io Pte. Ltd. (dalam proses penggabungan usaha) adalah entitas operasi yang akan dikontrak oleh yayasan untuk membangun dan menerapkan aplikasi terdesentralisasi inti, dan juga menjadi kandidat untuk implementasi masa depan. Harap dicatat bahwa yayasan tersebut akhirnya memiliki keputusan akhir mengenai dimana dana akan dialokasikan dan perusahaan mana yang akan dikontrak. Beberapa fungsi, audit keamanan, dll mungkin memerlukan vendor pihak ketiga dan penyedia layanan untuk bekerja secara independen atau bersama dengan Authoreon.io Pte. Ltd

Peta Jalan

Informasi :

Website: https://www.authoreon.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.authoreon.io/Authoreon-Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Authoreonio
Slack: http://www.slack.authoreon.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/authoreonio
Bitcointalk THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2125497.0

Bitcointalk RyanEncek

My ETH: 0xaE5e525E57a6117fa00Ae27b57e94b92B1Bf0c51

Protostarr make fans and selebrity mutually beneficial


Protostarr is a new evolution for the digital media investment world;
Change the model from donation or sponsor to investment.

Using smart contract Protostarr to invest in future content creators will give the new generation of unsupported artists the ability to fund their operations while giving fans the content they seek and the opportunity to profit based on their success. This decentralized person
Distribution of investment and revenues DApp (Decentralized Application)
Connecting investors with rising celebrity entertainment, such as Youtubers,
Twitch casters, and other live video and live streaming platforms
Ad revenue and subscriptions with creators.

Find Opportunities

Easily find the rising talent on YouTube and Twitch in need of funds.

Make an Investment

Plan talented individuals in return for channel revenue results over time.

ROI automatically

Accept your channel revenue sharing automatically through smart contracts.

Protostarr allows fans to fund their favorite content creator (Starr ™) while retaining partial ownership, and payments from revenue generation channels. Payouts are determined by smart contracts that automatically divide channel revenue between the investor and the creator itself.

Fan: Fans can fund their favorite channels and celebrities and earn some of the profits for the same amount of time, while enjoying the content they covet.

The Rising Starr: Starrs gets their project funded, enables them to buy equipment and devote their time to create the best content they can not do, while providing a positive financial incentive to fans who believe in Starr's potential.

Contracts: Earnings from Youtube, Twitch, and other ad revenue and subscription-sharing platforms will be stored in the Etaceum block, and paid to investors and creators; No muss, no fuss, and all managed by smart contract Protostarr. Using Prototr takes the often-needed trust of equations, automating payments generated from escrow accounts to investment buffs and rising risks.

Crowdsale: The investor's token will allow the owner to combine 2% of each of Protostarr's smart contracts made.

Fan: Fans can fund their favorite channels and celebrities and earn some of the profits for the same amount of time, while enjoying the content they covet.

The Rising Starr: Starrs gets their project funded, enables them to buy equipment and devote their time to create the best content they can not do, while providing a positive financial incentive to fans who believe in Starr's potential.

Contracts: Earnings from Youtube, Twitch, and other ad revenue and subscription-sharing platforms will be stored in the Etaceum block, and paid to investors and creators; No muss, no fuss, and all managed by smart contract Protostarr. Using Prototr takes the often-needed trust of equations, automating payments generated from escrow accounts to investment buffs and rising risks.

Crowdsale: The investor's token will allow the owner to combine 2% of each of Protostarr's smart contracts made.

Protostar is a new evolution for the digital investment world. That allows a fan to support and fund the creators of their favorite content on the most popular media sites today. Payments and revenue share of investors and creators are automatically determined by the smartcontract token.

Traditional funds channels for video content creators, such as multi-channel-networks (MCN), require lengthy approval, lengthy processing, adherence to brand policies, content and creativity of MCN brands, restrictions and non-transparent, non-transparent distribution of income . A free alternative for your content to be successful requires your supporters or fans to fund your program. For additional content, postpone future potential fans and force viewers to pay for your entire entertainment experience.

With Protostarr, token smartcontract can be customized, and stored in blockchain, its creation can be audited openly. Fans do not have to worry about their celebrity (creator) if they refuse to pay, everything will be completely automated and content creators focus on creating their art only.

  • For creators is their project funded by investors so they get an injection of funds to develop the project.
  • The advantage of investors is that they get rewards from advertising results of a percentage depending on the large number of tokens that are held.

The system will make it automated through blockchain technology so there is no debate about how it is shared and others.

Crowdsale Information

Protostar Token or shortened to PSR will be sold in crowdsale on August 13 until August 10, 2017. Payments can use bitcoin, ethereum, euro and dollar.

The number of PSR Tokens issued is 9,000,000 tokens.
where the funds collected will be maximized by 50% for development
Marketing- 30%
Operational Cost - 15%
Legality Fees - 5%

Bonus purchase

There are certain bonuses when making a purchase.

If the investor buys the token in the first hour, it will get 170 tokens per 1 eth
In the first week get 150 tokens per 1 eth
Week two gets 130 tokens per 1 eth, third week gets 110 tokens per 1 eth.
And the fourth week gets 100 tokens per 1 eth.

Receipt of tokens by using a wallet that support erc 20 like mytherwallet.com. Make sure you do not use wallet exchange because wallet exchange does not support token, you can not access the token.

Credible team information

"Online entertainment is still an early and untapped market.With the growing entertainment consumed through the internet and traditional media that are still below standard, there is an opportunity to create a Starrs market with the ability to succeed based on their own accomplishments rather than depending on corporate funding."

So little information from ico project protostarr.io hopefully useful and congratulations to invest :)
For more information go directly to the link related to this project.

Visit more information :

Website: https://protostarr.io/
WhitePaper: https://protostarr.io/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/protostarr.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/protostarr_io
Slack: https://protostarr.slack.com/join/shared_invite/MjE4MDIyMTU0Njc4LTE1MDA5NDc5OTctODA2MGFlNDc2NA
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2068943

Bitcointalk RyanEncek

Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2017

Centra Card - Cryptocurrency Debit Card Payment Platform

Centra Card

Is a multi blockchain card that is probably the first in the world and connected with smart wallet and guaranteed and get insurance.

Centra has been designed to connect a bridge between trading and cryptocurrency. With Centra wallet and Centra card you will be able to spend your blockchain assets as well as can
Transfer in real time.

As multi card cryptoccurency centra supports various cryptocurrencies in various blockchains, among others that can be used is;
.Bitcoin .Ethereum .litecoin .ERC20 .Tokens .Ripple .Zcash .Dash. In the near future the support will soon be expanded soon.

Centra has designed 3 core products connecting the world of commerce and cryptocurrency.

Cards and Wallets

Designed to give you full control of your assets. You will be able to convert them in real time at market value to the fiat used at no cost all thanks to our CCE Module. We have solved the ability to spend your cryptocurrencies in todays.Centra Wallet world allows secure storage of your block chain assets with full insurance on your assets from theft and hackers. Trust knows your funds will be safe on our network without worry. You will also have the ability to fine tune settings to suit your needs for both wallet and card.


Giving our users the ability to purchase over 100,000 items from our market using their cryptocurrency. You will have the ability to use your Wallet Centra to pay for goods or pay directly from every wallet of your choice. We will give the world the ability to spend their assets to buy real goods on the internet. Choose from electronics, clothing items, household items and more with worldwide shipping. The Cryptocurrency market will allow vendors in the future to list their products for sale on the platform.

CTR Token

Available and for sale to our users during our crowdsale. There will be many benefits to our Centra Troken Holder. Our reward system has been designed to provide incentives to users who hold tokens. CTR Tokens can be purchased via BTC, ETH, or LTC. CTR Token has been designed to be usable in our cBay Marketplace and scattered on any worldwide Centra Card that accepts Visa or MasterCard. CTR Token will be available to buy on the Exchange entering the ICO period.


The plan is token initial public offering, if participating will get token and participate in the revolution. Circulation will find a total of 100 million tokens. Of this amount, 68% is reserved for sale. ICO starts 5.8.a lasts until 05:10. Price 1 ether for 400 tokens. You will be able to participate through the ether or through another good kriptovaluta to know. In ICOU can participate in the following link: https://www.centra.tech/token-sale/

More information can see the link below:

  • Website: https://www.centra.tech
  •  Participate: https://www.centra.tech/token-sale/
  •  Whitepaper: https://tokensale.investfeed.com/#whitepaper
  •  Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Centra_Card
  •  Telegram: https://t.me/CentraTech
  •  Slack: http://slack.centra.tech

Bitcointalk RyanEncek

Join In Nimfamoney

Who can win big from participating in ICO company. How to do it?

Buy cryptocurrencies that grow at 100%, 500%, 1000% in a few weeks,
And even days from as many new companies as possible.

ICO is an opportunity to get 1000% + profitability. We launch
Nimfamoney with the intention that you get the most benefit from you
Investment in ICO. We'll talk about it further. With us in a month can
Getting more than others do in a year! No one wants to tell them about missing such a great opportunity.

Nimfamoney is the world's first cryptocurrency loan platform. You can borrow NIMFA tokens with zero interest rates, use them to buy tokens from other blockchain companies coming to ICO, Or directly on the exchange. You only pay for access to ICO and cryptococcal market + 10% of your profit at closing position.

You do not have to sell your house, take a loan in the bank, borrow money from your friends, call your brother in the middle of the night with a request to lend you several thousand to buy tokens from a company that started an ICO in just one hour. All you need to do is participate in NIMfamoney ICO, get NIMFA tokens, and after ICO we can get three times more loan than all NIMFA tokens you will get on our ICO.

This is no joke !!!

Each NIMFA token you purchase at ICO in August 2017 allows you to borrow a token to participate in a new ICO or to trade in exchange
Without verification and denial of our party or any third party. All of these.

how to get NIMFA Token

- Participate in Nimfamoney ICO and purchase NIMFA tokens in August 2017
- Each NIMFA token allows you to borrow 3 NIMFA tokens to participate in the new ICO and trade in the stock
- Deposit 3.3% of the loan amount to receive 300% credit as leverage and get the loan token
- Buy new token on the exchange and ICO; Pay back the loan + 10% of your profit at closing position
- You now have a new token that is affordable and what you buy using a 300% NIMFA token!

Road Map

JULY 2016

The idea of ​​creating a decentralized platform for crypto currency loans that incorporates blockchain technology.


Analysis of crypto currency exchange and consultation with experts.


Interaction with potential borrowers for feedback and formulation of value propositions.


Attract the first potential borrower into participation.

JUNE & JULY 2017

Meetings with borrowers to gain a better understanding of their needs and streamline decentralized decentralized crypto lending platform.


Carry out ICO campaigns and issue NIMFA tokens for the launch of the first crypto-curency loan platform to help investors buy profitable tokens and get the most from ICO and exchange.


Include NIMFA tokens in exchange. Issuing the first 10,000 crypto loans NIMFA.


Receive feedback from the borrower and use it to improve the cryptococcal lending platform.


Development and implementation of NIMFA exchange rate volatility tokens for NIMFA holders and borrowers.


Issuing 10,000,000 NIMFA crypto currency loans for the year 2017-2018.

2019 UNTIL 2020

Establish NIMFA tokens as the core instrument for crypto currency loans in the global blockchain community.

Video Nimfamoney ICO - Participate now.

Details Information:

Website: https://nimfamoney.io/
Whitepaper: https://nimfamoney.io/ENG_V.1.0_Whitepaper_ICO_Nimfamoney.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nimfamoney
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nimfamoney
Slack: https://nimfa-team.slack.com/join/shared_invite/MjIyMTE5NDM3ODA4LTE1MDE5OTgzMzAtY2E5MWIzYjNiYQ
Telegram: https://t.me/Nimfamoney
Bitcointalk ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2040087.0


Jumat, 25 Agustus 2017

BLOCKCDN - Decentralized CDN

BLOCKCDN is a distributed CDN system based on the Ethereum smart contract. This system establishes CDN mining, smart contract settlement and CDN trading market in one. Through online chain and checkout work, BLOCKCDN calls global network participants to share idle devices (such as PCs, routers, TV boxes, cell phones) and provide upload traffic that makes the Internet accelerate node everywhere. Under the Ethereum smart contract system, BLOCKCDN will not only allow unused broadband users to share idle network devices and upload traffic to gain higher profits without adding additional input, but providing cheaper, multi-node, and faster distributed CDN services For for Websites that need to be accelerated.

With the development of mobile internet, live video and HD 4K video, the user's direct request for massive data and response time has been promoted, which has led to the development of CDN business. The CDN market is expected to grow from $ 3.7034 billion in 2014 to $ 12.1637 billion in 2019, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.9% for this period and a long time to Grow at high speed [2], according to data From Micromarketmonitor reports, released by PR Web.

The large market and high market growth rates provide an opportunity for BLOCKCDN to deepen the industry, and deliver CDs that are distributed revolutionarily to share the economy and connect billions of people willing to share.

Application scenarios

BLOCKCDN's acceleration spreads almost everywhere we use the Internet, like watching videos, playing games, shopping online and so on. There are several main application scenarios: Live media streaming and on-demand acceleration: sports, live news and major events, Pan entertainment, radio and new media television, etc.

Accelerated file distribution: patch network game terminal updates, variousAPPmarkets, contentupgrade vendor software, network disks or cloud disk files for storage and propagation, etc.

Acceleration page: Integrated portal, news media, electricity business, company, etc.

Status and Profits

The traditional CDN and cloud service businesses are both backbone network architectures, while these structures can not exploit the data center and the number of nodes in the computer room, and the CDN accelerated capacity is limited. The more deadly, like traditional CDNs, it is very expensive to build data centers and computer rooms, which ultimately turn to webmasters, resulting in high CDN prices.

Traditional CDN status: high prices, low CDN acceleration, poor customer experience With the development of distributed CDN, the cost of building backbone networks has decreased, and CDN prices are distributed much lower than traditional CDNs. However, since the widely distributed CDN is centered, the company that operates the CDN collects cheap traffic from users, then sells it to users who need CDN acceleration at a higher price. Finally CDN prices are still very high. Moreover, due to centralized data storage, fake backstage may appear, causing the miners and website owners not to be guaranteed.

Disseminated CDN Status: The price has been reduced, but still very high, there are false data, the development of incomplete nodes and the acceleration of the effects need to be improved.

BLOCKSDN globally is the first distributed CDN built on the Block chain [3] where all traffic data and acceleration data are recorded and nothing can damage them. With the help of major nodes in the world, BLOCKCDN allows users, when accessing accelerated websites, to be assigned to the nearest node in real-time. Based on the Ethereum smart contract, BLOCKCDN has developed a self-service CDN trading market that allows owners and distributors to trade freely, equitably and transparently. In the BLOCKCDN system, the cost of accelerating website owners is 90% lower than traditional CDCDs, and better CDN services are available. Compared to traditional ones, the advantages of BLOCKCDN are obvious.

The following are the traditional global CDN giants: Comparison with Akamai and Verizon with BLOCKCDN:

Work principle

BLOCKCDN is a smart CDN node deployment software based on open-source Squid and combined with SDK and P2P technology. Provide full play not only on scheduling traditional P2P and CDN nodes but also for SDKs in order to implement changes to the data set in parallel, one path being algorithms, algorithms and single protocols for long-term continuous optimization, and 100% anti-theft chain or Anti piracy BLOCKCDN can easily upgrade smart devices to the CDN node. In addition, the BLOCKCDN team completely captures and utilizes distributed CDN, on intelligent scheduling, dynamic deployment of hierarchical applications, DDOS dynamic defenses and other core technology advantages. It has effectively realized the acceleration services for Internet hot areas such as: Game downloads, mobile apps, video-on-demand, smart hardware, live streaming, etc.

Wallet: digital wallet to store tokens (BCDN). The wallet can buy CDN acceleration on the self-service platform, which can be accelerated instantly by entering sites that require speed, acceleration traffic volume and traffic unit price.

CDN push: buy CDN service on demand via wallet.

Distributor: ableto provides distributed acceleration for websites, by creating PCs, routers, TV boxes, cell phones, waste trash BLOCKCDN, and so on into CDN cache nodes, finally obtaining the appropriate BCDN tokens according to the uploaded traffic.

Trading platform: users can buy and sell BCDN tokens through third party trading platforms.

Here is the BLOCKCDN acceleration purchase process:

Through crowdfunding or trading, users can get a BCDN token and store it in the wallet. The website owner, which requires setup, simply inputs the domain name and accelerated traffic, and the number of BCDN tokens on the BLOCKCDN platform.

The process of obtaining and trading BCND:

Node distributors can use BCDN tokens by uploading accelerated traffic, in accordance with the smart contract chaining block. He can not just store BCDN tokens in his wallet but sell them on a third party trading platform to customers who need a CDN. In addition, all data in the interaction process has been recorded and available for review at any time in the chaining block, which ensures equity and protection from harassment.

Mining clients

Software version:
Software mining clients are an effective way for distributors to share unused broadband. Without adding additional hardware and just running mining clients in terminals that can share traffic, such as computers, mobile phones, and so on, people can continue to provide upload traffic throughout the day, getting an equivalent BCDN token according to the volume of traffic provided. . Whenever walking a dog, shopping, eating or watching a movie - - all his goods make money for him.

BLOCKCDN Treasure:

BLOCKCDN miningtreasure is a mining hardware designed for high-end players by BLOCDKCDN, which due to the mining software it contains, can not be denied starting within a day. In addition, based on intelligent DNSscheduling technology, BLOCKCDN mining is more efficient than similar products on the market. Players simply connect to a computer, configure their own eterik wallet address and connect to broadband, then BLOCKCDN mining will work automatically.

BLOCKCDGetting treasure:

Super-knot plan

In the early stages of development, in addition to the implementation of distributed CDN, BLOCKCDN encourages and unifies server providers capable of creating super nodes that aim to gain more quality acceleration. In the midst of the development of BLOCKCDN, super node needs to be done to accelerate the user because of the lack of terminal nodes. Super knot can accelerate the development of ecology BLOCKCDN.

CDN trading market

Automatic matchmaker :

The BLOCKCDN smart contract system provides an open, open and fair supermarket platform. You just have to open your wallet, and you can choose the best CDN service for you on the BLOCKCDN self-service trading platform. Distributors of accelerator nodes and accelerators CDN are automatically traded on the system, eliminating the benefits of intermediaries and making distributors more profitable, and accelerating CDN acceleration cheaper.

BLOCKCDNow development funds:

When demander acceleration purchases a CDN acceleration service, BLOCKCDN will charge a 5% transaction fee as a development fund, to provide enhancements, team and platform maintenance, product innovation, and so on. Most importantly, it maintains a sustainable and healthy ecological development of BLOCKCDN.BCDN tokenThe BLOCKCDN Token ("BCDN") plays a key role in the BLOCKCDN ecosystem. BCDN tokens are mainly used for the following purposes:

  • Revenue revenue for distributors
  • who have unused broadband
  • Reception BLOCKCDN system circulation in the BLOCKCDN network, a token is required for CDNacceleration buyers who buy traffic.

Because BLOCKCD Nuses traffic anchoring mechanisms of legal tender, BLOCKCDN network will be better known and prosperous, more CDNacceleration buyers, and quantity demand for BCDN tokens will increase rapidly, possibly causing BCDN price increases. While CDN purchase accelerators buy the same amount of traffic, the number of BCDN tokens that need to be paid will be reduced, and no increase in legal tender. This allows the adoption of CDN, without adding any additional costs, to enjoy tokens appreciation with the development of the BLOCKCDN system.

Road Map

Information :

Website: http://www.blockcdn.org/index_en.html
Whitepaper: http://www.blockcdn.org/file/BlockCdn-english.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blockchaincdn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlockCDN
Slack: https://bcdn.herokuapp.com/

Created By RyanEncek

Kamis, 24 Agustus 2017

BitJob Market Decentralization In Line For Student Work

Image result for bitjob

In a digital era and with the rapid advancement of blockchain technology, making the competition in the world of crypto increasingly crowded. Many of the platform's creators are developing innovations that make the competition tighter. Platforms that use blockchain technology by adapting that capability we create bitJob. BitJob combines the advantages of micro-gigs and freelancer-centric offer sites, creating the first Blockchain Hybrid Project that allows peer-to-peer connections with employers and students. In other words bitJob can be defined as the Semi-Decentralization platform, using centralized fiat (fiat money) and decentralized crypto digital currencies developed on the Smart Ethereal Contract.

Bitjob was born from the awareness of TEAM that the University and the College did not provide enough opportunities for students to gain meaningful work experience. For many students who are among those, the only chance to gain this valuable experience is to follow an unpaid internship, which is financially untenable. Then the developers of the above problems have found the right solution. And finally the students who are still educated can earn extra income and experience while still in school. In addition, when we move on to executive positions, we become aware of the difficulties of hiring qualified temporary workers in line with our expectations. BitJob matches use P2P objectives by offering P2P ways for employers and temporary employees to connect and thus provide students with the opportunity to earn money and gain relevant experience while giving opportunities to qualified, economically viable workers.

This one platform is always transparent, secure and protected. BitJob has been developed and designed by professionals. Based on observations so far, platforms aimed at bitJob have a high potential for success. The backbone of the ledger is decentralized and has multiple levels of security that ensures transparency and openness at all stages of bitJob market transactions, between students, freelancers, and employers. Things like this that make the platform very feasible to publish. When users download a bitJob application they will confirm the details and must provide the correct / current student numbers associated with or registered with an educational organization, or university. Unique storage addresses will be generated for them for those within the Ethereum network. Then the address is used as payment transaction data to transfer funds from tokens and from tokens to bitJob.

BitJob uses a Token called Student Coin (STU) of all contributors who wish to receive a STU token by participating in a funding fund planned in September 2017. Toke Pre-Sale will commence on August 2, 2017. Sending 1 ETH in bitJob account will deliver 1,000 STU, the number of STU to Ether will vary and the amount adjusts the Ether price alone. Then for the total supply from STU during ICO made a number of 100,000,000.

Image result for bitjob

How to Work BITJOB

When users download a bitJob apps student ID Number enrolled in Educational Organization, College or University. Unique storage addresses will be generated for them within the Ethereum network. This address will be used to transfer funds from the Service Finder to the service provider in this case of the students. Service providers will be found in the Service Finder or hired through the bidding process.In the bitJob platform there will be a bidding process to which service providers offer services to service seekers. If the auction process has been completed, the service provider with the best Bid will be hired by the service seeker. Before the service providers do their duty first, they will make a contract in BitJob as Escrow.

In Bitjob platform they have advantages where they have a Reputation system. Everyone who uses Bitjob platforms is entitled to judge each other. The higher a person's reputation in Bitjob The higher their pay will be. On the contrary, a service providers with low reputation will find it hard to get a job in Bitjob.

Bitjob.io will deploy blockchain technology in the global student community. Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt and overcome all boundaries, but we all understand that smart education of consumers is necessary, in order for this to happen. Promoting the education needed to implement decentralization and freedom of choice begins today, through the next generation of the labor market.

Further information :

Website: https://bitjob.io/
Whitepaper: https://bitjob.io/#whitepaper
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitJob_Team
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bitJobmarket/
Telegram: https://t.me/bitjob
Slack: https://bitjob-slack-invite.herokuapp.com/
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1980078.0

Bitcointalk profile: RyanEncek

Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017


While the ICO market is still very young, it is developing at a rapid pace, as evidenced by the huge campaigns such as Bancor and Status. There are some serious issues that may occur, even with large campaigns, that may be disable the entire Ethereum blockchain. This can result in inactive operations, lost money, thousands of dissatisfied users, and a decrease in the value of the ETH. If this continues, the companies working on the Ethereum blockchain will not be able to function properly and all funds invested in them will be lost.

KICKICO is a platform for safe and easy fundraising for ICO, preICO, crowdfunding and crowdinvesting. Our goal is to create a platform that will not collapse the Ethereum blockchain in any of the projects.

Unlike many other similar projects that have been entered the market recently, KICKICO is not another clone created without understanding the problems of the ICO and crowdfunding markets. KICKICO takes care of all the difficulties that the authors will face when creating ICO campaigns and distributing them tokens, and relieves the crowdfunding project authors of bureaucracy and incredibly high fees. However, foremost, KICKICO is unique due to its economic system based on its own KickCoins cryptocurrency, designed to protect investors and backers from failed or fraudulent campaigns, as specified below, in the Crowdfunding section.

PreICO Campaign Details


Goal: 1500 ETH with the limit of 5000 ETH

Our goal for the preICO is to attract 1500 ETH Objectives The marketing of the subsequent ICO campaign, and the initial distribution of our currency, KickCoins We have our own funds and means of promotion, but if we want a full-fledged, large ICO to increase the KickCoin value, we certainly need some extra funds. We have found professional executors to promote our platform in China, the USA, Russia, and some other countries.

Beside that, some of these funds will be used to enlarge the development team and implement all the necessary features that we have planned for the ICO We want to do all the most important things before the ICO, including the reception of fiat money, which can have a very good impact on the subsequent campaign, but such solutions require significant costs, both technical and legal.

Kickico is a combination of two industries Blockchain and Crowdfunding Unlike a centralized platform like Kickstarter or indiegogo, Kickico gives people the right to choose and protect their smart contracts. Kickico supports three types of fundraising campaigns ICO, Crowdinvesting, and Crowdfunding.

There is no other platform that can have the flexibility and freedom of choice No one knows the fund raising will evolve in the blockchain But we must know for sure here and now the actual fundraising revolution is going on.

Unlike many other ico, we have the final product
We have been fundraising since 2012. Hundreds of companies are experiencing their own practices from ideas to successful fundraising. In 2014, our team began creating our own independent fundraising platform. We do a lot of research on the behavior of crowdinvestors, observe the shortcomings of the world's crowdfunding websites, and evaluate the reasons for the failures of the projects being funded. For 3 years we are ready to offer KICKICO - Platform for unique ICO, Crowdfunding, and Crowdinvesting company that is convenient for Founder and Investor.

We set goals in relationship with our partners

  • Train the founders to create successful projects based on Cryptocoin.
  • Choose the most interesting project, which together we will change the world of crowdfunding for the better.
Ecosystem approach
It is important that the relationship between founders, investors and communities be transparent. Therefore, KICKICO will be built as an ecosystem. Long before launching the platform, we created principles governing the relationship between all KICKICO participants they are called CYPRUSSIONS. They include, see picture.


1.Allows to create a marketplace with this platform.

2.Motivating the project creator to succeed on this platform.

3. Motivate participants to remain active.

4. Increase the liquidity of KickCoins.

5.Designed to protect investors and backers from failures and fraud.

6.campaignProtect from Default.

KICKONOMY is based on KickCoins On pre-ICO and ICO Campaigns, Investors receive tokens, or cryptocoin in exchange for their money However, unlike other platforms, Investors at KICKICO always receive another currency created with KICKICO  KickCoins. That gives them a doubling advantage.

With the help of community interest in the liquidity of KickCoinas, we will actively support the most effective internal projects We will develop both the platform and the basic product blockchain.

We know exactly what we want since 2015. Cryptocoin brings us closer to our goal. They give us the opportunity to build a fully transparent platform with blockchain ideology.
In front of us is the integration of crypto fundraising in the present. We imagine what stage we should be tempted to become the key fundraising platform in the world.

2014: Global Analyzes Crowdsourcing market
2015: Architectural Development Project

Seed fund accepted.
Platform Development.
Blockchain's first vision.

2016: Alpha-KICKICO Version
Credit line Accepted
Blockchain Hazard Analysis successfully completed.

Integration Platform with Blockchain
Blockchain Beta-Version is released

Public Whitepaper Announcement
Smart Contracts launched
Public Audit
The first creator added to their project


KICKICO launch to public
Infrastructure Development
The appeal of project creation
Community Development
The first project as part of KICKONOMY
Launch of Support Program

Fund-raising chat-bot Version 1.0
Salesforce CRM Integration

Launch Crowdfunders community

KICKICO cases best on TEDx
Sharing Widgets

Reward System launched
Smart contract visual kit
Gamification mechanical loyalty program
Offline community Crowdfunding event
Launch Crypto Crowdfunding academy
Mobile app development for Android & iOS
Integration with additional platforms from the Ethereum ecosystem
Crowdfunding blockchain fund launched

KICKOIN payment system API to facilitate intregation to independent platforms or apps
Stock Exchange Releases
Development of creator and investor community
Development of platform toolkit: consulting, marketing, legal support
Mobile apps public release
Integation on smart devices (Hal Blockchain)
API for the Standalone Crowdfunding Campaign
Business Accounts for all marketing and advertising project insights

KICKCOIN Price Growth

Why buy KICKCOINS now?
We have made an estimated increase in the value of KC. According to us, it will happen because the price of KC is now only 0.000167 ETH. ICO price will be doubled, with the price of 1KC = 0.000333ETH
PreICO 66.67% 6,000 х 30
ICO 33.33% 3,000 х 15
Launch 0% 2,000 х 10
Year 1 0% 1,000 х 5
Year 2-3 0% 200 х 1

For more information about preICO, ICO and KICKCIO you can read it on the link at the end of this article:

Website: https://www.kickico.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.kickico.com/whitepaper/
TEAM: https://www.kickico.com/team
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kickicoplatform
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KICKICOplatform
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/F2oCwUN3fHrUXpHGFQPc5w
Slack: SLACK
Medium: https://medium.com/@kickico

Bitcointalk profile: RyanEncek


EasyMINE - simple mining of crypto currency

EasyMINE is designed to simplify and streamline the process of setting up, expanding, and managing crypto mines. This will provide a complete portion of the software to facilitate the preparation and maintenance of mining equipment. EasyMINE is aimed at users who think they are novices or newbies, because here EasyMINE provides facilities for beginners with comprehensive features, interested in meluncukurkan mining engines and experienced mines, who will appreciate the increased efficiency and control of this EasyMine solution will be able to Bring to your mining operations.
The purpose of this EasyMINE build is to provide a system that facilitates comprehensive, versatile and powerful features to be intuitive and easy enough to access for those newbies or beginners who are new to the mining world. In EasyMine anyone can participate and be entitled to benefit from cryptocation mining.

The Operating Principle of EasyMine
The functions provided by easyMINE are divided into 3 types:
-Automatic configuration
-automatic mining and
-Comprehensive mine management.

In full automatic mode, EasyMINE will be able to operate without your input or supervision. This will dynamically optimize hardware and software settings, based on the device's own performance history provided and also on performance data obtained from other units. This will automatically select the most profitable currency (based on current exchange rate, blog difficulties, power consumption etc) in a best mining that provides a reminder for those of you who often forget.

Minzable funds will make currency conversions and will deposit the profits of a wallet suitable for advanced users, so you should look for complete control over every aspect of their business mining, EasyMINE mode will offer a full range of configurations.

Administrative tools planned here are: real-time monitoring hardware, inventory management, complete operating history, performance analysis, profitability calculation, report generation, diagnostics and all setup tasks can be accessed through dashboard websites or special mobile apps (which are only available for IOS and Android).

A complete software package will be provided for you to download on the easyMINE website, the eMOS operating system distribution will be released under the OpenSource license, with functionality available for free. Access configuration with autoconfiguration that can convert automatically and hardware that has a good level of sophistication will be paid depending on the output of the device under the control system, this explains that if your computer speculation is good and sophisticated then you will get more profit too.


Despite its rapid growth rate - with total capitalization now well above 100
Billion US dollars - cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy. While
Blockchain technology has made a significant impact in such areas
Business, finance, information management, and governance, it is clear that they are
The full disruptive / transformative potential has begun to materialize.
Thus, they can be expected to play an increasingly crucial role in many quarters
The field of modern life.


The core idea behind easyMINE can be expressed in one phrase: plug & mine.
EasyMINE is designed to simplify and streamline the setup process,
Expand, and manage cryptococcal mines. It will provide complete
Software solutions to facilitate the preparation and maintenance of mining equipment.

Principles of Operation
The functions provided by easyMINE fall into three general areas: automatic
Configuration, automatic mining, and comprehensive mine management.
At the first boot up, the eMOS system will take over and execute automatically
The required set-up and optimization routines. This may involve the GPU BIOS
Blinking, GPU core voltage adjustment, CPU / GPU / memory clock frequency
Adjustments, and so on. All operating parameters will be selected from
Center the "knowledge base" of configuration and performance data, and then further
Optimized for maximum stability and efficiency.

Platform Architecture

The easyMINE platform consists of the following modules:
A dedicated Linux distribution that is specifically optimized for cryptocurrency mining.
Includes all required system components, GPU drivers, pre-installed mining
Software for various currencies, and easyMINE script packages for hardware
Management and communication with easyMINE server. Developed under a
Open source licenses
Server is easyMINE
The main module of the platform. Controlling individual mining operations
Machine. Depending on the AI ​​based performance optimization algorithm to adjust
Hardware settings (BIOS version, core voltage, clock frequency, etc.) and mining
Parameters (currency, pool, etc.). Collect performance data and make it available
For users.
EasyMINE dashboard
Administrative module Online configuration and management interface,
Accessible via web browser. Enable remote monitoring and control over mining
The machine connected to the easyMINE server.

EasyMINE Mobile

Mobile app administration module specific to iOS and Android
Device. Allows for remote management of mining machines connected to
Server is easyMINE
In addition, minor modules can be developed to support additional functions
Depending on the specific purpose hardware (eg remote hard reset).

Differences easyMINE

At present, no comparable mining management platform is available.
The wide and unique feature of EasyMINE sets it apart from-and, for us
Believe, in front of existing solutions, commercial and noncommercial.

The easyMINE distribution package will include all the software needed to run a
Advantageous mines: eMOS operating systems, hardware drivers, mining programs,
And the eM dashboard. No additional purchases, downloads, or installations will be made

Easy to use
For people new to the crypto-crypto world, the concept of
"Blockchain," "proof," or "hash" can be difficult to understand. EasyMINE aims to be
Easily accessible even for complete beginners and will require nothing more than an intermediary
Computer skills for successful basic operations.

From one remote dashboard, easyMINE will give you access and precise
Control over every aspect of mining operations: from initial setup to inventory
Management, to performance monitoring and optimization, to troubleshooting
And treatment.

With easyMINE, every step of the mining process can be completely or partially
Automatic. On the most autonomous, the system will depend on a series of selfconfiguration,
Self-optimization, and self-management algorithms to operate
No-or minimal-user supervision.

- Website https://easymine.io/
- Whitepaper https://ico.easymine.io/easyMINE_Whitepaper.pdf
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Easymine.io/
- Twitter https://twitter.com/easymineio
- Slack https://slack.easymine.io/

Bitcointalk profile: RyanEncek

Senin, 21 Agustus 2017

DENTACOIN Terobosan Terbaru Di Dunia Blockchain

Hai semua penggemar manuver DENTACOIN (DNT) dan kripto bitcoin mania. Apakah Anda semua sehat dan dalam keadaan bahagia? Sambut saja dan beri sedikit ulasan untuk sebuah proyek ico yang didasarkan pada fenomena bounty mania atau bounty hunter di situs terbesar dan resmi bitcointalk. Apa proyek ini? Ya, proyek yang bernama "DENTACOIN" atau DNT adalah Token Standar ERC20 pada blokir Etereum, yang sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan semua dompet Ethereal yang memiliki dukungan ERC20 Token dan smart-contract menggunakan Standar ERC20. Dapat digunakan sebagai koin, sertifikat, IOU, kredit permainan, mata uang untuk layanan, dan lain-lain tidak memiliki nilai tersendiri, tetapi bekerja keras untuk mengubah aspek ini dengan mengembangkan berbagai layanan untuk DNT menciptakan permintaan token dan semoga meningkatkan nilai tersebut. Karena proyek ini bertujuan untuk memajukan masa depan DENTACOIN, koin atau token ini secara langsung dan ditargetkan bebas untuk semua orang yang sering disebut pemburu hadiah di forum bitcointalk yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam mengenalkan dan mendukung proyek ini. Dalam bentuk karunia. Dan beberapa program bounty yang disediakan juga bervariasi dan sangat banyak. Dalam bentuk bounty twitter, facebook, video, kontes logo, blog atau artikel dan signature campaign. Dan semua informasi itu bisa Anda lihat dan ikuti hal berikut

Semua proyek ico mungkin memiliki basis dan konsep yang berbeda, namun setelah melihat proyek ini, saya menjadi tertarik karena sebagian besar tokennya akan dibagikan secara gratis kepada semua orang yang ingin bergabung dan menyumbangkan beberapa gagasan hebat untuk membangun dan membuat proyek ini menjadi Besar dan terkenal Jadi, jangan pernah ragu untuk memberikan ide ide Anda ke dalam proyek ini, dan siapa tahu Anda bisa sukses dengan DNT DENTACOIN

denta logo

Dentacoin adalah perusahaan yang sangat unik, mendukung gerakan komunitas gigi yang menciptakan solusi untuk perlindungan gigi di seluruh dunia.

Hebatnya, mereka didasarkan pada blockchain berbasis Ethereal. Ini adalah pertama kalinya di dunia memberikan penghargaan kripto menggunakan platform peninjauan yang terdesentralisasi dan transparan untuk pasien dan dokter gigi. Visi dan misi perusahaan ini adalah untuk memberikan kesehatan gigi dari perawatan gigi dan layanan gigi, sehingga memberi kenyamanan dan bertambahnya usia bagi masyarakat.

Tim Dentacoin Foundation percaya akan membangun industri kesehatan masa depan di tangan masyarakat yang akan mengganggu perkembangan industri yang ada dan menciptakan yang baru dalam waktu dekat dan jangka panjang. Ke depan, kami berharap platform Dentacoin membentuk dasar bagi dunia peningkatan kualitas melalui kebersihan dan kebiasaan mulut yang baik. Ini adalah misi jangka panjang, yang akan memperbaiki kesehatan gigi, sehingga meningkatkan kesehatan secara keseluruhan dan meningkatkan umur panjang.

Dentacoin adalah platform blockchain berbasis Ethereal yang diatur oleh Smart Contracts yang mendukung Komunitas Denta dengan membangun dan menciptakan solusi yang ditujukan untuk tujuan yang sama - untuk meningkatkan kualitas perawatan gigi di seluruh dunia dengan nilai kripto.

Bagaimana cara kerja dentacoin?

Dapatkan Dentacoins

Untuk Pasien Klinik Mitra Dentacoin Anda dapat memperoleh Dentacoins dengan berpartisipasi dalam Program Loyalitas Pasien, yang memberi penghargaan kepada pasien atas opini mereka melalui evaluasi dan pemulihan klinik ke pasien lain.

Anda juga bisa mendapatkan DCN dengan menggunakan alat pembuatnya (platform review, aplikasi mobile aftercare, situs pendidikan).

Sebarkan berita tentang Dentacoin dan tingkatkan kesadaran dengan penerbitan artikel, membuat podcast dan berpartisipasi dalam Ted Talks. Semua ini membantu kita tumbuh bersama dan berkembang.

 Beli Dentacoins

Jumlah terbatas Dentacoins akan tersedia untuk Presale pada tanggal 1 Juli 2017. Klaim ketertarikan Anda pada Presale di https://www.dentacoin.com/presale/


Bagian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan berbagai tahap yang ingin dilakukan Dentacoin dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, dan berbagai tonggak yang para pengguna, pengembang, dan ekosistem ingin capai secara keseluruhan.

  1. Pengetahuan - Mengumpulkan kecerdasan pasar, menggunakan jaringan tinjauan berbasis blok untuk membuat database global yang berkembang.
  2. Perluasan - Buat komunitas global dan buatlah mereka menggunakan mata uang DCN.
  3. Penentuan - Memasang asuransi terdesentralisasi.
  4. Keabadian - Membangun infrastruktur DCN untuk perdagangan langsung internasional antara dokter gigi dan pemasok bekerjasama dengan UPS, Alibaba dan Amazon.

Langkah besar pertama setelah dikeluarkannya token Dentacoin pada tanggal 14 Februari adalah pendirian dan pendaftaran Yayasan Dentacoin di Maastricht, Belanda pada 03.03.2017. Konsep yang benar-benar revolusioner ini memungkinkan semua pemegang koin memberi suara dan memberi saran pada Manajemen mengenai keputusan penting mengenai yayasan tersebut. Karena DCN terbatas jumlahnya dan karena itu - dilindungi oleh inflasi, nilainya diperkirakan akan meningkat pada waktunya, sehingga pihak-pihak yang terlibat mendapatkan keuntungan lebih lanjut.

Dana Untuk Masa Depan

Bagian dari pasokan DCN akan diberikan untuk masa depan sebagai mekanisme penggalangan dana tambahan untuk proyek Dentacoin untuk melanjutkan pengembangan Tahap II, namun mungkin tidak akan pernah dikeluarkan, tergantung pada keadaan masa depan. Jumlah yang dicadangkan untuk pendanaan di masa depan adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Jika EUR 2.5mm terakumulasi, 50% dari semua token akan dipesan untuk pendanaan di masa depan.
  • Persentase akan turun secara bertahap menjadi 15% dengan dana lebih lanjut sampai EUR 6mm tercapai.
  • Setelah 6mm EUR, token yang diberikan untuk pendanaan di masa depan akan ditetapkan pada tanggal 15
  • Token yang dipesan untuk pendanaan masa depan akan dikunci selama 12 bulan, setelah itu akan dikirim ke dompet eter
  • Program Foundation, Bounty and Advisor akan menerima 9% dari semua token. -
  • Token akan diterima oleh dompet eter, dan akan digunakan untuk memberi imbalan kontribusi dalam bentuk bantuan: memberi penghargaan kepada peserta program awal, penasihat, karyawan baru, dll.
  • Pendiri akan menerima 10% dari semua token. Token pendiri akan dikunci selama 24 bulan.

Jika Anda tertarik dengan proyek Dentacoin ini, Anda bisa melihatnya di situs resminya :

Website: https://www.dentacoin.com/
Whitepaper: https://dentacoin.com/white-paper/Whitepaper-en%20v.0.9.pdf
Twitter: @dentacoin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dentacoin/
Slack: https://dentacoin.slack.com
Bitcointalk ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1944236

Penulis RyanEncek : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1076774

Power Ledger - Platform Perdagangan yang Terdesentralisasi dan Terpercaya

Industri energi dulu adalah binatang sederhana

Utilitas terintegrasi secara vertikal berada di tengah sistem, seperti laba-laba bagus yang memutar web ke pelanggan terakhir yang mencari koneksi; Memutuskan di mana dan kapan untuk membangun kapasitas pembangkit, menentukan bagaimana menjembatani jarak antara generator dan muatan; Menjaga keseimbangan sistem melalui penerapan yang gigih dari semua tuas yang tersedia bagi entitas pengendali terpusat. itu tidak terlihat seperti itu lagi.

Di Australia, pada tahun-tahun antara 2011 dan 2016, lebih banyak kapasitas pembangkit baru dipasang di atap rumah daripada terhubung ke jaringan transmisi.

Jika ramalan AEMO akurat, bisnis jaringan seperti Western Power di WA menghadapi prospek untuk membocorkan pendapatan lebih dari $ 110 juta setiap tahun pada tahun 2025 sebagai akibat pembongkaran beban yang diakibatkan oleh pengembangan PV top atap dan up-take. Penyimpanan energi terdistribusi. Tentu saja, berdasarkan peraturan pembagian pendapatan, jaringan monopoli melewati kerugian ini dalam bentuk atau kenaikan tarif.

Tapi jaringan tidak lagi monopoli. Konsumen adalah, dengan alasan biaya, kepastian, kontrol dan bahkan hati nurani, memilih untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi mereka melalui cara lain termasuk PV atas atap, pembangkit on-site, jaringan mikro dan penyimpanan.

Visi Power Ledger

Ringkasan Eksekutif untuk Power Ledger:

Sektor energi berada di ambang gangguan. Konsumen di seluruh dunia menjadi lebih dan lebih mandiri dalam hal produksi dan penyimpanan energi. Kota bertenaga masyarakat mulai muncul saat warga bekerja untuk menciptakan ekonomi energi rendah karbon lokal, menggeser tujuan menuju keamanan pasokan, keberlanjutan jangka panjang dan daya saing.

Power Ledger akan memainkan peran penting dalam ekonomi energi baru ini, menawarkan pemberdayaan pelanggan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan menghancurkan hambatan untuk partisipasi individu di pasar energi.

Teknologi digital akan menjadi komponen penting dalam merangkul perubahan besar ini dan Power Ledger telah mengidentifikasi teknologi blockchain sebagai yang paling potensial untuk menyesuaikan prinsip perdagangan dengan kepemilikan sumber energi yang didistribusikan.

Power Ledger akan menyediakan lingkungan transaksional yang terukur penuh di pasar peer-to-peer, untuk memberikan mekanisme perdagangan dan kliring transparan, audit-mampu dan otomatis untuk bisnis residensial dan komersial untuk memutuskan siapa yang ingin menjual energi surplus mereka ke dan Berapa harganya sistem berbasis token diperlukan untuk memfasilitasi perdagangan langsung antara konsumen dan konsumen tanpa masuknya perantara industri. Misalnya, bayangkan penduduk memiliki tenaga ekstra dari panel surya mereka yang tidak mereka butuhkan. Pasar peer-to-peer, seperti Power Ledger, memungkinkan prosumer untuk 'menjual' kelebihan daya ke dalam jaringan mikro lokal mereka, yang menghasilkan token untuk setiap kilowatt-jam yang tersedia. Jika, entah mengapa, mereka membutuhkan lebih banyak daya daripada panel surya mereka dapat menghasilkan, karena cuaca mendung yang berkepanjangan misalnya, mereka dapat membeli kembali kilowatt-jam menggunakan token yang sama dari jaringan mikro. Jika mereka tidak perlu membeli tambahan daya terbarukan, mereka dapat menjual token mereka di bursa terpisah untuk menghasilkan keuntungan tambahan dari sumber energi terbarukan mereka.

Dimana blockchain masuk, adalah untuk memberikan kecepatan, keamanan dan transparansi data yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan dan mendamaikan jutaan transaksi antara ratusan ribu trader dalam interval perdagangan 5 menit dimana energi diproduksi dan dikonsumsi.

Ada kebenaran yang tidak nyaman yang dihadapi industri pasokan energi tradisional, tapi ini adalah kebenaran yang harus kita kenali untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup sistem dan kebenarannya adalah: pada tahap tertentu, akan lebih murah dan lebih dapat diandalkan untuk memasok sendiri daripada Mengandalkan jaringan untuk menyediakan energi murah dan dapat diandalkan.

Ini mungkin terjadi dalam sepuluh tahun, mungkin terjadi dalam dua (menurut beberapa penelitian untuk beberapa konsumen, hal itu sudah terjadi - (Newman & Green 2016)) namun kita perlu menerima kenyataan bahwa jika satu-satunya tujuan jaringan energi adalah penyediaan Energi maka kita menempatkan mereka melawan beberapa persaingan yang ketat dalam bentuk sumber energi terdistribusi.

Tapi ada alternatif untuk keusangan yang terus berkembang ini, dan anehnya, ini dapat membantu mempertahankan nilai aset jaringan yang ada sementara pada saat bersamaan, mengurangi risiko investasi bagi mereka yang menciptakan sistem energi di masa depan.

Re-membayangkan jaringan sebagai platform perdagangan yang terdesentralisasi dan tidak aman.

Penetrasi cepat sumber energi terdistribusi berarti kita sekarang memiliki sistem distribusi yang ditandai dengan arus energi bi-directional dan ratusan ribu prosumers aktif.

Pada tingkat perumahan, konsumen menumpahkan energi ke dalam jaringan dan merasa kurang dihargai atas kontribusinya, namun sebuah jaringan yang memungkinkan konsumen untuk menyadari nilai dari investasi mereka di DER menyajikan proposisi nilai tambahan yang dapat mendorong investasi yang lebih besar lagi dalam energi terbarukan yang didistribusikan dan Era baru manajemen jaringan.

Paradigma baru ini dapat melihat tingkat otomasi dan ketahanan yang semakin meningkat yang dipimpin oleh sejumlah kecil investasi terpusat berskala besar namun oleh jutaan investasi mikro yang didistribusikan di seluruh sistem.

Jaringan yang memungkinkan konsumen menjual energi ke rekan mereka di lingkungan yang tidak berdaya, adalah platform perdagangan. Ini adalah komponen dari ekonomi terdistribusi yang memungkinkan konsumen untuk menyadari nilai investasi mereka di DER dengan membiarkan mereka menghasilkan kelebihan energi mereka dengan cara yang sama seperti Uber dan AirBNB mengizinkan orang untuk menghasilkan kelebihan kapasitas dalam bentuk mobil dan langganan mereka. Kamar.

Dan tak berdaya? Platform perdagangan yang membutuhkan penyelesaian pihak ketiga dan rekonsiliasi jutaan transaksi antara ratusan ribu pedagang dalam interval perdagangan 15 menit tidak mungkin untuk didukung secara fisik namun teknologi baru dari blockchain dapat memfasilitasi penyelesaian finansial dari transaksi ini di Interval perdagangan yang sama di mana energi diproduksi dan dikonsumsi.

Masa depan sekarang

Perdagangan energi peer-to-peer yang berbasis pada blockchain berpotensi mengubah jaringan energi menjadi platform perdagangan dan menghidupkan ekonomi transaksional yang bergerak menjauh dari pengaturan ritel bilateral ke ekosistem perdagangan multi lateral yang menjaga relevansi jaringan dengan konsumen.

Perdagangan energi peer-to-peer yang berbasis pada blockchain berpotensi mengubah jaringan energi menjadi platform perdagangan dan menghidupkan ekonomi transaksional yang bergerak menjauh dari pengaturan ritel bilateral ke ekosistem perdagangan multi lateral yang menjaga relevansi jaringan dengan konsumen.

Dan bukan hanya penyedia layanan jaringan yang mendapatkan keuntungan dari menjaga relevansi salah satu aset sosial terpenting kami.

Orang-orang yang paling banyak kehilangan adalah orang-orang yang memiliki kemampuan paling tidak untuk memengaruhi eksposur mereka terhadap meningkatnya biaya jaringan dan dampaknya pada energi yang dipasok oleh grid. Penyewa finansial dan sosial terpinggirkan, sejumlah besar orang Australia yang tinggal di perumahan strata-title dan bahkan mereka yang rumahnya berorientasi ke arah yang salah atau terkena naungan dari bangunan atau pepohonan di dekatnya, inilah orang-orang yang akan menanggung dampaknya. Dari gagalnya penggunaan jaringan jika kita tidak menemukan cara untuk memberi insentif kepada para pengguna untuk tetap berpegang teguh pada jaringan.

Berbeda dengan sistem kekuasaan yang dikelola secara terpusat di masa lalu, masa depan sistem energi, akan diciptakan bersama oleh para prosumers dan investor yang akan menentukan di mana dan kapan harus menginstal DER.

Power Ledger sudah bekerja dengan sejumlah pengembang properti yang ingin menerapkan model pengembangan baru yang menggabungkan pembangkit energi dan penyimpanan milik masyarakat ke dalam pengembangan perumahan dan komersial perkotaan (lapangan hijau dan situs isi) untuk menciptakan perkembangan yang hampir sama. Tidak ada dampak pada permintaan puncak dan didanai oleh konsumen.

Perkembangan ini tidak memerlukan pembesaran jaringan, jadi lebih murah untuk dikembangkan, namun mungkin masih memiliki kebutuhan energi (perangkat pengisian atau penyimpan off-peak) yang menguntungkan jaringan dengan meningkatkan utilisasi aset.

Sebagai industri, kami tidak memiliki pilihan lain selain berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam transisi menuju ekonomi energi terdistribusi dimana grid menjadi kendaraan yang memberi insentif ekonomi bagi para konsumen dan konsumen untuk mewujudkan masa depan energi rendah dan rendah karbon dan tangguh mereka sendiri.

Di Power Ledger, kami baru saja merilis White Paper tentang bagaimana ekosistem perdagangan berbasis blockchain dapat menjadi elemen pemersatu yang memungkinkan beberapa host aplikasi membuat aplikasi perdagangan yang memungkinkan konsumen menciptakan kembali masa depan energi mereka dan terus membangunnya. Nilai aset sosial yang sangat penting - grid.


Dengan pembukaan Token Generation Event kami segera, kami ingin memastikan bahwa setiap orang yang memikirkan untuk berpartisipasi menyadari apa yang dibutuhkannya dan, yang lebih penting, apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya. Pada Event Generasi Token, token POWR akan dijual, token unik dari ERC20 ini memungkinkan peserta ekosistem dan Host Aplikasi mengakses dan menggunakan platform Power Ledger. Kami telah membuatnya sangat mudah untuk membeli token kami dengan menerima baik mata uang digital maupun digital.

Setelah Peristiwa Token Generasi, token POWR dapat terdaftar di situs pertukaran utama, menambah transparansi dan likuiditas aset tersebut. Pengujian beta berbagai aplikasi platform akan dimulai, dimulai dengan Aplikasi Operator / Strata dan Kendaraan Listrik Microgrid / Embedded. Lebih jauh lagi, pengguna juga akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk memanfaatkan Program Pemberian Loyalitas Karunia Hijau kami. Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk berterima kasih kepada para pengguna karena terlibat dalam platform kami dan berbagi visi kami, sekaligus memberi lebih banyak alasan untuk mengkonsumsi dan menghasilkan energi terbarukan.

Pada awal tahun 2018, distribusi Pool Ledger Growth Pool akan dimulai, yang tujuannya adalah untuk memfasilitasi pertumbuhan basis pengguna platform yang cepat. Host Aplikasi yang bergabung dengan ekosistem kami lebih awal akan mendapatkan token dari Growth Pool untuk menunjukkan bahwa kami menghargai kontribusi awal mereka dan ingin mereka bertahan untuk memberikan kontribusi di masa depan. Selama periode ini, kami juga akan menyelesaikan transisi kami menjadi jaringan Ethwellum konsorsium yang dimodifikasi dan tidak berdasi biaya. Melalui penggunaan blockchain yang disesuaikan ini, platform ini akan dapat mengikuti kebutuhan peer-to-peer transaksional pengguna dan biaya energinya harus turun drastis.

Pada bagian akhir tahun 2018, lebih banyak aplikasi ekosistem terencana kami akan menjalani pengujian beta - kali ini Manajemen Otonomi dan Aplikasi Neo-Pengecer. Aplikasi lain akan mulai digunakan dan Host Aplikasi akan ditargetkan untuk onboard lebih banyak peserta. Kita juga bisa langsung menyebarkan aplikasi kita sendiri. Acara Pembekuan Aset pertama akan berlangsung sekitar waktu ini, di mana kami akan memberi kesempatan kepada individu dan masyarakat untuk menjadi pemilik bersama dan penerima manfaat dari aset terbarukan yang telah kami beli, dengan pemegang token POWR memiliki prioritas. Pengembangan dan pengujian lebih lanjut untuk Perdagangan Karbon, Penyelesaian Pasar Grosir, dan Aplikasi Manajemen Pasar Terdistribusi akan dilakukan kemudian.

N 2019, kami berencana untuk mengadakan acara perkembangbiakan aset tambahan reguler, yang akan memberi nilai dan dukungan lebih tinggi kepada POWR. PowerPort dan aplikasi lainnya juga akan dalam pengembangan, dan kami akan melakukan semua yang kami bisa untuk mencapai tujuan kami beroperasi sepenuhnya di blok bukti bukti publik. Nantinya, aplikasi PowerPort dan aplikasi lain yang tercipta pada saat ini akan menjalani pengujian beta.
Kami sangat bersemangat untuk melanjutkan perjalanan kami dan berharap Anda juga akan bergabung dengan kami.

Rincian Informasi :

Website : https://tge.powerledger.io/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/powerledger
Twitter : https://twitter.com/PowerLedger_io
Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/Gop-90DIMiPF7N_EtvFzjA
Slack : https://slack.powerledger.io/

Penulis RyanEncek : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1076774